Join A *Phase Out Fracking* Team
“Support and volunteer with the Safe & Healthy Colorado Ballot Initiative, or a similar initiative in your area, to stop the fracking that is polluting our land, air, water, and killing our biosphere. Fight to live in a Clean Energy Zone.” Stele Ely | XOEarth.org Director
Here are some Colorado and other teams to join so we can Phase Out Fracking and have more Clean Energy Zones in Colorado and beyond:
Safe & Healthy Colorado Ballot Initiative
Fracking the System
WildEarth Guardians
Center For Biological Diversity
Erie Protectors
Mothers Out Front
Colorado Coalition for a Livable Climate
Colorado Jewish Climate Action
Clean Energy Action
Sierra Club
Greenpeace Global
Extinction Rebellion America
Extinction Rebellion US
Climate Reality Project
Reasons to Phase Out Fracking in Colorado, or wherever you live:
+ Phasing out fracking means cleaner air. The oil and gas industry is Colorado’s #1 source of many types of air pollution that causes asthma, heart attacks and premature death.
+ Phasing out fracking means cleaner communities across Colorado and the world. Fracking contaminates our communities with toxic chemicals in the air and water.
+ Phasing out fracking means cleaner and more abundant water. Every fracked well consumes 5-10 million gallons of fresh water, which is often too toxic for release into the water systems.
+ Phasing out fracking means more clean energy jobs. Clean energy money goes into the pockets of local workers. Oil and gas operations chains everybody to a 20th Century industry. Oil and gas operations costs Colorado a billion dollars a year in pollution and clean-up.
+ Phasing out fracking helps us take on climate change. Colorado has long led the way in protecting the environment and transitioning to renewable energy. The oil and gas industry is the #1 remaining source of Colorado’s climate pollution.
It’s time to protect Colorado’s and the planet’s land, air, and water and make sure we build a stronger economy for the 21st Century.
Join Safe & Healthy Colorado to bring a statewide ballot initiative to phase out all new fracking permits by 2030, or help pass a similar initiative in your area.
Play >> Fracking Gasholes .mp3
80,000 tons of CO2 [from the methane burned] per well
ice caps and glaciers melting, climate hell
for all the kids that love to live
shout, march, or souls we sell
fracking gasholes
we know you know
a million reasons
fah fah freako
1000 tons of leaked methane per well
a deadly greenhouse gas, climate hell
for all the life that loves to live
conserve, reduce, to save ourselves
fracking gasholes
we know you know
for hundreds of years
they really blow (brutal/ sucky)
2 thousand big truck trips per well
dusty growling beasts of hell
for all the critters that love to live
block the roads, or bid farewell
friggen frackholes
everyone knows
for a thousand species
sii sii sicko (yu yu yucko vicious)
5 million gallons injected per well
aquifers wasted, tastes like hell
for all the life that loves to live
demand a law, kill the drill
fracking gasholes
we know you know
a million reasons
fah fah freako
14 tons of poisons per well
toxic soil, poisoned air, smells like hell
for all the life that loves to live
conserve, reduce, to save ourselves
fracking gasholes
we know you know
for a million reasons
we must say no no no
no no no no no
Fracking Gasholes /stele cc
wha wha whacko nasty wicked cruel flippen
radioactivity, heavy metals, brine hydrogen
lungs get a coffin and a hacking
courtesy of smoggy fracking
poison water poison air
freakin fracking does not care
1,200 tanker truck trips per frack (transporting clean water, fracking fluids, etc.).
Biocides, surfactants and scale inhibitors
Microseismic post-fracturing mapping developed
14 tons of poisons per well
methane toxic soil and air, smells like hell
for all the life that loves to live
conserve, reduce, to save ourselves
Stele’s estimate of weight of methane leaked per average Marcellus fracking well
=1200000000*0.1*0.000014 = 1680 tons
estimate of 1.2 billion cubic feet per well [USGS] (various investor report 3 to 5 billion)
times estimate times 10% leakage/ NASA
times 14 grams per cubic foot of methane (in tons 14/1000000)
equals 1680 tons of methane leaked
Is this really possible, or did I miscalculate?
