Please invest 44%* of your net income and/or your business’s net income in not-for-profit climate change fighting teams and projects to help stop the climate monster disasters that are killing us, our planet, and its life.
Your EarthMoney 44%* investment will slow down the growing number and crazy big climate monster heatwaves, wildfires, floods and storms, and help reduce violence, inflation, terrorism and geopolitical volatility.
Giving 44% of your personal and/or your business’s net income [or relevant assets] to climate change fighting organizations and projects will cover your carbon emissions [24%], plus most of the carbon emissions for one more person and/or your business’s employees [20%]. [44%=24%+20%]
If you say it’s not fair to have to pay 20% extra someone else’s emissions in addition to your own 24% you re right! However, our survival requires that some of us offset the emissions of others who are not going to do their share. So please do it to keep this party planet alive. [Basis]
When you play our fun+real+life EarthLover Game, add your 44% [or apropos %] to your weekly EarthLover number or score. ::
The EarthMoney 44% offset is based on a carbon price of $800 per ton. The $800 recommendation is extolled in the Basis for EarthMoney 44 section below. [Basis]
Note 1: An Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] report has indicated that studies and models state that carbon emissions may need to be priced between $135 to $5,500 per ton by 2030 to prevent a 1.5C global warming. Funds raised could be used for forest, soil, ocean protection and restoration projects, and greenhouse gas reduction projects. [IPCC]
Note 2: UChicago: The ultimate cost of carbon. ‘Ultimate cost’ of carbon 1,000 times greater than cost to current generation. This study suggested the true cost could be between $10,000 to $750,000 per ton. [UChicago]
For more fun, what if we dream that $20 per tonne of carbon is the right price? After all, $20 is about the price for carbon offsets that many carbon offset orgs and airlines are selling now. So if $20 is magically enough, then our EarthMoney 44% investments will be offsetting for an additional 21 people who are also in our income brackets. So at $20 your 44% will be an even bigger win for our home planet. Because again, the physics of this climate crisis suggests that some of us are going to have to offset for others who are not, if we are to survive.
Bonus Points:: Calculate and convert 24% of your personal assets and your business’s assets into EarthMoney investments or projects too. See the EarthMoney Assets formulas. [more]

Calculate and dedicate your EarthMoney 44% to save our priceless home
This section shows how to calculate and invest 44%* of your personal or business net income to cover your and/or your business’s carbon emissions [24%], plus most of the carbon emissions for one more person and/or most of your business’s employees [20%]. [44%=24%+20%]
Below is also a suggested sliding scale for those who must reduce their EarthMoney 44% percentage based on financial necessity.
The formulas can also be used to calculate and send out EarthMoney 44% bills to other businesses and individuals.
To calculate EarthMoney 44% for each net income amount::
1/ Start with your yearly business net income, or your personal net income, or another company’s net income, or another person’s net pay. This is net income before taxes.
If you are not working and drawing on funds from an asset source, use the amount you are drawing each month as your “income amount”.
2/ Multiply that net income by 44%.
+ For those with yearly net incomes under $60,000, if financially necessary, deduct up to 4% from the 44% for each $5,000 of net income that is less than $60,000.
+ We recommend that for those with yearly net incomes over $60,000, please add 2% more for each additional $5,000 of net profit over the $60,000.
+ We also recommend companies invest an additional 24% of the cost of labor and salaries. This will ensure that the carbon emissions generated by employees and staff incomes are covered too. [24% basis]
3/ Once the calculation for your business or for yourself, invest that amount in your favorite Environmental or Carbon Offset organization or greenhouse gas reduction project! [Our fave organizations below.]
When the calculation is for some other business or individual, send an EarthMoney 44%* bill to that business or individual.
4/ EarthMoney 44 peeps! Thanks for investing 44%* in environmental organizations and emission reduction projects that will help keep this biosphere alive so we can all have more fun!
When your business invests 44%*, we would like to help by regularly thanking and promoting your business via social media and beyond. So contact us when you get your EarthMoney 44% rolling. And contact us for help getting your company started with EarthMoney44.
For personally investing 44%*, we would like to thank you by sending some nice art or media to you every month via email or social media. Join us at XOEarth on facebook and tell us how your EarthMoney 44% investing is going, or contact us via email.
