PERKS : Post your Climate Action on Facebook = Chance to Win $ + Cool Stuff + Tickets


1] Write a note or a little story or make a video, poem, song or art about a climate action you have taken this month to help save our biosphere, a person, a species or a community.

2] Share your story, video, poem, song, art or short note on your Facebook timeline, along with the @XOEarth tag.

3] Like XOEarth on Facebook.

That’s it! Voila! Finito!

You will be entered to win these XOEarth Perks ::

1] $4, $44, $444 or $4,444 via Venmo, or cash via USPS if you send us your address.

2] An XOEarth Award mailed to you to thank you for your climate actions. It will have your name on it and be signed by XOEarth Man. We will also send 14 more cool looking XOEarth Awards that you can award to your friends and others for their climate actions too. They will be sent via USPS.

3] You are guaranteed to win a healthier, more fun planet!

4] Four tickets to a live and online XOEarth Man and friends concert, and a “backstage pass” to talk live with XOEarth Man [Stele] on Zoom or Facebook video chat.

Winners are randomly selected by our EcoLotto.

How to tag @XOEarth.

Here’s an example of how to tag @XOEarth in a Facebook post: When you start typing @XOEarth in a post, it will appear in a dropdown menu. Click on XOEarth in the dropdown to create an XOEarth tag-link. To make sure that your @XOEarth tag automatically tells us to enter you for a chance to win Perks, please like the XOEarth page too. [Click to embiggen.]

Add the @XOEarth tag in your post. Not in the comments.

facebook tagging example, 365 355

Easy rules.

We ask that your little story or video, art, poem or song that you post on Facebook post is about a substantial environmental action that you have taken. We also hope that you will mention how it helps cool the climate on our sweet but hurting planet. Feel free to talk about how your action might help or even save a person, critter or community near or far.

Some of our favorite climate actions that you might want to take are listed on our HERO 140 page.

Your Facebook entry-post should be set to global {with the little Earth icon} so it can be seen by everybody so we can see it, and so your post can inspire others to help the planet.

Enter entry week if you would like to. We will do an Ecolotto drawing every month to find the winners.

Co-create with us.

If you would like XOEarth Man, Stele or our other eco artists help you with a poem, song, story, art or video that you are creating, feel free to contact us. Check out our VOX page for details.

How winners are chosen.

To determine the winner of the Perks, we assign XOEarth EcoLotto numbers to every post-entry. Our EcoLotto page shows how we do this each month and the odds.

How winners get their Perks.

Winners will be contacted via Facebook. Perks will be mailed to a winner or be available to be picked up at an XOEarth show, or our XOEarth office.

Winning entries will also be announced on XOEarth’s Facebook page and beyond.

Non Facebook entries.

If you are a writer, songwriter or artist that is not on Facebook, post your eco creations on some other public social media network that you belong too. Then post a link to the post you made on our VOX page, along with the @XOEarth tag. Then we will manually enter you in the drawing.

Contact XOEarth for help or info.
XOEarth Facebook

Kiss Green, Hug Blue, Stele Ely {founder}


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