EarthTime44: Dedicate 44% Of Your Time To Save Our Burning Biosphere [19.4 hours per week]


Dedicate 44% of your time [19.4 hours per week] with an environmental team, community project, climate activists and/or government representatives who are fighting to save our sweet+fun+dying Earth. [EarthTime44]

Every week that you meet your EarthTime44 goal you are standing with millions of other amazing and bold Earth hero activists who are also giving at least 19.4 hours a week to help keep this exquisite planet livable and fun.

Tell us about the EarthTime44 climate actions you are taking on XOEarth Facebook, in a comment below, XOEarth Twitter, Instagram or via email so we can say thanks. Sometimes we will send you some art, a song, a video or some other cool thing to honor your EarthTime44 climate actions.

Plus, when you play the EarthLover Game, you can add your 44% [or some other % if not 44%] to your weekly EarthLover number [or score] .

So have fun putting in your EarthTime44 [19.4 hours] to help stop the climate change monster heatwaves, floods, wildfires, storms, crime, and craycray that are messing up our biosphere.

Join us on this exciting ride to save this biosphere!!

For all the life that loves to live, Stele Ely + XOEarth

PS: If you don’t hit your EarthTime44 goal on any week, know that every minute that you give to cool our planet is important. So thank you for every single minute that you volunteer with environmental organization[s] and on project[s] that make the Earth cool so people and lifeforms can have more fun.

By the way, your EarthTime44 [19.4 hours] is time that is in addition to the time spent on everyday environmental choices and actions that make you an EcoLogical Consumer.

When you don’t have time to get in your full 19.4 hours in a week, if you would like, here’s how to buy some Earth Time by donating money to your fave environmental teams.


Climate environmental orgs and teams we recommend to join to give your EarthTime44 [19.4 hours] to

+ 350 [.org]
+ SierraClub [.org]
+ Extinction Rebellion [.global]
+ Sunrise Movement [.org]
+ Citizens Climate Lobby [.org]
+ XOEarth [.org]
+ NRDC [.org]
+ EDF [.org]
+ Greenpeace [.org]
+ Climate Reality Project [.org]
+ Colorado Rising [.org]
+ PETA [.org]
+ Anonymous for the Voiceless [.org]
+ Grist [.org]
+ Sea Shepherd [.org]
+ Earth Justice [.org]

+ League of Conservation Voters/ LCV [.org]

Some climate actions to take for your EarthTime44 [19.4 hours]

+ Block, or approach, or call out to, and then speak with 14 people every day in businesses, on the street or in a government offices, while asking them to make a Big Climate Action Pledge in return for a dance, song, art, award and/or some other honoring. More about how to do this fun climate action on the FlashBlock page.
+ Challenge and honor businesses and people for pledging to and when they INVEST 44%* of their net income in nature projects and environmental teams that are helping make the Earth cool again.
+ Volunteer, canvass and share info to get climate and equity legislation passed, and climate candidates elected.
+ Challenge and honor others for eating a plant-based diet. Help them with their food choices and preparation. Our Try Vegan Please page has a nice bowl of plant based diet tips.
+ Volunteer to become the Sustainability Coach and Manager where you work.
+ FlashBlock, rebel, strike, block, protest and work with environmental teams that are helping slow down the climate change monsters.
+ Help others, such as your neighbors or co-workers, take eco actions, such as growing organic gardens and food to reduce agriculture greenhouse gases and put carbon into the soil.
+ Work with Citizens Climate Lobby to help create the political will for climate solutions.
+ Volunteer, canvass and share info to get environmental protection laws and carbon taxes passed.
+ Challenge and honor others for burning as little fossil fuels as possible.
+ Challenge and honor others for making their job carbon net zero.
+ Challenge and honor others for buying solar or wind energy credits for home and biz.
+ Challenge and honor others for burning little or no jet fuel.
+ Challenge and honor others for living close to work.
+ Challenge and honor others for making their home eco efficient.
+ Challenge and honor others for using eco logical transportation.
+ Challenge and honor others for donating big to eco organizations and eco candidates.
+ Challenge and honor others for choose to make love, not babies. Birth control and family planning please.
+ Quit your job to take a super eco logical job.
+ Challenge and honor your profession to become carbon net zero.
+ Challenge and honor others for boycotting over-packaged products when possible.
+ Honor others for big eco work and activism – but not for small actions we should all be doing.
+ Challenge and honor others every day to take specific eco actions.
+ Challenge and honor others for boycotting single serving products, except when it is not possible.
+ Tell your peeps about the Green Minute Rule.
+ Challenge and honor others for being an Earth Lover 88.
+ Challenge and honor others for put on tats, tags and style to rep
Team XOEarth.
+ Post and share big climate actions that businesses and we can take on XOEarth Facebook and on your Facebook timeline.
+ Speak for, promote, challenge and honor people, businesses and governments to take eco logical actions everywhere, every day.
+ Again, rebel, strike and FlashBlock every day with others or solo.