Stele’s estimate of weight of CO2 produced per average Marcellus fracking well
=1200000000*0.000014*3.67 = 61656 tons
estimate of 1.2 billion cubic feet per well [USGS] (various investor report 3 to 5 billion)
times 14 grams per cubic foot of methane
times 3.67 (because burned methane turns to CO2 weighing 3.67 times more) [www.eia.gov
equals 61656 tons of CO2
Is this really possible, or did I miscalculate?
Why do carbon dioxide emissions weigh more than the original fuel? via www.eia.gov
The amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is produced from burning a fuel weighs more than the amount of the fuel itself because during complete combustion each carbon atom in the fuel combines with two oxygen atoms in the air to make CO2. The addition of two oxygen atoms to each carbon atom forms CO2, which has an atomic weight of 44 — roughly 3.6667 times the atomic weight of the carbon (12).
For example, subbituminous coal is on average 51% carbon, so the carbon in a short ton (2,000 pounds) weighs 1,020 pounds. The carbon dioxide emissions from burning a short ton of subbituminous coal are approximately 3,740 pounds, or about 3.67 times the weight of the carbon in a short ton of coal, and 1.87 times the weight of a short ton of coal.
Remote sensing of fugitive methane emissions from oil and gas production in North American tight geologic formations. Oliver Schneising, John P. Burrows, Russell R. Dickerson, [agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley .com/doi/full/ 10.1002/2014EF000265
Abstract: In the past decade, there has been a massive growth in the horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing of shale gas and tight oil reservoirs to exploit formerly inaccessible or unprofitable energy resources in rock formations with low permeability. In North America, these unconventional domestic sources of natural gas and oil provide an opportunity to achieve energy self-sufficiency and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions when displacing coal as a source of energy in power plants. However, fugitive methane emissions in the production process may counter the benefit over coal with respect to climate change and therefore need to be well quantified. Here we demonstrate that positive methane anomalies associated with the oil and gas industries can be detected from space and that corresponding regional emissions can be constrained using satellite observations. On the basis of a mass-balance approach, we estimate that methane emissions for two of the fastest growing production regions in the United States, the Bakken and Eagle Ford formations, have increased by 990 ± 650 ktCH4 yr−1 and 530 ± 330 ktCH4 yr−1 between the periods 2006-2008 and 2009-2011. Relative to the respective increases in oil and gas production, these emission estimates correspond to leakages of 10.1% ± 7.3% and 9.1% ± 6.2% in terms of energy content, calling immediate climate benefit into question and indicating that current inventories likely underestimate the fugitive emissions from Bakken and Eagle Ford.
[agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley .com/doi/full/ 10.1002/2014EF000265]
1 cubic foot of air at standard temperature and pressure assuming average composition weighs approximately 0.0807 lbs.
0.12 pounds of carbon dioxide per cubic foot
Grist excerpt:
This cleantech expert lays down the facts on solar and natural gas
By Suzanne Jacobs on 10 Jul 2015
1. If you don’t like natural gas now, you really won’t like it in 20 years.
Many see natural gas as a stopgap between the dirty energy of today and the clean energy of tomorrow. It emits way less CO2 than coal power, and the big bad greenhouse gas that it does emit during the extraction process — methane — doesn’t stay in the atmosphere for very long (a few decades compared to centuries for CO2).
Methane is about 100 times more potent as a greenhouse gas compared to CO2, but due to its short lifetime, it becomes less potent than CO2 about 67 years after emission. Here, CNG is compressed natural gas, and RF is radiative forcing (a measure of how much energy a gas traps in the atmosphere). Edwards and Trancik
That works in methane’s favor when scientists determine its so-called global warming potential (GWP). The GWP measures how much heat a gas traps compared to CO2 over a given period of time. People usually use 100 years as that time period, Trancik says, but if we’re trying to stop all the excess energy flowing into the atmosphere within 20 or 30 years, we shouldn’t be thinking on a 100-year time scale.
Instead, Trancik and one of her graduate students developed a new metric for assessing GWP that accounts for how far out that target “stabilization year” is and thus reflects the increasing urgency of our situation. With their metric, the benefits of natural gas decrease over time as we get closer and closer to the point of no return. “At current methane leakage rates, about half the advantage of natural gas over coal is lost within two decades,” Trancik says, meaning however good natural gas looks compared to coal now, it’ll look only half as good in 20 years.
