Your future lives for the next 24,000 years are hoping you will help save this sweet+fun+dying Earth so they can have more fun and more love.
After your atoms and molecules move on from your human body, they will get to be part of all kinds of cool animals, beautiful lifeforms, and even other humans if we save this biosphere. In this way, we all get to live again and again if we take big climate actions to save this biosphere.
To get a story about one of your possible Future Lives, post a big climate action [or climate choice] that you are taking to save our Earth on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Stele or one of the other XOEarth peeps will conjure, write and put that Future Life story in a comment under your post. [Get a FLS]
So take big climate actions now with your time and money so you can have fun over and over again, and far into the future as a part of all kinds of rad lifeforms. [HERO140] [INVEST24]
Plus, you can write Future Lives Story to thank someone else for their big climate actions too. A Future Lives Story that you write for someone will help cheer them on to keep taking those crucial climate actions. Check out the Write a Future Life Story section below. [Write a FLS]
[By the way, we are not talking about reincarnation or/and the spiritual concept of a soul going into another body or lifeform. This is about your atoms and molecules becoming an integral part of other lifeforms after your human body has transformed.]
After we transform from our current life, this biosphere will recreate us as other lifeforms of various species over and over again. Let’s keep this big fun atoms-and-molecules-earthy-life-party going by fighting hard every day with our big climate actions and choices.
A note from your Future Lives:
“Hello Friend,
Thanks for going big to save this dying planet Earth so your atoms and molecules will go into us, your future selves.
Thanks for taking big climate actions to make it possible for you to be part of us, aka your Future Lives over the next 24,000 years.
We want to have some fun times too, just like you do in your Current Life today.
With Love, Your Future Lives”
Get a Future Lives Story from Stele
I would like to write a little love story about one of your Future Lives.
It will be a little story based on my intuition and climate change science. It’s just a little thank you for a big environmental action that you are taking to help keep the climate change monsters from turning our biosphere into a lifeless dust storm. [Months To Save Earth]
Mega wildfires, floods, hurricanes, heatwaves, droughts, and displaced polar vortexes that have been amped up due to global warming are a few examples of climate change monsters.
To get a story, post a big eco action [or big eco choice] that you are taking on your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Tag your post with #XOEarth or contact me via our any of the XOEarth social media or email. If you prefer to post your eco action on my Facebook timeline or as a comments below here at XOEarth.org/Future-Lives, that’s fine too.
Then I will write a little XOEarth Future Lives Story [XOEFLS] about how your eco action will help save a specific person or animal, and then post it in a comment to you!
For all the life, Stele
Some Future Lives Stories
Tahtia has climbed up into her favorite tree to sing a song about how much she super likes her friend Krinlo. You helped make that possible by some of your climate actions.
You have been walking or biking as much as possible. You have been taking as few single occupancy vehicle trips as possible. As much as possible, you don’t take trips in gasoline powered vehicles. You also may have been driving a compact electric car as little as possible to work and to play.
Plus, every week you donate money to help our biosphere. In some weeks you have invested 24%* of your net income in nature projects that help cool our Earth.
So thanks to all that, you have saved 180 square meters of Tahtia’s and Krinlo’s home for another year. They are “so digg’n this mighty fine life”. Thahh-de-thahh, thanks to you!
[Dedicated to Luke Comer.]
Earth Lover, Sending you this note to thank you for saving my life. My name is Bruhntochi and I am an elephant that lives in the Serengheti.
I have a mighty great time exploring the bush with my friends. We love to talk about love, play tag and make new trumpet songs. Even though we have challenges, my best friends and I have a blast.
Anyway, I think that your environmental actions over the next few months are going to be just what it takes to stop a Climate Change Monster named Ossilfu that could kill me. You see, Ossilfu is a Heatwave that wants to wreak havoc on the Serengheti this coming summer.
But thanks to you, because you have decided to eat plant based, and no meat and animals, Ossilfu can’t be as murderous as it wants to be. That is because eating plant-based does not release as many greenhouse gases that heat up the Earth and makes the Climate Change Monsters.
And that’s great, I mean, freak’n great!! Yesssss! Also, it’s possible, that your actions will help totally defeat Ossilfu and keep it from even becoming a Heatwave at all. But, *wink* *wink*, for a better chance to slow down or defeat Ossilfu, I hope you’ll get other peeps to eat plant-based. We’ll see about that, right?
Oh, by the way, because you are eating a plant-based diet, you are also going to slow down a Climate Change Monster named Durhorr that wants to mess with your town this coming summer. So really, it looks like you might be helping extend your lifetime too.
Anyway, big love to you for fighting Ossilfu by eating kindly.
For more fun, Bruhntochi the Elephant
[Dedicated to Zia and Roshni]
Yummy Summer
Sweet One, Thanks for saving my life and making this a priceless yummy Summer day in day 2021! It would have been a climate change monster that was big and hot enough that only some of my bones would have been found in the choking ruble. As the wildfire was burning my body, I would have hoped that my exploding screams and tears from the excruciating and seemingly endless pain would be loud and wet enough to scare that wildfire away.
It would have been another of the intense climate change wildfires that was empowered by the very dry hot winds.
