Speculator Tax


an itsy bitsy, you banker cats
it’s less than point 1 percent, the speculator tax
to help the people and our planet we ask
please pay the speculator tax

stock and currency exchange markets a c(fret 5+EBe) e
trade trillions every day a c(fret 5+EBe) e
untaxed transactions to wit a c(fret 5+EBe) e
the speculators (are) free to play a c(fret 5+EBe) d(fret 7+EBe) e

don’t tiny winy you wall street cats
it’s less than point 1 percent, the speculator tax
to help our planet and the people now get jazzed
offer to pay the speculator tax

this micro tax to be fair
on the big exchange trades
would raise billions every year
to make the world a better place

a teeny weeny you trading cats
the less than point 1 percent speculator tax
so tell your congress person yes yes yes
I want to pay the speculator tax

speculators help us pass the speculator tax
so we won’t have to call it the robinhood tax

chords: an itsy bitsy, you banker cats / e g(fret 5+EBe)
it’s less than point 1 percent, the speculator tax a(fr7+EBe) e
to help the people and our planet we ask / e g(fret 5+EBe)
please pay the speculator tax a(fr7+EBe) b(fr7+EBe) e

Speculator Tax /stele c15


ps: so big and small, make the call,
to your super duper rep today
let’s support this legislation, yes way


The Robin Hood Tax swooped into America’s national spotlight when presidential contender Sen. Bernie Sanders joined with National Nurses United and student groups in Washington, D.C. to announce his introduction of two Senate bills – the College for All Act and the Robin Hood tax bill that would levy a small tax on Wall Street financial transactions in order to fund free tuition at every public college and university in the United States, as well as slash interest rates on existing student loans. See more at

The College for All Act and the Robin Hood Tax would set a 0.5 percent tax on most stock transactions, and a lesser tax on bond and derivative trades. Such a tax has been championed for years by NNU, the country’s largest organization of registered nurses, and other healthcare and climate change groups and is already in effect in more than 40 countries around the world, including Britain, Germany, Switzerland, and China. A similar Robin Hood Tax bill, H.R. 1464, introduced by Rep. Keith Ellison, is pending in the House of Representatives. The tax is estimated to raise about $300 billion per year to fund programs such as free higher education, healthcare for all, and a reversal of climate change.

We need this tax. Why? The financial crisis and the recession have left a massive hole in the government’s finances. Jobs and public services are at risk while many other developed and developing countries face a similar struggle. Thousands of Robin Hood supporters believe that banks, hedge funds and the rest of the financial sector should pay their fair share to clear up the mess they helped create!!!!

In the US, HR 755 was introduced by Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA). See The Investing In Our Future Act [www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/755] (House of Representatives)


Tax Wall Street Greed to Fund Global Needs
As a top climate polluter and the world’s largest economy, the United States owes the world a whole lot when it comes to climate change. H.R. 755, the Investing in Our Future Act, introduced by Representative Pete Stark (D-Calif.), would create climate and health funds to help developing countries by taxing large Wall Street currency transactions.

By placing a tiny levy on an untaxed financial market, the Investing in Our Future Act could raise $5 billion in urgently needed funds for climate change and health programs in impoverished countries, while reducing the budget deficit here at home.

Please urge your member of Congress to co-sponsor the Investing in Our Future Act.

The Investing In Our Future Act : congress.gov /bill/112th-congress/house-bill/755
After Traveling Europe, Robin Hood Drops in on Congress : Huffington Post
Wall Street Greed Fueled Egypt’s Turmoil : Common Dreams .org
Food Egypt & Wall Street : Huffington Post


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8 responses to “Speculator Tax”

  1. SteleEly Avatar

    New York City – The Northeast is still reeling from Sandy. Heavy rains, fierce winds and surging seas – 30% beyond previous record levels – walloped the region last week, leaving low-lying communities submerged, millions without power, thousands homeless and … loss of life. It was a very large dose of reality: man-made effects of climate change are here and now. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said that with Hurricane Sandy comes “the recognition that climate change is a reality; extreme weather is a reality; it is a reality that we are vulnerable.”

    Increased attention, research and plans of action on climate change – both in the U.S. and internationally – are squarely within the scope of the Robin Hood Tax Campaign. Addressing infrastructure needs are also a high priority for RHT, making arguments for a Wall Street sales tax on speculative trading even more compelling. Sandy’s damage makes clear that in both these areas – climate change and enhanced infrastructure – immediate, coordinated steps on a federal level are required without delay.

