WorldFace Awards + Greenpeace + PETA : Honor your eco peeps now


Give WorldFace XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions.

Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental actions – either past or pledged.

These WorldFace XOEarth Awards have been dedicated to:
+ Deep Ecology
+ PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
+ Greenpeace
+ Naomi Ages – Climate Liability Project Lead at Greenpeace USA. She focuses on establishing legal, political, and financial accountability for climate change, and achieving justice for climate-impacted and vulnerable communities.
+ Chelsea Clinton – helps the Clinton Foundation convene businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to improve global health and wellness, increase opportunity for girls and women, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity and growth, and help communities address the effects of climate change
+ Dale Vince – vegan businessman, founder of ecotricity and chairman of Forest Green Rovers, the first ever vegan Soccer Club. Ecotricity has supported the cowspiracy follow up film seaspiracy, which is an environmental documentary about our oceans set to be released in 2018.
+ Rachelle Owen – peta2’s associate director of youth campaigns, oversees youth campaigns with 150,000 young people around the world who help animals through demonstrations, e-mail campaigns, efforts to implement dissection-choice policies and vegan cafeteria options at their schools, TeachKind, and PETA’s animal-friendly educational materials provided to teachers.


Deep Ecology

Deep ecology is an ecological and environmental philosophy promoting the inherent worth of living beings regardless of their instrumental utility to human needs, plus a radical restructuring of modern human societies in accordance with such ideas.

Deep ecology argues that the natural world is a subtle balance of complex inter-relationships in which the existence of organisms is dependent on the existence of others within ecosystems. Human interference with or destruction of the natural world poses a threat therefore not only to humans but to all organisms constituting the natural order.

Deep ecology’s core principle is the belief that the living environment as a whole should be respected and regarded as having certain inalienable legal rights to live and flourish, independent of its instrumental benefits for human use. Deep ecology is often framed in terms of the idea of a much broader sociality; it recognizes diverse communities of life on Earth that are composed not only through biotic factors but also, where applicable, through ethical relations, that is, the valuing of other beings as more than just resources.

It describes itself as “deep” because it regards itself as looking more deeply into the actual reality of humanity’s relationship with the natural world arriving at philosophically more profound conclusions than that of the prevailing view of ecology as a branch of biology.

Deep ecology takes a holistic view of the world human beings live in and seeks to apply to life the understanding that the separate parts of the ecosystem (including humans) function as a whole. This philosophy provides a foundation for the environmental, ecology, and green movements and has fostered a new system of environmental ethics advocating wilderness preservation, human population control, and simple living.

Excerpts via Wikipedia


PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

In recognition of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals‘s work to defend and liberate the world’s abused and tortured animals, and climate protection work by fighting animal factory farms, we are honored to dedicate these WorldFace XOEarth Awards to the

PETA is an animal rights organization and, as such, it rejects speciesism and also opposes the use and abuse of animals in any way, as food, clothing, entertainment, or research subjects.

One oft-cited quote of Newkirk’s is: “When it comes to feelings like hunger, pain, and thirst, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.”

PETA lobbies government agencies to impose fines and/or confiscate animals when animal-welfare legislation has been violated, promotes a vegan lifestyle, tries to reform practices on factory farms and in slaughterhouses, sends undercover investigators into animal-research laboratories, farms, and circuses, initiates media campaigns against particular companies or practices, helps to find sanctuaries for animals formerly used by circuses and zoos, and initiates lawsuits against companies that refuse to change their practices.

The organization is known for its aggressive media campaigns, combined with a solid base of celebrity support—in addition to its honorary directors, Paul McCartney, Alicia Silverstone, Eva Mendes, Charlize Theron, Ellen DeGeneres, and many other notable celebrities have appeared in PETA ads.[33] Every week, Newkirk holds what The New Yorker calls a “war council,” with two dozen of her top strategists gathered at a square table in the PETA conference room, with no suggestion considered too outrageous.

PETA gives an annual prize, called the Proggy Award (for “progress”), to individuals or organizations dedicated to animal welfare or who distinguish themselves through their efforts within the area of animal welfare.

Excerpts via Wikipedia at

Support PETA [People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals] at



In recognition of their important climate change awareness and actions to slow it down, we are honored to dedicate these WorldFace XOEarth Awards to the

Greenpeace was one of the first parties to formulate a sustainable development scenario for climate change mitigation, which it did in 1993.

According to sociologists Marc Mormont and Christine Dasnoy, Greenpeace played a significant role in raising public awareness of global warming in the 1990s.

The organization has also focused on CFCs, because of both their global warming potential and their effect on the ozone layer. Greenpeace was one of the leading participants advocating early phase-out of ozone depleting substances in the Montreal Protocol. In the early 1990s, Greenpeace developed a CFC-free refrigerator technology, “Greenfreeze” for mass production together with the refrigerator industry.

United Nations Environment Programme awarded Greenpeace for “outstanding contributions to the protection of the Earth’s ozone layer” in 1997. In 2011 two fifths of the world’s total production of refrigerators were based on Greenfreeze technology, with over 600 million units in use.

Currently Greenpeace considers global warming to be the greatest environmental problem facing the Earth. Greenpeace calls for global greenhouse gas emissions to peak in 2015 and to decrease as close to zero as possible by 2050.

To reach these numbers, Greenpeace has called for the industrialized countries to cut their emissions at least 40% by 2020 (from 1990 levels) and to give substantial funding for developing countries to build a sustainable energy capacity, to adapt to the inevitable consequences of global warming, and to stop deforestation by 2020.

Together with EREC, Greenpeace has formulated a global energy scenario, “Energy [R]evolution”, where 80% of the world’s total energy is produced with renewables, and the emissions of the energy sector are decreased by over 80% of the 1990 levels by 2050.

Excerpts via Wikipedia at

Support Greenpeace at

For all the life, Stele Ely


XOEarth Award Printing Tips

To print these awards, first go to your browser’s file menu and then to print preview. Decide which page you want to print. Set the margins to zero. Increase the custom size to between 100% to 107% depending on your browser. Then print.

For more printing tips see

There are two kinds of XOEarth Awards – Fast and Slow. Slow XOEarth Awards have a place to write the name of the person being honored, the eco action they have taken, and the name of the presenter. Fast XOEarth Awards don’t need to be filled out.

To see more XOEarth environmental awards that you can copy and share, or print and give to others for their eco actions, go to




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