Set The Water People Free


Play> *Set The Water People Free .mp3*

Set The Water People Free honors all of those who are helping protect the whales, sharks, tuna, toothfish, dolphins and many other ocean species. This song is especially those who are on the open seas such as the Sea Shepherd crew. The Sea Shepherd pirates have put their lives at risk to save hundreds of these magnificent beings every year.

So we should all be taking a stand for the whale and other ocean beings that love life. Take the following actions that call on the IWC, our government and other countries to stop commercial whaling – and the poaching of other priceless ocean species as well.

Via Sea Shepherd: Take Action – Now!
Please take a moment to voice your opinion about the killing of these ocean species. It is important that you write often to remind those in a position of power that the killing of whales and other threatened ocean species is not acceptable in the 21st Century. Donate to them to the help keep whales happy. Take Action Now!

Whaling = Overexploit, cheat, deplete.
The International Whaling Commission has had a moratorium to commercial whaling since 1986. Emergency-Oceans-Rescue-Plan

Set The Water People Free/ stele c10

go little pirates be off to sea Am
may your boats tack swift and agile Em
to plead, entangle and stop big fiends Am
from hurting the whistling whales Em

set the water people free Dm
let them dive in oceans deep Am
set the water people free Dm
let them sing in oceans sweeeeet Am

go smart pirates be off to sea
to turn the murder ships around
take forth your honor and strategy
and compel their captains to run aground

set the water people free
let them play in oceans waves
set the water people free
let them kiss in oceans mistssss

go love pirates be off to sea
set sail into all human hearts
then yell a’hoy to the cetaceans
we’re gonna let the death ships rust apart

set the water people free
let them dive in oceans deep
set the water people free
let them sing in oceans sweet

Lovers of whales and other ocean species are invited to donate a few dollars to help us get this environmental song polished up and out there. Substantial donors will get a copyright certificate for partial ownership of this eco song.

Play> *SetTheWaterPeopleFree.mp3*

Whales Down*/ Peter Adams c13

Play> *Whales Down by Peter Adams*

in the ocean
electronic sound
sounds in the ocean
but the whales turn up drowned

in the waters dive deep down
whales our earth caretakers
stop the loud sound

so let life live – in the open sea
as nature gives – let it be
save the whales

waste of governments
find our life keys
resignation or harmful inclination
whales saved – where will they remain?

( break)
when you make love
it does feel good
know when you can
does it flow from the heart

(chorus 2)
so let life live as nature gives
let us be in the open sea
save the whales
(repeat first verse and chorus)

Peter Adams song calls on our govenments to stop the loud sonar that is hurting and killing the whales. Soul Men and Living Water are bonus songs in the mp3.

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Musicians :: Record this song and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Artists :: Do a video, art, dance or media for this song and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Fans :: Donate $1 or more to sponsor a better version or recording of this song. Donate $44 or more to get a shared copyright certificate for this song or your choice of one of our other environmental songs.

Sea Shepherd Whale Campaign


4 responses to “Set The Water People Free”

  1. SteleEly Avatar

    Sea Shepherd’s Flagship, the Steve Irwin, has departed Fremantle, Western Australia for the Southern Ocean. The ship’s departure marks the official commencement of the organization’s 12th Southern Ocean Defense Campaign, Operation Icefish 2015-16.
    Led by returning Captain, Siddharth Chakravarty, Sea Shepherd will once again defend the pristine waters of Antarctica from poachers, with the aim to shutdown illegal activities in what is the world’s last great wilderness.

  2. SteleEly Avatar

    Weighing up to 80 tons and almost twice the length of a school bus, the massive fin whale known as the greyhound of the sea for its swimming speed was the victim of decades of commercial slaughter that killed them by the tens of thousands each year. In 1982, with the species on the brink of extinction, the nations of the world agreed to a moratorium on commercial whaling, and this magnificent animal got a reprieve — except in Iceland, where the hunting and trading of fin whales has escalated in recent years.

  3. SteleEly Avatar

    President Obama has imposed diplomatic sanctions on Iceland for its illegal commercial whaling. But that nation has resumed its slaughter of whales — and Icelandic companies tied to whaling should be targeted for tough economic sanctions.
    Pierce Brosnan, Actor and NRDC Member: Since 2006, Iceland has killed 280 endangered fin whales and more than 200 minke whales. In the last two years alone, it has exported millions of dollars worth of whale meat, blubber and oil to Japan, Norway, Latvia and Belarus. Iceland has not only flouted the ban on whaling, it has depleted whale populations at an alarming rate. It’s practically begging to be sanctioned.

  4. SteleEly Avatar

    Print these EarthE Awards to honor your friends for eco actions that they take to protect our oceans and the cetaceans, and for other eco actions.
    Paul Watson quote:
    The nature of the mass media today is such that the truth is irrelevant. What is true and what is right to the general public is what is defined as true and right by the mass media. Ronald Reagan understood that the facts are not relevant. The media reported what he said as fact. Follow-up investigation was “old news.” A headline comment on Monday’s newspaper far outweighs the revelation of inaccuracy revealed in a small box inside the paper on Tuesday or Wednesday.[28]

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