  2. SteleEly Avatar

    As he embarks upon the second term that not all presidents are given, Obama would do well to take the counsel of National Nurses United executive direector Rose Ann DeMoro, who said after the election, “The President and Congress should stand with the people who elected them and reject any cuts in Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, strengthen Medicare by expanding it to cover everyone, and insist that Wall Street begin to repay our nation for the damage it caused our economy with a small tax on Wall Street speculation, the Robin Hood tax.”

    That reference to the Robin Hood tax is worthy of note.

    President Obama ought to get serious, in his second term, about finding the revenues to pay for the strengthening and expanding of necessary programs: ideally by taxing the wealthy as they were in the days of America’s greatest economic expansion, and also by imposing that “Robin Hood Tax” on financial transactions. via http://www.commondreams.org

  3. SteleEly Avatar

    From NATION OF CHANGE by Carey L. Biron
    In an open letter published Thursday, 52 professionals from the financial sector urged the U.S. Congress to pass legislation mandating a tax on financial transactions.

    The tax would cover stock trading, derivatives and other financial instruments, but, proponents say, would have a significant impact only on so-called high-frequency trades, in which computer-driven speculators typically hold stocks for mere milliseconds.

    “These taxes will rebalance financial markets away from a short-term trading mentality that has contributed to instability in our financial markets,” the letter stated. “The primary role of financial markets is to raise investment, allocate resources efficiently, and mitigate risk. However, much of today’s financial activity does not contribute to these goals.”

  4. SteleEly Avatar

    Dean Baker quote: For the 99 percent there are much better ways of dealing with whatever deficit problems may arise down the road. Most obviously, insofar as we need more revenue we can look to tax the sort of financial speculation through which the Wall Street gang makes its fortunes. A very small tax on trades of stocks, options, credit default swaps and other derivative instruments could raise a vast amount of money.
    The Joint Tax Committee of Congress estimated that a tax of just 0.03 percent on each trade, as proposed by Senator Tom Harkin and Representative Peter DeFazio, would raise more than $350 billion over the first nine years that it is place. This is real money. It is an order of magnitude larger than the measures that have been suggested to go after the wealthy, such as President Obama’s bank tax or most versions of the Buffet Rule.
    Via: Dean Baker is co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C. http://www.nationofchange.org/2016/08/10/tax-wall-street-trades-even-better-idea-know/

  5. SteleEly Avatar

    We want you to slow down some of that $1.3-trillion easy money that's sloshing around the global casino each day – enough cash to fund every social program and environmental initiative in the world. Take this idea to your local general assembly and join your comrades in the streets.

  6. SteleEly Avatar

    Events around the world are highlighting a need to put a fee on these speculative financial transactions, and use the funds to invest in our future. As part of these efforts, 39 global advocacy organizations sent a letter to the President and your Congress person today, urging him to support the Investing In Our Future Act. From the letter:
    "We call on you to support the Investing in Our Future Act, which would generate new funds to help cut the U.S. deficit and secure financing for life-saving health, climate resiliency, and low-carbon development programs in impoverished countries. This would be accomplished through a 0.005% levy on foreign currency exchange transactions by large-scale investors, such as investment banks and money center banks, in the U.S.

  7. SteleEly Avatar

    French President Nicolas Sarkozy has announced plans to introduce a 0.1% tax on financial transactions in August, regardless of whether it is implemented in other European countries.

    Speaking last night on French television from Paris, Sarkozy said: “What we want to do is provoke a shock, to set an example. There’s no reason why deregulated finance, which brought us to the current situation, can’t participate in the restoration of our accounts.”

    "We hope the tax will generate one billion euros ($1.3bn, £0.8bn) of new income and thus cut our budget deficit."

    Sarkozy announced the Financial Transaction Tax as part of a package of measures spur growth and create jobs. Further details of the tax are still to be confirmed.

    David Hillman, spokesperson for the Robin Hood Tax Campaign, said:
    "Sarkozy has shown he is capable of reining in the banks and ensuring they pay more in tax. Why then is David Cameron so resistant when the idea is backed by the British people?

  8. SteleEly Avatar

    This tax on the financial sector has the power to raise hundreds of billions every year globally. It could give a vital boost to the NHS, our schools, and the fight against child poverty in the UK – as well as tackling poverty and climate change around the world. Not complicated. Just brilliant.

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