When the calculations are for another company or someone else, send an EarthMoney 44%*, Carbon Offset or Carbon Tax bill to that business or individual via social media and/or email – with a link to this page XOEarth.org/EarthMoney or XOEarth.org/My-Carbon-Tax-Bill, and a note from yourself about the bill.
For non U.S.A. residents, PPE [purchasing power equity] can be used to adjust these values in a fair way.
[Click here if you received a ‘My Carbon Tax Bill’.]
Excellent carbon offset organizations
Here are some of our fave orgs that have crucial projects that you can invest your EarthMoney in. Check ’em out!
+ Carbonfund.org
+ CarbonFootprint.com
+ CoolEffect.org
+ Native.eco
+ Terrapass.com
+ TheNatureConservancy.org [carbon footprint calculator]
+ ArborDay.org /carbon
Superb climate action organizations
If you prefer, we think it is totally fine to invest money in any organization that is fighting effectively to slow down climate change – even if it is not a certified third-party-certified carbon offset organization.
So here are some superb organizations that are fighting climate change and that we hope you will invest your EarthMoney in.
+ SierraClub.org
+ 350.org
+ NRDC.org
+ EDF.org
+ Greenpeace.org
+ Extinction Rebellion / rebellion.global
+ Climate Reality Project
+ XOEarth.org
EarthMoney / Carbon Offset / Carbon Tax
Our planet cannot force us to invest our EarthMoney in carbon emissions reduction projects that are necessary to keep her and us alive. However, we should invest or pay those taxes anyway to help her not die and to keep us alive too.
The term ‘carbon offset’ usually sounds too optional to me.
I hope that everyone will say with pride, “I love to invest EarthMoney in my planet” or “I love paying My Carbon Tax”.
For all the life, Stele Ely
Example of a Carbon Tax bill and the link sent via Twitter or Facebook
Hello @ExxonMobil XOM, Have you paid your 2018 $546 million Carbon Tax bill? Please tell us! XOEarth.org/My-Carbon-Tax #ClimateChange
Example of a Carbon Tax bill and the note sent via email or Facebook
Hello and a Livable Earth to [ExxonMobil XOM / company name] ::
This is a copy of your 2018 [$546 million / or relevant tax] Carbon Tax bill.
Your Carbon Tax bill is an estimate of how much your business or you should pay to your favorite carbon offset organization.
Please pay your fair share to help slow down climate change and keep our planet livable.
If you have already paid your Carbon Tax bill, proudly announce it on your social networks so we can thank you and celebrate your eco logical commitment.
When you post about your Carbon Tax bill payment, include the name of the carbon offset organization and/or project that you funded, and link to that organization’s acknowledgement showing that you have paid your Carbon Tax / carbon offset. Announce your Carbon Tax payment on your website too.
If you have not paid your Carbon Tax bill yet, I recommend Carbonfund.org or CarbonFootprint.com. Other great organizations you can choose from are listed below.
Your payment will help fund projects that offset the dangerous impacts of your CO2 pollution on humanity and other species. These projects may include tropical and boreal reforestation, leaky natural-gas wells repair, abandoned-landfill methane gas collection, methane capture from abandoned farm waste ponds, protecting forests from illegal logging, small hydro funding, wind farm funding, energy efficiency programs, tree planting and waste energy capture.
A company Carbon Tax bill calculation is based on net income, estimated wages and salaries paid, World Bank CO2 emissions metrics, and a US$800 per tonne of CO2 emissions Carbon Tax. An individual Carbon Tax bill excludes wages and salaries paid in its calculation.
The US$800 Carbon Tax is lower than some recommendations. Sweden’s 2017 rate is US$132 per ton.
If you decide to use a more robust carbon offset calculator, Carbonfund.org, CarbonFootprint.com and other fine carbon offset organizations have calculators and free calculation services.
This Carbon Tax is in addition to your sustainability expenditures, renewable energy choices and sustainable investments. This is because, not only are your sustainability expenditures and investments the ethical thing to do, but they often save you money in the long run, increase customer loyalty and reduce your taxes.
This Carbon Tax is also additional because we all need to go big or risk the total loss of our biosphere – with some scientists saying as early 2035. [Go Big or No Home.]
To honor you for paying your Carbon Tax, I will continue to be one of your loyal customers or fans. I will also thank you for paying your Carbon Tax via my social networks and recommend your business.
Thank you, big time, for paying your Carbon Tax bill and helping fight climate change.
