Tag: psych

  • Environmental Awards + Environmental Money

    Environmental Awards + Environmental Money

    Give XOEarth Awards to honor friends, businesses, customers, employees and others for taking environmental actions to slow down the Climate Change Monsters – Hurricanes, Wildfires, Floods and Heatwaves. Feel free to copy and share, or print these XOEarth Awards, or, send us a self addressed stamped envelope and we will send 6 XOEarth Awards to…

  • You Have A Blue Butterfly And Green Tiger In Your Pocket

    You Have A Blue Butterfly And Green Tiger In Your Pocket

    Yee lovers of the Earth, Each time you take an environmental action, take an [invisible] blue butterfly or a little green tiger out of your pocket, and set it free. If it is a blue butterfly, envision it flying off to a specific ocean, lake or river somewhere in the world. Envision that butterfly showing…

  • We Will Love Again : My Atoms Want You Again and Again

    We Will Love Again : My Atoms Want You Again and Again

      Play >> We Will Love Again .mp3. When we die our atoms and molecules will be recycled and bioaccumulate in various amazing lifeforms around the planet again and again. Surely some amazing and exciting experiences await us as parts of these future lifeforms and even future humans – if we save our biosphere. Might…

  • The Visionary : if we are going to make it last

    The Visionary : if we are going to make it last

      Play >> The Visionary .mp3 envision the visionary in yourself today if we are going to make it last we ‘ve got to call the visionary in each one of us envision the visionary in yourself today look into the future, it’s got something to say if we’re not each one of us a…

  • Twinkle The Biz

    Twinkle The Biz

      Play >> Twinkle The Biz .mp3 when a business does the right thing, we twinkle up inside and outside for all to see, we twinkle up sustainable, humane, organic, clean energy for these we ask biz managers respectfully fair-trade, fair-wages, equal opportunity for these we honor biz owners faithfully into ethical businesses we walk…

  • Citizen Green : can’t live without the way you love

    Citizen Green : can’t live without the way you love

      Play >> Citizen Green .mp3 I can hear her say I was made for you, oh citizen green don’t stop doing that eco thing to me you were made for me, oh citizen green can’t live without the way you love me she’s in love with citizen green a a for taking care of…

  • Alligator Dick and City of Jenin : Interview with and music by David Rovics

    Alligator Dick and City of Jenin : Interview with and music by David Rovics

      Play >> David Rovics, Alligator and Jenin .mp3 David Rovics sings his *City of Jenin* and *Alligator Dick* songs in this interview I did with him in Boulder. Yessss, I was thrilled that my biggest political eco songwriting hero had time to sit a spell with me. I talked to him about how musicians…

  • Speculator Tax

    Speculator Tax

    Play >> Speculator Tax .mp3 an itsy bitsy, you banker cats it’s less than point 1 percent, the speculator tax to help the people and our planet we ask please pay the speculator tax stock and currency exchange markets a c(fret 5+EBe) e trade trillions every day a c(fret 5+EBe) e untaxed transactions to wit…

  • Home Om : 1 billion kilometers a year we fly ahhh

    Home Om : 1 billion kilometers a year we fly ahhh

    Play >> Home Om .mp3   home, around the sun she fly-ah om magic waters, rocks and skyah home, 2 million species love the ride-ah /ome archaea protista, bryophytes bacteria tracheophytes parazoa, fungi eumetazoa home, 4 trillion .tons of biota ly-fi D G om magic plants, animals, .crobes-mi A D home, 2 million ways to…

  • Im Calling Ong Namo

    Im Calling Ong Namo

      Play >> Im Calling Ong Namo .mp3   I’m calling for all the children of the future I’m calling for all the life that loves to live I’m calling for all the .beings of land and water I’m calling for all the .lovers yet to kiss ~~ Ong Na.mo Guru Dev Na.mo dgd Ong…

  • My Sweet Earth / by Stele y George Harrison

    My Sweet Earth / by Stele y George Harrison

    My sweet Earth, Hm, my Earth, Hm, my Earth by stele 10c y George Harrison  I really want to see you/ see Really want to be with you/ be with Really want to honor you/ see for all the life that loves to live, my Earth (Or) For my love is strong, my Earth My…

  • Turquoise Yellow Green

    eco future as the one the sensitive self part of the holistic universe holon waves of integrative energies united in feeling and knowledge [centaur] level upon level interwoven into a conscious network universal community ecological cherishing earth Gaia life living and conscious freed from greed liberated from dogma dissing divisiveness eco psych lateral bonding permeable…

  • Strange Friends Like Me : Ten New Species + Maybe Win 444 For Your Song Or Art

    Nepenthes attenboroughii Photo: Alastair S. Robinson Friends Like Me / Stele c10 they’re crawling around with no legs or swimming in deep and dark or flying on the darkest night pushing the envelope of weird mother nature loves these creatures just as much as others they may not be cute and cuddly but they love…