FEST BIG CLIMATE ACTION : honor festival goers who promise to help stop collapse of biosphere


Hello Fest Organizer,

Substitute your festival’s name where the word ‘Fest’ or ‘Festian’ appears.

The FEST BIG CLIMATE ACTION mission will be to honor Festians who are taking or who pledge to take Big Climate Actions to reduce the chance of a 50% collapse of our exquisite biosphere by 2025. [1]

I, Stele Ely, can help organize and run this Fest Big Climate Action.

Roaming volunteers, performers and MCs will be the first to honor Festians for taking and pledging Big Climate Actions. All Festians will be invited to join in, or to initiate, the honoring of Big Climate Actions and pledges.

An honoring may be a song, dance, art, poem, temp tattoo, story, blessing, partner yoga, cowbell, hug, kiss, performance, massage, tea, XOEarth Award and temp VIP access. [XOEarth.org/Honors]

Venues to honor might include the performance stages [with entire audience, or selected Festians who are brought on stage], the Fest Big Climate Action stand/pop-up, under an Earth flagpole or flag bearer, and in an Earth mandala.

Volunteers, performers or MCs may mention that if the Festian needs to pledge less than the specific big climate pledges suggested, those smaller pledges are also important, graciously accepted and honored. At the same time, Festians will be reminded that if everyone only takes small climate actions it will not be enough to save our sweet biosphere.

The Fest /BigClimateAction web page will encourage Festians and Fest talent to take Fest Big Climate Actions before they get to the festival, and to participate when they arrive.

The Fest /BigClimateAction web page can say [*]:
* This year we will be honoring Festians who are taking and who pledge to take Big Climate Actions to help save our exquisite but imperiled biosphere.

* We will honoring Festians for their Big Climate Actions from the main stage and from other venues with songs, dances, art, poems, temp tattoos, stories, blessings, partner yoga, cowbell, hugs, kisses, performances, massages, tea, XOEarth Award and temp VIP access.

* Before we get to the list of Fest Big Climate Actions we hope that you take, or pledge to take, here’s one of the Big Climate Actions we pledge to do.

* The Fest organization pledges to donate 24% of our Fest net income to several of our fave environmental organizations and projects that are fighting the climate emergency. The organizations that we will donate to are protecting forests, protecting soil, protecting oceans, planting trees, promoting climate change legislation, and helping elect candidates committed to immediate and major climate change action.

* If you need to pledge less than the full amount of any of these BIG pledges, please go as BIG as you can. After all, we all know that if everyone only takes small climate actions it will not be enough to save our sweet biosphere.

* Here are the Fest Big Climate Actions that we hope you are taking, or pledge to take:
+ Volunteer 140 minutes/day with any environmental organizations or projects that are fighting the climate emergency. [via XOEarth.org/HERO]
+ Donate-invest 24% of your net income in your fave environmental organizations or projects that are fighting the climate emergency. [via XOEarth.org/INVEST]
+ Live a 5 ton carbon lifestyle or 1.5 degree lifestyle, plus advocate to others. [The average US citizen put out 10 to 20 tons of carbon emissions.]
+ Use very little single use plastic, plus advocate to others.
+ Use very fossil fuels, plus advocate to others.
+ Grow some organic food for yourself and others, and to build soil, plus advocate to others.
+ Rarely ride alone in a car and carpool with 3 or more, plus advocate to others.
+ Eat vegan, plus advocate to others.
+ Work solo and with others to defend forests, wetlands, mangroves, sea grass and other carbon sinks, plus advocate to others.
+ Carbon offset your carbon emissions every month, plus advocate to others. [Carbon offsets help fund tree planting, forest protection, stop methane leaks, and other carbon sequestration projects.]
+ Volunteer and canvass with a climate action candidate or legislative initiative, plus advocate to others.
+ Protest, strike or rebel 24 minutes/day to call on others to take Big Climate Actions too. [Such as with Global Climate Strike or Extinction Rebellion.] [via XOEarth.org/REBEL]
+ Take some other big ecological climate action, plus advocate.