For all the life, Stele Ely and Co-Signers
PS: To review the basis for the $$ amount of your Carbon Tax bill go to XOEarth.org/My-Carbon-Tax
Your future self and future lives thank you
Your future self and future lives would certainly like to thank you for your EarthMoney 44% investments [aka paying your Carbon Tax bill] and for getting others to pay invest 44% too. Read more about your future on our Future Lives page.
And thanks from 4,000 kids and creatures of the future for every Carbon Tax bill that you pay and send out to a company or individual.
By the way, every Carbon Tax bill that you pay or send out helps build momentum for mandatory Carbon Taxes to pay for CO2 emission reduction projects.
So let’s keep paying our Carbon Tax Bills, and sending out those Carbon Tax Bills on behalf of our exquisite but endangered planet Earth.
Let’s get those bizzes and peeps to pay their fair share to stop the climate change hurricanes, heat waves, floods, wildfires, sea level rise and other monsters so we can keep having fun on this planet.
For all the life, XOEarth Stele
Basis for EarthMoney 44 and My Carbon Tax % – Summary
Company and individual Carbon Tax 44% rate is based on:
+ An $800 Carbon Tax per tonne recommendation by XOEarth’s Stele Ely’s estimate. This is derived from information and recommendations from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC.ch], ClimeWorks, United Nations, UCChicago [a paper by 3 professors], Climate Shock [book], PHYS.org and others.
+ 44% of corporate profits may be the true cost of climate pollution. Governments put $7 trillion into subsidies for fossil fuels. The journal Science states 44% based on analysis of ~15,000 publicly-traded companies. Economists used the EPA’s estimate of $190 per ton of carbon emissions. grist.org/economics/true-cost-carbon-pollution-half-of-corporate-profits-climate
+ The World Bank estimates there are .30 kilograms CO2 emissions per US$1 of Gross Domestic Product [GDP]. In general, one GDP dollar correlates closely to one net profit dollar.
+ See additional basis for the company and individual Carbon Tax 44% rate below.

Basis for EarthMoney 44 and My Carbon Tax % – Details
+ The World Bank estimates that the global CO2 emissions from one US dollar [US$1] of GDP equivalent is .30 kilograms [2019]. [.325 kg worldwide average] data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.PP.GD
+ Based on the following resources, $800 a tonne was chosen by XOEarth director Stele Ely as a reasonable investment amount and/or price per tonne of carbon.
+ The price is about $1000 a tonne to permanently sequester carbon dioxide with ClimeWorks. ClimeWorks is CO2 capturing company whose mission and offsets have been endorsed, financially supported or purchased by Microsoft, Swiss Re, Shopify, Audi, GE, Christian Holzleitner [EU Commission], Dr. Oliver Geden [German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)], Keith Tuffley [Citi], Allison Fleming [JP Morgan], Dr. Eli Mitchell-Larson [Carbon Gap] and Dominique Barker [Carbonplace].
+ The IPCC says that the price on carbon may need to jump above $1,000 a tonne sometime before 2030 and perhaps reach as much as $27,000 a tonne by the end of the century if we do not act now. [How High Does Carbon Need to Be? Somewhere From $20-$27,000 / Bloomberg.com] [The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change SR15 / IPCC.ch] Based on various models, “…estimates for a Below-1.5°C pathway range from 135-6050 USD2010 tCO2-eq -1 in 2030, 245-14300 USD2010 tCO2-eq-1 in 2050, 420-19300 USD2010 tCO2-eq -1 in 2070 and 690-30100 USD2010 tCO2-eq -1 in 2100.” IPCC SR15 Chapter-2]
+ The introduction of equity weights to the social cost of carbon (SCC), would increase the estimated SCC from 79 (11-186) to 291 (83-592) US$ per tCO2. [Social cost of carbon under a carbon-neutral pathway]
However, also stated in this study, “the uncertainty in SCC estimates should be even greater than the above range demonstrated in this study, as a meta-analysis showed that adjustments to the damage function could increase the SCC estimates by a factor of three to five (Howard and Sterner 2017).” [Social cost of carbon under a carbon-neutral pathway]
Therefore, for example, on the high end, the SCC could be as high as $592 x 5 = $2960 per ton of CO2.