Methane Leaks Wipe Out Any Climate Benefit Of Fracking, Satellite Observations Confirm by Joseph Romm October 25, 2014
Satellite observations of huge oil and gas basins in East Texas and North Dakota confirm staggering 9 and 10 percent leakage rates of heat-trapping methane. “In conclusion,” researchers write, “at the current methane loss rates, a net climate benefit on all time frames owing to tapping unconventional resources in the analyzed tight formations is unlikely.”
In short, fracking speeds up human-caused climate change, thanks to methane leaks alone. Remember, natural gas is mostly methane, (CH4), a super-potent greenhouse gas, which traps 86 times as much heat as CO2 over a 20-year period. So even small leaks in the natural gas production and delivery system can have a large climate impact — enough to gut the entire benefit of switching from coal-fired power to gas.
Back in February, we reported that the climate will likely be ruined already well past most of our lifespans by the time natural gas has a net climate benefit. That was based on a study in Science called “Methane Leaks from North American Natural Gas Systems” reviewing more than 200 earlier studies. It concluded that natural gas leakage rates were about 5.4 percent.
The new study used satellites to look at actual “methane emissions for two of the fastest growing production regions in the United States, the Bakken and Eagle Ford formations,” between the periods 2006-2008 and 2009-2011. They found leakages rates of 10.1 percent and 9.1 percent respectively!
In comments: In 2009, Chesapeake was telling investors that its average Marcellus well would produce 4.2 billion cubic feet of gas equivalent (bcfe) of natural gas over its lifetime. By 2010, it had hiked its estimate to 5.2 bcfe per well.
But according to a new USGS report, the industry-wide average for wells drilled in the interior Marcellus region (the best performing area) in 2011 will actually be 1.2 billion cubic feet – roughly one fifth of the amount that Chesapeake has told investors and the public its wells in the region can produce.
Density of methane if 0.717 kg/m3, or 0.06242796 pound/cubic feet
14.3 grams per cubic foot.
How long does it take to drill?
From beginning to end, a developed well can exist in some form of operation for decades. The Marcellus Shale Coalition describes three stages of well production: pre-drilling, drilling and completion and production and reclamation. The pre-drilling includes geological surveys and permitting, which together can take more than half a year. The final pre-drilling action is to stake the well and plan out the well pad boundaries which takes one to two months. The next step is the drilling and completion stage, which begins with drilling the well to the required depth, this can take a month or so. The final step in this stage is stimulating the well so it begins to produce. The final stage is the production and reclamation stage, where the gas extraction begins. Depending on the amount of gas below, this stage can take decades. After the last gas is extracted, the reclamation process begins. The well is capped below the surface level and well pad is deconstructed. [shalereporter,com ref 404]
Up To 1,000 Times More Methane Released At Gas Wells Than EPA Estimates, Study Finds by Ari Phillips Apr 15, 2014
Excerpt: An analysis of a number of hydraulic fracturing sites in southwestern Pennsylvania has found that methane was being released into the atmosphere at 100 to 1,000 times the rate that the Environmental Protection Agency estimated. The study, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that drilling operations at seven well pads emitted 34 grams of methane per second, on average, much higher than the EPA-estimated 0.04 grams to 0.30 grams of methane per second. [thinkprogress,org /climate/2014/04/15/3426697/methane-vastly-underestimated/ (ref 404)]
The researchers, who were attempting to understand whether airborne measurements of methane aligned with estimates taken at ground level — the method commonly used by the EPA and state regulators — flew a plane over the region of the Marcellus Shale for two days in June 2012.
“The researchers determined that the wells leaking the most methane were in the drilling phase, a period that has not been known for high emissions,” reported the Los Angeles Times. “Experts had thought that methane was more likely to be released during subsequent phases of production, including hydraulic fracturing, well completion or transport through pipelines.”
Methane (CH4), the chief component of natural gas, makes up about nine percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. It is a super-potent greenhouse gas — especially during the first 20 years after it enters the atmosphere when it traps around 86 times as much heat as CO2. So even small leaks in the natural gas production and delivery system can have a large climate impact — enough to gut the entire benefit of switching from coal-fired power to gas.