Reminder: When you play our fun+real+life EarthLover Game, add your 44% [or apropos %] to your weekly EarthLover number or score. :^]

The Earth’s biosphere and kids and the critters majorly appreciate every minute that you give to them every day.

Buy some of your EarthTime44

When you need to, you can also buy some of your 19.4 hours by donating money to any environmental organization that is fighting hard to stop climate change. One minute of income from your job will buy you one minute towards your EarthTime44.

For example, if you make $20 an hour net including benefits, you can buy 60 minutes towards your EarthTime44 by donating $20 to an org that is working to slow down the wildfires, floods, heatwaves and hurricanes.

When you want to buy some of your EarthTime44 [19.4 hours], we hope you will consider donating to one of our fave organizations that are listed both above and below.

+ greenliving/carboncalculator
+ /carbon offset, forest protection, replanting projects and ecosystem resilience certificates.


Some words from Planet Earth to You

Hello Human Being,

You are one of my heroes if you are volunteering 1164 minutes of every week to help slow down the climate change monsters that are killing the super rad and priceless species and ecosystems that live on me.

For me, your 576 minutes are also dedicated to helping save 576 plus species that are in danger of extinction every day.

So thanks a big bunch to the every one of you EarthLovers who meet your EarthTime goal.

For all the life, Your Earth

PS: I like that one of you humans said this, “The greatest threat to our dying planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” I think Robert Swan said that.

EcoLogical Consumer

EarthTime44 [19.4 hours] is in addition to the time that every EcoLogical Consumer should give.

Even though the following are very important EcoLogical Consumer actions, the time it takes to do them does not count towards a person’s EarthTime44.

Some actions that count towards your EcoLogical Consumer time [but not towards your EarthTime44]::

+ Use very little fossil fuels.
+ Minimize the buying of unnecessary products.
+ Consume only plant-based foods as much as possible.
+ Use as little single-use plastic as possible.
+ Make one’s job or career as sustainable as possible.
+ Vote for environmentally smart candidates and initiatives as much as possible.
+ Bike, bus, carpool, rideshare or use other low CO2 travel modes.
+ Recycle and compost.

More actions that an EcoLogical Consumer can take is on the Green Minute Rule page.


EarthTime44 Awards and Perks

We would like to thank you and maybe send you some cool stuff for the big climate actions that you take every week to meet your EarthTime44 goal.

So write a post about how your EarthTime44 [19.4 hours] is going and post it on your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account and tag it with @XOEarth so we can say hi and share your post in our networks.

If you prefer to write a post as a comment at the bottom of this page, that’s cool too.

Then every few months we will email or mail out XOEarth Awards and other neat stuff to honor some of you EarthTime44 peeps. We will ask for your mailing address when we do a mailing.

To you who are hitting EarthTime44 plus levels – such as EarthTime54, EarthTime84 and EarthTime94 levels – tell us what actions you are taking and how it feels when you hit those levels. [Perks]

Stand with millions of other XOEarth Heroes peeps

When you hit that EarthTime44 level, you are standing with millions of other amazing and powerful environmentalists who have given 19.4 hours or more per week to help the magical and beautiful places that are still left.

So take a little time to get to know a few of the other people who have become an honorary XOEarth Heroes at,, and Google.

