Make a single or a recurring donation via credit card or PayPal to keep our XOEarth projects, songwriters and media makers going.
To make your contribution via Venmo, search for XOEarth in your Venmo app. You will see a picture of Stele with one of his XOEarth hats on. It will also say Stele Ely in the search.
To make your contribution by check, mail it to XOEarth office. XOEarth’s address is on the Contact page. Feel free to call or email me [Stele Ely] so I can thank you.
Click on the butterfly to donate to
The XOEarth Team and Stele Ely [XOEarth Man] promises to make your dollars work hard to slow down climate change and protect our biosphere’s air, water and soil – so that you, your friends and other lifeforms can have more fun.
Whether you choose to make a single donation or a recurring payment, we will leverage your support as much as possible to help protect your Earthy home.
If you make a donation of $44 or more we will add your name to our Home page under Sponsors, and on the Team page, for a least 4 months – unless you prefer to be anonymous. We will add a link to your website too if you would like.
Feel free to tell us if you want your donation to help a specific project. For example, you can direct us to use your donation to support our environmental song project, or, pay for the printing of our XOEarth Awards that XOEarth Man awards to folks for taking ecological actions.
Contributions to are not yet tax deductable. We hope to get our 501(c)3 soon.
In-kind contributions are also welcomed — such as office materials, services, media space, items for online auctions, and automobiles. See list below.
Thank you so much for putting your money and time where your heart and planet is!!
For all the life, Team XOEarth and Stele
Contribution wishlist ::
• Donate $7 to fund the printing of 100 XOEarth Awards that are awarded to students, businesses and individuals for taking ecological actions.
• Donate $14 to fund the printing of 200 XOEarth Awards that are awarded to students, businesses and individuals for taking ecological actions.
• Donate $25 to fund XOEarth Man’s performance materials, guitar strings, clothing and bicycle repairs for one month – so Stele (XOEarth Man) continue doing XOEarth environmental presentations and shows for one month.
• Donate $140 to fund the printing XOEarth of materials and 2000 awards for campaigns, schools.
• Donate $270 to fund the printing of 4000 XOEarth Awards that are awarded to students, businesses and individuals for taking ecological actions.
• Donate $440 to fund Stele’s home+office rent for one month.
• Donate $45 to fund our monthly internet access and website server fees.
• Donate $65 to fund song recording and cell phone for one month. The phone is used to record and upload environmental songs and pledges from XOEarth Man shows at schools, events and shopping centers. Phone is also used to call legislatures during campaigns that ask them to take specific actions to protect our air water land and climate.
Donation perk ::
Contribute $80 or more and we will create an XOEarth Award dedicated to you. We may be able to use the picture of an animal, nature or important conservationist or environmentalist that you send us.
In-kind gifts:
• Call us or meet with us and we will guide you as you purchase an item for us over the internet, as you use your credit card number.
• Purchase the item and have the seller mail it to us.
A super thanks goes out to supporters who have generously contributed funds, supplies and services to empower this crucial work.
Contact us if you have questions or comments.
From Stele Ely / XOEarth Founder ::
Lover of the Earth,
I’ll mail one XOEarth Award to you for every $4 you send to keep me doing my rad XOEarth Eco Show at schools and at shopping malls. For example, if ya donate $44 I’ll send you 11 XOEarth Awards. Then you can give those XOEarth Awards to your eco cool friends to honor them when they take Climate Lover actions [environmental actions].
My XOEarth Eco Show gets peeps to pledge to take specific actions to help fight the Climate Change Monsters – Hurricanes, Wildfires, Floods and Droughts. In some XOEarth Shows, every person pledges directly to their friends to take a specific Climate Change action that will help save our biosphere and possibly save their friends’ lives. Then everybody sings, shakes hands or hugs to seal their pledge.
A few of these Climate Lover pledges include:
+ To burn less gasoline and jetfuel [or even as little as possible].
+ To Carbon Offset some or all of one’s gasoline, jetfuel and nat-gas use.
+ To eat organic and plant based more [or as much as possible].
+ To vote and canvass to manifest more eco directed governments.
+ To donate to organizations that work to slow down the Climate Change Monsters.
+ To not accept a job at a business that is killing our biosphere,
or help transform that business so it is [more] sustainable,
or get that business to contribute 4% or more of their income to a climate protection project or organization.
+ To avoid single-use plastic products as much as possible.
+ To carry reusable containers and service-ware when traveling or going out.
+ To find a job or make a job that helps slow the Climate Change Monsters,
such as, a Sustainability Coach + Manager.
+ To do some totally fun thing for a friend to honor them for taking an eco action.
Yepperz, I’ll mail you one XOEarth Award for every $4 dollars you donate. Your buckeroonies will help keep my XOEarth Eco Show going so it can help keep this rad planet cool and livable.
