Close To Home : Bike To Work + Hear the Future + Get in the Ecozone


can you hear the future today
can you hear the rainforest say

work close to home, get in the ecozone
work close to home, get in the ecozone

a bunch of people live far far away
from the place they work and I have to say
when you live far away from work
and you have to get in that car
or in something that’s burning fossil fuels
so please walk to work (yodel)

close to home, get in the ecozone
close to home, get in the ecozone

grow some greens in the backyard
for the butterflys will come around
and hummingbirds too
they’ll be giving you kisses so true
and they will be whispering in your ear
we love you so fine
we ‘ll sing a song to you so fine

close to home, get in the ecozone
close to home, get in the ecozone

some sweet day we will all go away
we will transform into other species I must say
I promise no matter where your soul goes
your carbon will go into the soil, water and air
it will go around the world and you’ll become a
you’ll become a giraffe wildebeast octopus eel or baby
be so thankful you know
cuz one day in a previous life you lived in the ecozone

close to home, get in the ecozone
close to home, get in the ecozone

Close To Home /stele c12


Living close to where we live is a crucial way to protect our planet and the health of our friends and loves.

Missouri Sierra Club says: “Living closer to home is about transportation. We all need transportation to get to work, to the store, to the doctor, or to visit friends. More often than not, we drive. That’s what our culture encourages us to do, in hundreds of subtle and not so subtle ways.
Transportation is a good thing, but it doesn’t come cheap. A Missouri energy study found that transportation accounted for about 41 percent of all energy used in the state in 1990.
Nationally, vehicle trips are growing a lot faster than population. US population grew 21 percent between 1969 and 1990, while vehicle miles grew by 82 percent. Motor vehicles account for about a third of all air pollution, and building new roads just in the Kansas City area will cost $15 billion over the next 25 years – almost $10,000 for each one of us.” says:: Spending one day a week working from home saves you time and money—and shrinks your carbon footprint.
There’s no question that the biggest impact working from home can have is on reducing transportation emissions. The average commute to work in the United States is 12 miles each way, and every gallon of gas burned emits 25.3 pounds of carbon dioxide. A fairly efficient car that gets 25 miles per gallon would emit 25 pounds of CO2 on a round-trip commute. A gas-guzzling vehicle could spew as much as 50 pounds per day. If you eliminated one trip a week, you’d save between 1,300 and 2,600 pounds a year. Multiply that by the number of commuters on the road, and it is clear that the overall emissions reduction could be huge.

++ More XOEarth street improv songs at


Musicians :: Record this song and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Artists :: Do a video, art, dance or media for this song and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Fans :: Donate $1 or more to sponsor a better version or recording of this song. Donate $44 or more to get a shared copyright certificate for this song or your choice of one of our other environmental songs.



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