Paul Shepson, an atmospheric chemist at Purdue University who worked on the study, told the Los Angeles Times that while more research is needed to determine whether the extremely high measurements are typical, the vast disparity between the readings illustrates the limitations of the current methods. “The EPA’s approach puts regulators at the mercy of energy companies, which control access to the wells, pipelines, processing plants and compressor stations where methane measurements should be made, ” he continued.
[thinkprogress,org /climate/2014/04/15/3426697/methane-vastly-underestimated/ (ref now 404)]
Excerrpt from LiveScience.com
Facts About Fracking by Marc Lallanilla
In simplified terms, the fracking process starts with a well that is drilled vertically or at an angle from the surface to a depth of 1 to 2 miles (1.6 to 3.2 kilometers) or more, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The vertical well is then encased in steel and/or cement to ensure the well doesn’t run the risk of leaking into any groundwater.
Once the vertical well reaches the deep layer of rock where natural gas or oil exists, the well curves about 90 degrees and begins drilling horizontally along that rock layer. Horizontal drilling can extend more than 1 mile (1.6 km) from the vertical well bore.
After the fracking well is fully drilled and encased, fracking fluid is pumped down into the well at extremely high pressure, in some cases exceeding 9,000 pounds per square inch (62,050 kilopascals). The pressure is powerful enough to fracture the surrounding rock, creating fissures and cracks through which oil and gas can flow.
The fluid that is pumped into the well to fracture the rock is called slickwater. It is mostly water, though it also can contain a wide range of additives and chemicals that serve an engineering purpose. Additives can include detergents, salts, acids, alcohols, lubricants and disinfectants. These chemical additives usually make up 0.5 to 2 percent of the slickwater, with the remaining 98 to 99.5 percent consisting of plain water, according to a report called Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States by the U.S. Department of Energy.
In addition to the water and chemical additives, “proppants” such as sand and ceramic particles are also pumped into the fracking well. These proppants are added to prop open the fractures that form under pressure, thereby ensuring that gas and oil can continue to flow freely out of rock fractures even after pumping pressure is released, according to the EPA.
Once the underground rock is shattered and proppants are pumped into place, trapped reservoirs of gas and oil are released and pumped back to the surface, along with millions of gallons of “flowback” liquid, according to the EPA.
The flowback liquid contains water and a number of contaminants, including radioactive material, heavy metals, hydrocarbons and other toxins. This wastewater is stored on the fracking site in pits, injected into deep underground wells or disposed of off-site at a wastewater treatment facility.
“Formation water” is the briny water that was in the pore spaces of the rocks. “The formation water is usually very salty and can have high levels of radon, a radioactive gas that comes from the decay of uranium in the subsurface,” Marcia Bjornerud, a structural geologist at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin, told Live Science. “Flowback water can be treated, but there are large volumes of it and so dealing with it is expensive, and beyond what many small-town water treatment plants can handle.”
The Fracking Facts by Renee Cho via Earth Institute, Columbia University
Excerpt 1: Here’s how it’s done. First a hole (or wellbore) is drilled 1,000 to 4,000 feet deep. After steel casings are placed into the well, the space between the casing and the hole is filled with cement to protect groundwater and prevent gas leaks. This process is repeated several times, with smaller and smaller diameter casings being inserted, down to a depth of 6,000 to 10,000 feet (way below aquifers), where the gas can be accessed. A perforated pipe gun is sent into the horizontal part of the wellbore, producing explosions that create fractures in the shale. Fracking fluid, 3 to 5 million gallons of water drawn from groundwater or surface water resources mixed with chemicals and sand, is then pumped at high pressure into fractures, which expand and release the gas.
Excerpt 2: In February 2014, Colorado became the first state to adopt rules to directly reduce emissions of methane and VOCs from oil and gas. The requirements include: leak detection and repair on all wells to control methane and VOC leaks from equipment; monthly inspections for the largest emitting wells; a statewide retrofit using lower emission valves on all valves on well sites that control routine operations; and requiring existing storage tanks to comply with pollution laws. The new rules will remove 90,000 tons of VOCs and 100,000 tons of methane each year.
