Two ways to EarthTrade:
Sell + Carbon Offset
When you sell something on Craigslist or by some other means, offer to give the buyer an eco discount if they write a Post on their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or some other social network about an eco action that they take that helps slow down climate change. This encourages others to continue to take actions that reduce or offset their carbon emissions. The suggested wording for your posts is below.
You can also offer the discount to any buyer that makes a Donation to one of your favorite enviro groups that is fighting climate change. This is a much more direct and guaranteed way to make sure your discount always results in an additional carbon offset. The suggested wording for your posts is below.
Check out + Carbon Offset for more.
Free + Carbon Offset
When you want to give away things to people for helping protect our planet, list it For Sale on Craigslist or elsewhere, then offer to give it for free to any buyer that writes a Post about an eco action that they take on their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or some other social network. This encourages others to continue to take actions that reduce or offset their carbon emissions.
If you prefer, you can offer it for free to anyone makes a Donation to one of your favorite enviro groups instead. The latter is a much more direct and guaranteed way to make sure your 100% discount results in an additional carbon offset.
Check out + Carbon Offset and for more.

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