David Rovics sings his *City of Jenin* and *Alligator Dick* songs in this interview I did with him in Boulder. Yessss, I was thrilled that my biggest political eco songwriting hero had time to sit a spell with me. I talked to him about how musicians can get their talents and songs working for a better world.
Be sure to listen to the City of Jenin song, even if you skip over the Alligator Dick song if it is too snarky for you.
The second song, *City of Jenin* is a deep, heart wrenching song about a young person in the Northern West Bank who is thinking about becoming a suicide bomber. Then David and I talked about environmental inequalities in the region that fuel the conflict.
The first song, *Alligator Dick* is a slappy, toxicology tune about declining size of alligator (and human) penises due to the estrogens and compounds in plastic that are messing with our endocrine hormone system. It calls on the boys and others to “save the dick” by taking a stand against plastics when they are dangerous, wasteful and environmentally destructive.
Interview by Stele Ely c02
Check out DavidsRovics.com for his other important activist songs, and his love songs.
Go to KGNU.org for interviews of other visionary musicians, activists and writers.

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