Longmont is on the edge of the Wattenberg Field the most productive oil and gas field in the DJ Basin. Because of that, underneath our city are deposits of natural gas & oil. Someone other than the surface owner can own the mineral rights underneath a property. In order to drill on a property, the mineral rights owner must either own the surface rights of the property, or lease those surface rights from the owner of the surface rights.
There is growing evidence that earthquakes are caused by fracking. The potential consequences of such earthquakes vary, but if fracking causes earthquakes, it would seem to belie industry claims that it is not possible for fracked wells to contaminate aquifers thousands of feet away. In addition, the cumulative effects of many wells in one area is affecting the air quality. “Drilling of new wells, routine maintenance and gas-field equipment release substances that contribute to ozone pollution, including volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides.”
As additional evidence, publicly owned oil & gas companies must have the following or similar statement in their notice to their own shareholders outlining the risks of the industry:
“Our operations are subject to inherent hazards and risks, such as fire, explosions, blowouts, formations with abnormal pressures, uncontrollable flows of underground gas, oil and formation water and environmental hazards such as gas leaks and oil spills. Any of these events could cause a loss of hydrocarbons, pollution or other environmental damage, clean-up responsibilities, regulatory investigations and penalties, suspension of operations, personal injury claims, loss of life, damage to our properties, or damage to the property of others.” (XTO Energy Inc, 2002 Form 10-K)
A single fracturing operation involves the injection of a ton of sand, mixed with materials that include benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, ethylbenzene, toluene and xylene. Diesel fuel, commonly used in fracturing
operations, contains MTBE. Very small quantities of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals such as benzene are capable of contaminating underground sources of drinking water. For example, only 28 teaspoons of MTBE could contaminate millions of gallons of water.
There are currently 10 field inspectors charged with over 40,000 active wells to inspect. This past year they field inspected 10,917 wells. At that rate, each well would be inspected only once every 4 years, not accounting for growth. (Source: COGCC Oil and Gas Staff report)
Operators can be held accountable for destruction after the fact, but this is not protection. It is remediation, and the history in our state shows that it is ineffective. Furthermore, subjects the CURRENT and PAST landholders to liability, and for this reason, banks and mortgage companies are beginning to deny mortgages for purchases of properties where fracking has occurred (see below for more about this).
Natural gas is clean in burning but not clean in its total life cycle. Methane, a greenhouse gas more destructive than carbon dioxide (by a factor of 72-25, depending on how many years its effect is considered), is the major component of natural gas, and it is released in significant quantities during extraction.
When its full life cycle (including the methane released during extraction and the carbon footprint of delivery) is considered, it might very well be worse than coal or oil, as found by a Cornell University study.
Our group of concerned citizens come from all over Longmont, and from its neighboring rural areas. We share the hope that the City of Longmont will assert its right to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of our urban community. We want to prevent the wasteful destruction of our environment, preserve our economic vitality and our home values, and conserve Longmont’s water, minerals, parks, wildlife, lakes, trails, streams, open space, and recreational areas for future generations.
Oil and Gas Drilling doesn’t belong near our schools, homes, parks and businesses.
Imminent dangers to our quality of life:
Air pollution (carcinogens in the air and ground level smog) from drilling activities and from fugitive/vented emissions (raw gas) and flashing emissions from condensate tanks during the lifetime of the well. The EPA states that these types of pollution are known to cause coughing, throat irritation, pain, burning, or discomfort in the chest, chest tightness, wheezing, or shortness of breath, asthma, cancer and death. More >
Noise and light impacts during the drilling and fracking phase (thousands of diesel trucks, noisy engines running 24/7 for several months to years)
Damage to roads and land from the heavy machinery and equipment hauling
Property value decline due to the closeness of wells to homes, school, and subdivisions (current regulations require only 350 foot setbacks).
Water and land impacts from spills and even normal storage and disposal of carcinogenic drilling and fracking chemicals.
Water use impacts to the city water supply as millions of gallons of water are permanently taken out of the water supply.
Wildlife habitat impacts due to road building, the proliferation of drill pads, and intensive use of heavy trucks.
Visual pollution of having hundreds of wells (as many as 800) in and around Longmont
Slickwater or slick water fracturing is a method or system of hydro-fracturing which involves adding chemicals to water to increase the fluid flow. Fluid can be pumped down the well-bore as fast as 100 bbl/min. to fracture the shale. Without using slickwater the top speed of pumping is around 60 bbl/min.
