Garden Feelin Love + Feelin Love by Paula Cole


Songwriters and musicians, co-write and record *Garden Feelin Love* with XOEarth Stele pq. It is a parody of *Garden Feelin Love *by Paula Cole. Fans, sponsor us to record this eco song at


Eb F Eb G
Love, love
Permaculture girl makes me feel my sticky pistils…
You make me feel like the sticky pistil…
pollinating a stamen
leaning into a stamen
Permaculture boy makes my xylem phloem grow in mister sunshine…
You make me feel xylem phloem growing in mister sunshine…
You make me feel like a mister sunshine…
Organic farmer makes me feel the splendor in my grass…
You make me feel like splendor in the grass…
While we’re rollin’
While we’re rollin’
Damn skippy baby
Damn skippy baby
Biodynamic girl make me feel my deep river’s runnin’ between…
You make me feel like the Amazon’s runnin’ between…
You make me feel like the Amazon’s runnin’ between…
Eb F G
my jungle thighs
my thighs

Your garden makes me feel love, love, love, love, love
love, love, love, love, love
Your garden makes me feel love, love, love, love, love
Eb F Eb G
love, love, love, love

Garden guys make me feel my cherries and buffalo
You make me feel like a candy apple
All red and horny
All red and horny
Garden gals make me feel my roots grow into my fertile soil
You make me feel like I wanna be a dumb blonde
Down in my fragrant dirt, go smell my garden door
In a centerfold, the girl next door
Gardener open my soil and…
And I will open my soil and…
And I would open the door and…
I’ll grow food wet
I’d be all wet
With my little rains soaking your soil in your tiny part of biosphere…
With my tits soaking through this tiny little t-shirt…
That I’m wearing
The soil that I’m wearing
That I’m wearing

Your compost, pee and seed in my dirt…
And you will open the door and tie…
And you would open the door and tie…
Eb F G
Lays growing in my garden bed
Lay in my garden bed
Me up to the bed

Veggie lover, you help me be who I am
Lover, but I don’t know who I am
A sexy Mother Earth? I am Pachamama? Ohhh…
Am I Barry White? Am I Isis? Ohhh…
Lover, I’m laced by your fertile conscious
Lover, I’m laced with your unconscious
Oh baby organic garden baby
Oh baby babe babe baby
Eb F
I will be your Pachamama ahhhhh…
I will be your Desdemona ahhhhh…

You give us more time
Take your time

Your hands make me feel Ahaa
-You make me feel Ahaa
Your compost make me feel WooWoo baby
-You make me feel WooWoo baby
Your toes makes me feel Ahaa mmm
-You make me feel Ahaa mmm
You seeds me feel loved
-You make me feel loved



Eb F Eb G
Love, love
You make me feel like a sticky pistil…
leaning into a stamen
You make me feel like a mister sunshine…
You make me feel like splendor in the grass…
While we’re rollin’
Damn skippy baby
You make me feel like the Amazon’s runnin’ between…
Eb F G
my thighs

You make me feel love, love, love, love, love
love, love, love, love, love
You make me feel love, love, love, love, love
Eb F Eb G
love, love, love, love

You make me feel like a candy apple
All red and horny
You make me feel like I wanna be a dumb blonde
In a centerfold, the girl next door
And I would open the door and…
I’d be all wet
With my tits soaking through this tiny little t-shirt…
That I’m wearing
And you would open the door and tie…
Eb F G
Me up to the bed


Lover, but I don’t know who I am
Am I Barry White? Am I Isis? Ohhh…
Lover, I’m laced with your unconscious
Oh baby babe babe baby
Eb F
I will be your Desdemona ahhhhh…

Take your time

You make me feel Ahaa
You make me feel WooWoo baby
You make me feel Ahaa mmm
You make me feel loved


(Ariel, listen to me. The human world, it’s a mess.
And they’ve decided to share that mess with us!)

The seaweed was always greener
But now it’s been turning black
They make lots of garbage up there
They can’t seem to hold it back
Their refuse, no place to dump it
Their sewage, no place to store
So guess where they choose to pump it
Right here on the ocean floor

Under the sea, under the sea
Plastics and metal down here they settle
Medical sludge keeps up its flow
Nuclear waste gives us a glow
Whatever they’re flushing all ends up gushing
Under the sea

Up there all the ships keep leaking
And leave us with oil slicks
It seem as if all those tankers
Is made out of ice cream sticks
The fish in a bowl is lucky
They find it to be quite freeing
‘Cause they’re not ingesting rubbish
Or stuck in a six-pack ring

Wo-no, under the sea
Under the sea
More offshore drilling, chemical spilling
If you’ve a chance to leave this fate
It might be best you take the bait
With all this trouble, life’s on the bubble
Under the sea
Under the sea
If you will stick here, you will be sick here
Even the sturgeon and the ray
They need a surgeon right away
Once life was sounder, now we all flounder
Under the sea

The smelt has a welt
The trout has the gout
The chub has a stub and can’t get it out
The shrimp has a limp
The hake has an ache
The jack got a crack and broke
The plaice has a case of swill in the gill
The fluke, see him puke
The blackfish he ill
The sole and the sprat
They looking quite flat
And oh, that blowfish choke!

Yeah, under the sea
Under the sea
Where the sardine he needs a vaccine
We face so many threats ahead
Soon you’ll be finding Nemo dead
Each little clam here stuck in a jam here
Under the sea
Each little prawn here feeling all drawn here
Under the sea
Each little snail here looking all pale here
That’s why you gotta’ get outta the watta’
With all of their muck here we’re out of luck here
Under the sea

Little Mermaid : Under the Sea (ocean pollution): Parody by: Pensworth


Eco-Desiderata, Eco-Desiderata, Eco-Desiderata
Go angrily amid the pollution and waste
taking a long-term environmental view,
surrendering the things of materialism, as necessary.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with the environment.
Live your life quietly and cleanly; and listen to Nature,
even the plants and animals, for they too have their story.

Avoid lazy and wasteful persons, they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with Nature,
you should become plain and humble;
for always there will be greater wonders than humans.
Enjoy your planting as well as your harvesting.

Exercise caution in your population growth;
for the world has limited resources.
Never be careless about growth;
for in spite of all economies of scale
it is as dangerous as the bomb.

Keep interested in your own community, however small;
for it can change and become a threat
to the environment over time.
But let this not blind you to what freedoms there are;
all responsible persons must strive for ecological living,
and remember what savings there are in recycling.

Obtain knowledge of survival to aid you in ecological living;
and do not distress yourself with reminiscing;
the world must change due to our pollution and overpopulation.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, always be gentle with Nature.

Humans are only animals,
especially with no natural right of superiority.
We are but one species among many,
no more than the trees and the animals
they have an equal right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
there is no doubt that humans have not been living as they should.

Therefore be at peace with Nature, whatever you conceive it to be;
and whatever your labors and aspirations
in our threatened environment keep waste to a minimum,
since everywhere life is under threat.

Without all our wars, pollution and overpopulation
it could again be a beautiful world.
Be ecological. Sacrifice for the future.


Musicians :: Record this song and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Artists :: Do aXOEarth VOX and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Fans :: Donate $1 or more to sponsor a better version of this song. Donate $44 or more to get a shared copyright certificate for this song or your choice of one of our other environmental songs.



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