* The “plus advocate to others” means to actively call on your peers, others and government to join you in these environmental actions.

* When you get to Fest, be on the lookout for Fest volunteers who are holding an Earth flag up high. If you are the first to come up and take a Big Climate Action Pledge, or tell them about a Big Climate Action that you have taken, they will honor you for helping keep our climate healthy and fun.

* And of course, all Festians are invited to request and honor your friends and others for making Big Climate Action Pledges, and for the Big Climate Actions they have taken.

* To take a Big Climate Action now, donate 24% of your net income [or some other percentage] to one or more of the following organizations that are helping slow down the climate change monsters and cool our planet’s fever.
+ CarbonFund.org – plant trees [donate]
+ Tree People – plant trees [donate]
+ 350.org [donate]
+ League Of Conservation Voters [donate]
+ Cool Effect [donate]
+ The Nature Conservancy [donate]
+ Arbor Day – plant trees [donate]
+ The Sierra Club [donate]
+ NRDC [donate]
+ 350.org Colorado [donate]
+ Extinction Rebellion [donate]
+ Greenpeace USA [donate]
+ Greenpeace [donate]
+ Organizations listed here do not imply an association with Fest.

* If you have a screenshot on your phone of a Big donation you have made to an environmental organization, we will be honoring you for that. Show your friends too so they can use their talents to honor you for helping save our biosphere.

* Thanks for your Big Climate Action so we can Fest again and again at one of the best celebrations of life on this side of Earth!

* In life in love, The Fest Team

* Note: By giving 24% of our net income we are carbon offsetting our carbon emissions at a self assigned $800 per ton. Here’s why we are going for $800 a ton:
+ Fest knows that a lot of us need to go big for our biosphere if we are going to keep Earth livable and fun.
+ When we carbon offset the fossil fuels that we burn by funding the protection of forests, oceans, wetlands and soil, planting trees, making soil, reducing methane emissions, conservation projects and other carbon projects, we will be helping reduce the number and intensity of deadly climate disasters.
+ The World Bank estimates that the CO2 emissions from one US dollar [US$1] of GDP is .30 kilograms. [[data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.PP.GD]]
+ The IPCC says that the price on carbon may need to be $1,000 a tonne sometime before 2030 and perhaps as much as $27,000 a tonne by the end of the century if we do not act now. Sweden 2019 carbon pricing is about US$123 per ton. US government economists have estimated the appropriate price on carbon to be $50 per ton.
[How High Does Carbon Need to Be? Somewhere From $20-$27,000 / Bloomberg.com] [[The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change SR15 / IPCC.ch]] [[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/07/climate/ipcc-climate-report-2040.html]]
A UN report has recommended a carbon tax from $135 to $5,500 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, and from $690 to $27,000 per ton by 2100.
+ We are going for $800 at ton because Fest super loves this planet and loves putting on these festivals for you.

Links on the Fest main page, main menu, tickets page, vendor app page can say:
* This year we will be honoring those who are taking and pledge to take Big Climate Actions to help save our exquisite but imperiled biosphere. [See our Fest /BigClimateAction page for info.]

Inviting and asking others to make BIG pledges will vary greatly depending on the vibe and festival venue. Below are a couple of dialog summaries. These summaries do not reflect the intense emotions and major commitments that are possible in such brief encounters.