But instead, your big donations to that environmental organization and its dedicated peeps were able to empower their work to get even more businesses and peeps to slow down their fossil fuel emissions. Yessssss, you helped keep that wind a little bit cooler so the trees, grass and soil in my neighborhood would not get so dry and hot.
Your donations slowed down that wind a little so that climate change monster would be a little less angry. Thank you for helping keep some of that coal and gas in the ground. Your donations in 2019 and 2020 is just what was needed to help keep that wildfire from getting so big, or from getting started at all.
I wish I knew where you are, or even who you are. I feel like we probably know each other. We may have talked a few times, or even held hands, or maybe we are neighbors. Or maybe we have even lived together.
In any case, I hope that we get to hang out and have fun together under the trees that did not burn, thanks to you. Instead of having to experience that untimely brutal pain and dying, your donations gave me more time to soak up these truly delicious days. I gotta say, I love the green glow and tiny dancers made by the sunlight bouncing on the leaves.
Thanks a bunch, Me
PS: Just a wild guess here, but is it one of these organizations that you are going to donate to or carbon offset with: SierraClub.org, 350.org, SunriseMovement.org, XOEarth.org, NRDC.org, Rebellion.global [Extinction Rebellion], EDF.org, Greenpeace.org, ClimateRealityProject.org, CarbonFund.org, NativeEnergy.com or?
Huge thanks to my peeps that are burning as little gasoline & jetfuel as possible this year to help slow down or stop Climate Monster *Shelbobby*. I am totally guessing that this cat 4-5 Hurricane nick-named *Shelbobby* will hit the US South and East coasts this summer-fall causing massive damage & 1000’s of human and countless wildlife deaths. That is, if we don’t go eco-logically big to stop it. Let’s celebrate in December if we stop or slow down Climate Monster *Shelbobby*!
Do it for ‘Jen Jen’ and ‘Kertie’. I am totally guessing they are two of the girls that will not make it through Climate Monster *Shelbobby* if a bunch of us don’t burn less gasoline and jetfuel. Thanks in advance!!!
2 Other Beautiful
If you & I eat vegan to save this planet, I think we will meet & fall in love. It may happen this lifetime or when some of our atoms and molecules become part of 2 other beautiful people or species somewhere on this planet. XOEarth.org Stop #ClimateChange #Monster
Skywah and Trinna
Future Lover, If you and I eat plant-based and help get our society to burn less fossil fuels to help save this hurting planet, I think we just might meet and fall in love and have some sweet, sweet time together. It may happen this lifetime, or, it may happen when some of our atoms and molecules become part of two other beautiful people or species somewhere else on this planet. I think in those days we might call ourselves *Skywah*, and *Trinna*. Love you in the future, Stele + XOEarth #Love #Life #MonthsToSaveEarth
For more love and fun, Stele
Write a Future Life Story for Someone [or for Yourself]
XOEarth Future Life Stories can be based on a person’s environmental actions or choices that they have taken, or a future action or choice that a person promises to take.
However, we often do not know the exact positive *actual outcome story* that results from any specific environmental action. So instead, we can write a *possible outcome story* that might result from that environmental action, or that probably does result somewhere in the world as a result of someone else taking a similar environmental action.
Nevertheless, a *possible outcome story* can be written using science, logic and intuition. Science and logic can helps guide the story creation via environmental peer reviewed published papers about our global biosphere, conservation biology, status of species and their ecosystems, and climate change. Intuition and creativity can help guide a *possible outcome story* after the logic points, life experience and science based probabilities are considered.
After all, there are millions of positive outcomes and associated stories that result from the millions of people who are taking similar positive environmental actions.
So, once a *possible outcome story* has been written, we can give that *possible outcome story* to a person to honor them for their environmental action.
This *story trading* is a way to use the millions of *actual outcome stories* as a reason for writing a *possible outcome story* and giving that to a person to honor them for their eco action.
I like *story trading* because it can help motivate a person to take environmental actions by helping them envision a positive and *possible outcome story* based on a specific big environmental action that they have taken, are taking or promise to take.
Feel free to write XOEarth Stories for us to share too if you are willing to use current climate related science news and reports, logic, intuition, compassion, empathy and/or XOEarth.org/EcoFX.
Tell your friends you will write a Future Lives Story for them. Feek free to copy and paste any of this page into your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter posts.
Plus, if you would like to write an XOEarth Story with Stele, feel free to contact Stele here.
*Story trading* is a way to write a *possible outcome story* that you can give to a person to honor them for one of their specific environmental actions when the *actual outcome story* is unknown.
So again, it’s fun to use science, logic and intuition to write a *possible outcome story* based on a person’s specific environmental action, and then, give that story to the person to honor them for taking or promising to take that environmental action.
Sometimes the *possible outcome stories* that come out of the XOEarth Story project may sound a bit cryptic and poetic. We hope you like them.
If you add the #XOEarth tag to a Future Lives Story that you write, we would love to read it and maybe share it too.
More posts about Future Life Stories
The *XOEarth Biosphera Dance* was created with Future Lives in mind.
The XOEarth *Art. Song. Word.* post has some *story trading* stuff.
Stele’s song called *We Will Love Again* is about Future Lives.
The song *See You Soon* is about meeting someone you love now in a Future Lives.
The song *Freaking CO2* is our about a future bother, sister and a lover that needs it cool too.
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