Hello Earth Citizen ::
The Carbon Tax bill that you have received is an estimate of how much your business or you should pay to your favorite carbon offset organization.
Please pay your Carbon Tax bill as your fair share to help slow down climate change and keep our planet livable.
If you have already paid your Carbon Tax bill, proudly announce it on your social networks so we can thank you and celebrate your eco logical commitment.
When you post about your Carbon Tax bill payment, include the name of the carbon offset organization and/or project that you funded, and link to that organization’s acknowledgement showing that you have paid your Carbon Tax / carbon offset. Announce your Carbon Tax payment on your website too.
If you have not paid your Carbon Tax bill yet, I recommend Carbonfund.org or CarbonFootprint.com. Other great organizations you can choose from are listed below.
Your payment will help fund projects that offset the dangerous impacts of your CO2 pollution on humanity and other species. These projects may include tropical and boreal reforestation, leaky natural-gas wells repair, abandoned-landfill methane gas collection, methane capture from abandoned farm waste ponds, protecting forests from illegal logging, small hydro funding, wind farm funding, energy efficiency programs, tree planting and waste energy capture.
A company Carbon Tax bill calculation is based on net income, estimated wages and salaries paid, World Bank CO2 emissions metrics, and a US$104 per tonne of CO2 emissions Carbon Tax. An individual Carbon Tax bill excludes wages and salaries paid in its calculation.
The US$104 Carbon Tax is lower than some recommendations. Sweden’s 2017 rate is US$132 per tonn.
If you decide to use a more robust carbon offset calculator, Carbonfund.org, CarbonFootprint.com and other fine carbon offset organizations have calculators and free calculation services.
This Carbon Tax is in addition to your sustainability expenditures, renewable energy choices and sustainable investments. This is because, not only are your sustainability expenditures and investments the ethical thing to do, they can save you money later, increase customer loyalty and reduce your taxes.
This Carbon Tax is also additional because we all need to go big or risk the total loss of our biosphere – with some scientists saying as early 2035. [Go Big or No Home.]
To honor you for paying your Carbon Tax, I will continue to be one of your loyal customers or fans. I will also thank you for paying your Carbon Tax via my social networks and recommend your business.
Thank you big time for paying your Carbon Tax bill and helping fight climate change.
For all the life, Stele Ely and Co-Signers
PS: To review the basis for the $ amount of your Carbon Tax bill go to XOEarth.org/My-Carbon-Tax.
Excellent carbon offset organizations include ::
+ Carbonfund.org
+ CarbonFootprint.com.
+ NativeEnergy.com
+ Terrapass.com
+ TheNatureConservancy.org /greenliving /carboncalculator
+ ArborDay.org /carbon