In recognition of the Sierra Club’s priceless work in the protection of our biosphere, we are honored to unveil the Sierra Club commemorative XOEarth Awards – with John Muir and a Buffalo on them.
We invite all lovers of our Earth’s biosphere to copy and share, or print and give, these Sierra Club commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental actions – either past or pledged.
The Sierra Club was founded by legendary conservationist John Muir in 1892. Since then the Sierra Club has become the nation’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization — with more than two million members and supporters.
As stated by the Sierra Club, “Our successes range from protecting millions of acres of wilderness to helping pass the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act. More recently, we’ve made history by leading the charge to move away from the dirty fossil fuels that cause climate disruption and toward a clean energy economy.”
As our XOEarth fans know, we have numerous songs calling for the end of fossil fuel use. We are indebted to the Sierra Club’s major legal and activist work that has slowed down oil and gas extraction across the country.
That’s why we also love that the Sierra Club calls out, “Imagine a world with clean, abundant, affordable energy. One where climate disruption is a fading threat and American soldiers are never again deployed to defend oil fields. One where innovative green industries provide good jobs and supply 100 percent of our energy needs. Imagine a healthier America, with clean air and water, with pristine coasts and protected natural areas. A wealthier, more productive nation, whose leaders answer only to the citizens who elect them. This is America beyond oil.”
Our XOEarth songwriters have written two songs against coal mining. So we also applaud Sierra Club in their legal and grassroots work to stop coal mining. They say, “Coal is our country’s dirtiest energy source, from mining to burning to disposing of coal waste. Our campaign is uniting grassroots activists across the country to move America Beyond Coal.”
We did a Buffalo version as well to honor the Sierra Club for their work in protection of habitat of our nation’s wildlife and their ecosystems.
We at XOEarth could go on and on about how much we appreciate the Sierra Club. But for now, check out Sierra Club to find out for yourself, take action with them and donate to them.
For all the life, Stele Ely
Printing Tips::
To print these awards, first go to your browser’s file menu and then to print preview. Decide which page you want to print. Set the margins to zero. Increase the custom size to between 100% to 107% depending on your browser. Then print.
There are 4 print pages to choose from below. The 1st page has 2 fast and 2 slow awards. The 2nd page has 4 fast awards. The 3rd page has 4 slow awards. The 4th page has 1 big fast award and 1 big slow award. More printing tips >
Notes: There are two kinds of XOEarth Awards – Fast and Slow. Slow XOEarth Awards have a place to write the name of the person being honored, the eco action they have taken, and the name of the presenter. Fast XOEarth Awards don’t need to be filled out.
Copy and share, or print and give, these environmental awards to honor and encourage eco actions.