Passion Tree


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From sapling, water, poo and pee,
I will be your passion tree.
I live to protect one you love
from hurricane, drought and flood.

touch my .bright green .leaves not .high /c dm7 em c
although a sapling .tree, .but I /dm7 c dm7
live to .give to .one you .love /c dm7 em c
oxygen and .weather .divine /dm7 c dm7

so water .year .round my .ground /c dm7 cma7 dm7
piddle on my .roots so .sweetly /cma7 dm7 e7
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium /a d e a
grow me to be your passion .tree /d g

tree da .do, .tree wa .wee /c dm7 em c

sit under .my deep green .leaves up .high /c dm7 em c
although a simple .tree, .but I /dm7 c dm7
live to .protect .one you .love /c dm7 em c
from hurricane, .drought and .flood /dm7 c dm7

so .water year .round my .ground /c dm7 cma7 dm7
bury your .turd so .sweetly /cma7 dm7 e7
calcium sulfur magnesium /a d e a
grow me to be your passion .tree /d g

play under .my deep green .leaves way .high /c dm7 em c
although a mighty .tree, .but I /dm7 c dm7
live to .give to .one you .love /c dm7 em c
oxygen and .climate .divine /dm7 c dm7

tree da do, tree wa wee /c dm7 em c

Passion Tree / stele c10


from sapling, water, poo’npee
I am now your passion tree

other tree song ideas:
plant a tree for someone … it’s the biggest bouquet or posy you can give
my water and breath goes up a tree
water, kisses, breath, wishes, leaves, fertilizer up the tree
when the rains or snow was nill
the tree called out to me
bring me food and water to keep me strong
spring, summer, fall and even winter
so I carried a bucket

Musicians :: Record this song and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Artists :: Do a video, art, dance or media for this song and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Fans :: Donate $1 or more to sponsor a better version of this song. Donate $44 or more to get a shared copyright certificate for this song or your choice of one of our other environmental songs.



2 responses to “Passion Tree”

  1. SteleEly Avatar

    What’s in urine that helps it grow plants? Nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Experiments have shown that plants using urine as an ingredient in their growth have actually developed big and healthy fruits and vegetables. This is a process that’s already been used in developing countries as it’s one of the cheapest fertilizers that you can get.

  2. Dave Avatar

    HI Steele: I finally got around to listening to the tree song you wrote on my behalf, and I like it a lot. The video is really cool too. Keep fighting the good fight, but have fun doing it! Dave

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