Tag: trees
Bar Soap Rope [make one for your shower time] + the Hand Dry Jive song [sing along with us]
BAR SOAP ROPE I use a Bar Soap Rope to dry out my bar soap between my showers or baths, and to slow down the crazy flood of plastic being made for single-use junk. The Bar Soap Rope makes the soap easier to hold on to while bathing too. The ‘rope’ around the soap can…
NooPoo Paper and Bottle Bidet : Used Office Paper, Newspaper & A Water Squirter Vs Toilet Paper
Play >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NooPoo Paper .mp3 Here are four fine ways to stop using killer toilet paper and help save the forests, help save the forest animals, and help stop the climate change monsters that are killing our biosphere. Have fun cleaning your poopy bottom with these: 1] Various waste papers – called NooPoo Paper.…
Passion Tree
Play >> Passion Tree .mp3 From sapling, water, poo and pee, I will be your passion tree. I live to protect one you love from hurricane, drought and flood. ~~ touch my .bright green .leaves not .high /c dm7 em c although a sapling .tree, .but I /dm7 c dm7 live to .give to .one…