For all the life that lives to love, XOEarth Stele

To make your contribution via Venmo, search for XOEarth in your Venmo app. You will see a picture of Stele with one of his XOEarth hats on. It will also say Stele Ely in the search.
To make your contribution by check, mail it to XOEarth office. XOEarth’s address is on the Contact page. Feel free to call or email me [Stele Ely] so I can thank you.
Click on the butterfly to donate to
The XOEarth Team and Stele Ely [XOEarth Man] promises to make your dollars work hard to slow down climate change and protect our biosphere’s air, water and soil – so that you, your friends and other lifeforms can have more fun.
Whether you choose to make a single donation or a recurring payment, we will leverage your support as much as possible to help protect your Earthy home.
If you make a donation of $44 or more we will add your name to our Home page under Sponsors, and on the Team page, for a least 4 months – unless you prefer to be anonymous. We will add a link to your website too if you would like.
Feel free to tell us if you want your donation to help a specific project. For example, you can direct us to use your donation to support our environmental song project, or, pay for the printing of our XOEarth Awards that XOEarth Man awards to folks for taking ecological actions.
Contributions to are not yet tax deductable. We hope to get our 501(c)3 soon.
In-kind contributions are also welcomed — such as office materials, services, media space, items for online auctions, and automobiles. See list below.
Thank you so much for putting your money and time where your heart and planet is!!
For all the life, Team XOEarth and Stele
Contribution wishlist ::
• Donate $7 to fund the printing of 100 XOEarth Awards that are awarded to students, businesses and individuals for taking ecological actions.
• Donate $14 to fund the printing of 200 XOEarth Awards that are awarded to students, businesses and individuals for taking ecological actions.
• Donate $25 to fund XOEarth Man’s performance materials, guitar strings, clothing and bicycle repairs for one month – so Stele (XOEarth Man) continue doing XOEarth environmental presentations and shows for one month.
• Donate $140 to fund the printing XOEarth of materials and 2000 awards for campaigns, schools.
• Donate $270 to fund the printing of 4000 XOEarth Awards that are awarded to students, businesses and individuals for taking ecological actions.
• Donate $440 to fund Stele’s home+office rent for one month.
• Donate $45 to fund our monthly internet access and website server fees.
• Donate $65 to fund song recording and cell phone for one month. The phone is used to record and upload environmental songs and pledges from XOEarth Man shows at schools, events and shopping centers. Phone is also used to call legislatures during campaigns that ask them to take specific actions to protect our air water land and climate.
Donation perk ::
Contribute $80 or more and we will create an XOEarth Award dedicated to you. We may be able to use the picture of an animal, nature or important conservationist or environmentalist that you send us.

In-kind gifts:
• Call us or meet with us and we will guide you as you purchase an item for us over the internet, as you use your credit card number.
• Purchase the item and have the seller mail it to us.
A super thanks goes out to supporters who have generously contributed funds, supplies and services to empower this crucial work.
Contact us if you have questions or comments.
From Stele Ely / XOEarth Founder ::
Lover of the Earth,
I’ll mail one XOEarth Award to you for every $4 you send to keep me doing my rad XOEarth Eco Show at schools and at shopping malls. For example, if ya donate $44 I’ll send you 11 XOEarth Awards. Then you can give those XOEarth Awards to your eco cool friends to honor them when they take Climate Lover actions [environmental actions].
My XOEarth Eco Show gets peeps to pledge to take specific actions to help fight the Climate Change Monsters – Hurricanes, Wildfires, Floods and Droughts. In some XOEarth Shows, every person pledges directly to their friends to take a specific Climate Change action that will help save our biosphere and possibly save their friends’ lives. Then everybody sings, shakes hands or hugs to seal their pledge.
A few of these Climate Lover pledges include:
+ To burn less gasoline and jetfuel [or even as little as possible].
+ To Carbon Offset some or all of one’s gasoline, jetfuel and nat-gas use.
+ To eat organic and plant based more [or as much as possible].
+ To vote and canvass to manifest more eco directed governments.
+ To donate to organizations that work to slow down the Climate Change Monsters.
+ To not accept a job at a business that is killing our biosphere,
or help transform that business so it is [more] sustainable,
or get that business to contribute 4% or more of their income to a climate protection project or organization.
+ To avoid single-use plastic products as much as possible.
+ To carry reusable containers and service-ware when traveling or going out.
+ To find a job or make a job that helps slow the Climate Change Monsters,
such as, a Sustainability Coach + Manager.
+ To do some totally fun thing for a friend to honor them for taking an eco action.
Yepperz, I’ll mail you one XOEarth Award for every $4 dollars you donate. Your buckeroonies will help keep my XOEarth Eco Show going so it can help keep this rad planet cool and livable.
For all the life that lives to love, XOEarth Stele
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