For example, a roaming performer may say something like, “Hello. My name is Stele. I like to honor and dance Festians who promise to donate big every month to environmental organizations or projects that are helping slow down the climate change monsters and helping save our hurting Earth. I hope you will say yes to help us stay alive and keep having fun. So if you take the pledge to donate-invest big every month to save our biosphere, like the big 24% of your net income, I’ll do a dance for you, and give you this XOEarth Award, and give you a hug if you want one. If you need to pledge less than the big 24%, just go as BIG as you can. However, know that if everyone only takes small climate actions it will not be enough to save our sweet biosphere and save us. Who wants to pledge to give big to your fave environmental organizations, teams or projects that are helping slow down the climate change monsters and helping save our dying Earth? You will? Brilliant! Thanks a bunch. Yesss! Now pledge with me, ok? Ready? “I pledge… to give… a big time donation-investment … every month… to help save… our ultra excellent Earth… so we… can stay alive… and keep having fun”. I’m thrilled. Let’s save this rad Earth. Thanks a lot.

Here’s another example. An on stage performer or MC might say, “Hellooo Festians. A HERO 140 is someone who gives 140 minutes a day to environmental organizations, teams or projects that are helping slow down the climate change monsters and helping save our dying Earth. We want to dedicate this set of music to those of you who are willing to promise to take become a HERO 140 for our very sweet but endangered biosphere, and we dedicate this set to those of you who are already a HERO 140. 140 minutes a day is 2 hours and 20 minutes a day. We know that 140 minutes a day is a huge ask. But we and you know we are in a Climate Emergency. HERO 140 is one Fest Big Climate Action because we need more heroes if this planet is to survive. In a moment, if you will say with me, “I pledge to give 140 minutes a day to help save our sweet Earth so we can stay alive and keep having fun”, or “I pledge to keep giving 140 minutes a day to help save our sweet Earth so we can stay alive and keep having fun”. Then, this set of music will be dedicated each one of you who are a HERO 140. Here’s the thing about those of you who are already giving 140 minutes a day to our planet. Thank you helping making this a beautiful day. You have helped make the climate more stable and less dangerous so we celebrate another day at Fest. So, here we go. As we say this Pledge, if any of you HERO 140 pros and HERO 140 newbies want to hold your arms in a circle like this over your head to symbolize the planet, feel free to do so. Ok, here we go, say it with me, ” I pledge to give… 140 minutes a day… to help save… our lovely and sexy Earth… so we can stay alive… and keep having fun”. It’s an honor be here with all of you HERO 140s. We now give to you, our music.”

If there is cell network access or Fest wi-fi, Fest volunteers, performers or MCs may ask Festians to go to Fest /BigClimateAction on their phone to donate directly to the organizations on the list.

The terms Climate Honoring, Climate Honor, Pledgee and Pledger apply.

Stele can help organize Fest Big Climate Action, including volunteer materials and orientation, mission statements for specific festival managers, graphics design, and collectible flyers.

If Fest prefers the name XOEarth Big Climate Action instead that would be mighty fine.

Let’s reduce the chance of a collapse of our sweet but imperiled biosphere.

For all the life that loves, Stele

[1] XOEarth.org/GUESSTIMATE.

CarbonFund.org is offering an Average US Individual Annual Carbon Offset for $240, for 52,920 lbs CO2 (24 MT) at $10 a ton. There’s not a lot of carbon sink protection [forests, mangroves, seagrass] or carbon sequestration [biochar] that you can do with $10. So in my and others’ opinion, including some organizations, climate writers and scientists, we should pay at least $800 a ton. Picking a price for carbon emissions is a bit weird though. After all, any additional emissions are pushing us closer to apocalypse. The IPCC’s conservative report recommends $1000 per ton by 2030. Considering the chance that any of at least 5 tipping points could hit at any time, $10 a ton is freaking too low. Thus, I currently request $800 a ton from peeps, businesses and students. That comes out to $19,200 a year from the average US citizen to put into carbon projects.

Another Fest Big Climate Action will be to only sell vegan food in the food court.

More crucial ways that Fest can help prevent our biosphere’s collapse are at: agreenerfestival.com

Less Climate Change = More Fest Festivals

Take those Big Climate Actions so we can Fest again and again at one of the best celebrations of life on this side of Earth!

For love and life, Stele Ely
Boulder, CO
[Contact Stele here]



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