The process reportedly involves injecting friction reducers, usually a a polyacrylamide. Biocides, surfactants and scale inhibitors can also be in the fluid. Friction reducers speed the mixture. Biocides such as bromine prevent organisms from clogging the fissures and sliming things up downhole. Surfactants keep the sand suspended. Methanol and naphthalene can be used for biocides. Hydrochloric acid and ethylene glycol may be utilized as scale inhibitors. Butanol and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (2-BE) are used in surfactants. Slickwater typically uses more water than earlier fracturing methods–between one and five million gallons per fracing operation.
Other chemical compounds sometimes used include benzene, chromium and a host of others. Many of these are known to be toxic and have raised widespread concern about potential water contamination. This is especially true when the wells recieving slickwater hydro-fracturing are located near aquifers that are being tapped into for local drinking water. However, reports of actual drinking water contamination appear either very scarce or else non-existent. Hydro-fracturing activity is heavily regulated by state agencies.
Summary: Horizontal hydrofracking is a form of fossil fuel extraction that turns the earth inside out. It buries a surface resource that is vital to life (fresh water) and brings to the surface subterranean substances-hydrocarbons, radioactivity, heavy metals, brine-that were once locked away in deep geological strata and which now require permanent containment. Before it is sent down the borehole, the fresh water used to fracture bedrock is mixed with inherently toxic materials. These include known and suspected carcinogens, neurological toxicants, and chemicals linked to pregnancy loss.
At least one thousand truck trips are required to frack a single well. These trucks-along with earth-moving equipment, compressors, and condensers-release or create soot, volatile organic compounds, and ozone. Exposures to this kind of air pollution has demonstrable links to asthma, stroke, heart attack, cancers, and preterm birth. As the shale gas boom sweeps eastward into densely populated areas already struggling with air pollution and whose rivers provide drinking water for millions, public health inquiry is desperately needed to explicate the cumulative health impacts of fracking and to quantify their economic costs. This talk explored the human rights dimensions of fracking and the role of public health research within that context. Of particular interest were the ethical questions of conducting such research in communities whose residents may be serving, in effect, as involuntary subjects in an ongoing, uncontrolled experiment.
How does our moral obligation to prevent harm square with attempts to monitor the evidence for harm? What is relationship between mitigation and prevention? When does research serve to sanction and legitimize polluting activities and when does it challenge them? (SOURCE: Physicians Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy Conference Lectures)
Musicians :: Record this song and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Artists :: Do a video, art, dance or media for this song and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Fans :: Donate $1 or more to sponsor a better version or recording of this song. Donate $44 or more to get a shared copyright certificate for this song or your choice of one of our other environmental songs.
All that you can see
beneath the sun
what is made by human
now must be undone
landscape of confusion
leaving one and all
vying against one other
welcome to our fall
ojo dadi menungso gak duwe ati (don’t be a heartless human)
bendino iso gak iso turu (with no good sleep each day)
mangkane ayo kabeh podo tangi (therefore, open your eyes)
wes gak usum dadi wong keliru (this is not the age of wrongness anymore)
capos of financial scams
discount offer, flat rate plan
stuck again in traffic jams
with double meaning i say damn…
damn lapindo, damn the oil
damn the gas that burned the soil
water, air and land are damned
now behold the works of man
Allahuakbar terlagu (the singing of Allahuakbar)
dari segala penjuru (from every direction)
so i get on my knees and pray
or the sons of God might go away
lek wani ngomong jujur (if we want to be honest)
bumi wes kate ajur (the earth is coming to an end) [“kate ajur” = “almost broken” in javanese]
wong gak kenek diatur (no one can control human)
sego wes dadi bubur (the rice is now becoming porridge) [it is Javanese parable for ‘it is now too late’]
rapping politics uncool
but just a sec it’s almost through
it’s downer than the older school
cheap boombox more broke than rules
gamelan and on and on
while complaining about what’s wrong
time was passing now it’s gone
and about time to end this song
Search Youtube for blockades and escalating actions against hydrofracking in the Marcellus Shale and beyond.
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