Enjoy the company of these honorary XOEarth Hero peeps ::
+ Edward Abbey (writer, activist, philosopher)
+ Bayarjargal Agvaantseren (Mongolian conservationist)
+ Ansel Adams (photographer, writer, activist)
+ Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad (environmental activist and economist of Bangladesh)
+ David Attenborough (broadcaster, naturalist)
+ Sundarlal Bahuguna (environmentalist)
+ Wendell Berry (farmer, philosopher)
+ Chandi Prasad Bhatt (Gandhian environmentalist)
+ Murray Bookchin (anarchist, philosopher, social ecologist)
+ Wendy Bowman, Australian environmental activist
+ David Brower (writer, activist)
+ Lester Brown (environmentalist)
+ Kevin Buzzacott (Aboriginal activist)
+ Helen Caldicott (medical doctor)
+ Joan Carling (Filipino human rights defender)
+ Rachel Carson (biologist, writer)
+ Jacques-Yves Cousteau (explorer, ecologist)
+ Leonardo DiCaprio (actor)
+ Rolf Disch (environmentalist and solar energy pioneer)
+ René Dubos (microbiologist)
+ Paul R. Ehrlich (population biologist)
+ Hans-Josef Fell (German Green Party member)
+ Jane Fonda (actor)
+ Mizuho Fukushima (politician, activist)
+ James Hansen (scientist)
+ Denis Hayes (environmentalist and solar power advocate)
+ Tetsunari Iida (sustainable energy advocate)
+ John James Audubon (naturalist)
+ Naomi Klein (writer, activist)
+ Winona LaDuke (environmentalist)
+ Aldo Leopold (ecologist)
+ A. Carl Leopold (plant physiologist)
+ James Lovelock (scientist)
+ Caroline Lucas (politician)
+ Mark Lynas (journalist, activist)
+ Kaveh Madani (scientist, activist)
+ Xiuhtezcatl Martinez (activist)
+ Michael McCarthy (naturalist, newspaper journalist, newspaper columnist, and author)
+ Bill McKibben (writer, activist)
+ Mahesh Chandra Mehta (lawyer, environmentalist)
+ Chico Mendes (activist)
+ George Monbiot (journalist)
+ John Muir (naturalist, activist)
+ Luke Mullen (actor, filmmaker, environmentalist/activist)
+ Hilda Murrell (botanist, activist)
+ Ralph Nader (activist)
+ Gaylord Nelson (politician)
+ Eugene Pandala (architect, environmentalist, natural and cultural heritage conservator)
+ Medha Patkar (activist)
+ River Phoenix (actor, musician, activist)
+ Jonathon Porritt (politician)
+ Phil Radford (environmental, clean energy and democracy advocate, Greenpeace Executive Director)
+ Ken Saro-Wiwa (writer, television producer, activist)
+ E. F. Schumacher (author of Small is Beautiful)
+ Shimon Schwarzschild (writer, activist)
+ Vandana Shiva (environmental activist)
+ Gary Snyder (poet)
+ Jill Stein (Presidential candidate)
+ David Suzuki (scientist, broadcaster)
+ Candice Swanepoel (model)
+ Henry David Thoreau (writer, philosopher)
+ Greta Thunberg (activist)
+ Jo Valentine (politician and activist)
+ Paul Watson (activist and lecturer)
+ Robert K. Watson (environmental advocate, founder of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
+ Franz Weber (environmentalist and animal welfare activist)



One response to “EarthTime44: Dedicate 44% Of Your Time To Save Our Burning Biosphere [19.4 hours per week]”

  1. Stele Avatar

    Each of us participates as either a Climate Hero or a Climate Wimp in this current Climate Emergency. If a person is making major eco choices and giving at least 140+ minutes a day to help us make it through this Climate Crisis, in my eyes, they are a Climate Hero 140+. Collectively, both Climate Heroes and Climate Wimps will decide if we live or die. If you are a Climate Hero 140+, or become one, thank you for your major help in reducing the chance that we could have 2 to 4 times more climate change disasters in the next 2 to 4 years. For a livable Earth, Stele ~

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