+ The envelope of worldwide marginal abatement costs for 1.5°C-consistent pathways reported in the ipcc.ch/sr15 Chapter 2 is 135-5500 USD2010 tCO2 -1 in 2030 and 245-13000 USD2010 tCO2 -1 in 2050, which is between three to four times higher than for a 2°C limit. IPCC: SR15: Chap4 Strengthening and Implementing the Global Response
+ But even if we assume a very low $12.50 per tCO2, some of us will have to make up for the actions of a lot of people who are destroying it. So here is another way to look at it, to cover the CO2 emissions of 63 other people as well as one’s own at $12.50 per tCO2 is still about $800 a ton. Even though this may not sound fair, what is the price you would pay for your own survival.
Therefore, this additional justification for $800 per ton is based on a carbon offset price of $12.50 per ton x 64 people. One of those 64 is you, and the other 63 are for those who do not invest in carbon offsets or carbon reduction non-profit projects or organizations. CarbonFund.org is a reputable organization that is pricing its carbon offset at $12.50 per ton. $12.50 is close to the cost that other carbon offset organizations charge. And by the way, the author of ‘DrawDown’ and ‘Regeneration’ Paul Hawken recommends paying 5 times your offset in order contribute to the regeneration of Earth’s ecosystems. [DrawDown]
+ UChicago: The ultimate cost of carbon. ‘Ultimate cost’ of carbon 1,000 times greater than cost to current generation. $100,000 per ton of carbon is the study’s best-estimate value of ultimate cost per ton of C. The study’s range was $10k to $750k per ton. It also was based on business as usual for the next 80 to a few hundred years. Two of its authors are David Archer and Edwin Kite.
+ news.uchicago.edu: Climate change will ultimately cost humanity $100,000 per ton of carbon, scientists estimate.
+ The US Environmental Protection Agency Introduces a New Social Cost of Carbon for Public Comment November 11, 2022
The GIVE model produces SCC estimates that are the same as the three-model average after rounding the numbers: $190 per ton of carbon dioxide (our unrounded value from GIVE is $185), with the estimates corresponding to the other two discount rates (2.5 percent [$120 per ton] and 1.5 percent [$310 per ton]) straddling this value. For methane, the three-model average of $1,600 per ton of methane is somewhat lower than the $1,900 value produced by the GIVE model. resources.org/common-resources/the-us-environmental-protection-agency-introduces-a-new-social-cost-of-carbon-for-public-comment/
+ EPA Draft “Report on the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases: Estimates Incorporating Recent Scientific Advances”. “For example, Pindyck’s (2019) recent survey of several hundred experts in climate science and climate economics yielded mean SC-CO2 estimates around or above $200 per metric ton CO2 for various subsets of his sample of respondents.” 119 www.epa.gov/environmental-economics/scghg
+ The true cost of climate pollution? 44% of corporate profits.
Yet governments are still pouring $7 trillion into subsidies for fossil fuels. These results, spelled out in a recent study in the journal Science, are based on analysis of almost 15,000 publicly-traded companies around the world. To calculate how much each ton of carbon emissions ends up costing society, economists used the Environmental Protection Agency’s estimate of $190 per ton. grist.org/economics/true-cost-carbon-pollution-half-of-corporate-profits-climate
+ The most influential calculation in US climate policy is way off, study finds Carbon emissions cost society at least three times more than the government’s official estimate. “That’s been a really fundamental piece of our work to try to have those with subject expertise feeding into the process,” said Rennert. They found that their estimate of deaths related to climate change was the largest factor driving up the social cost of carbon, contributing about $90 to the $185 total. grist.org/regulation/the-most-influential-calculation-in-u-s-climate-policy-is-way-off-study-finds/
+ These results, spelled out in a recent study in the journal Science, are based on analysis of almost 15,000 publicly-traded companies around the world. To calculate how much each ton of carbon emissions ends up costing society, economists used the Environmental Protection Agency’s estimate of $190 per ton.
+ A United Nations paper says that carbon priced at US$100 per tonne would encourage sustainable energy use and pay for sustainable carbon reduction projects. UN Emissions Gap Report / by UN Environment authors https://www.unenvironment.org/resources/emissions-gap-report-2018
+ Climate Shock book and/or presentations / by Gernot Wagner and Martin L. Weitzman say that carbon should be priced at least US$40 and up to US$400 a ton.
+ Forbes writer Tim Worstall says that a company’s fraction of the GDP can be assumed to be the net profit of the company, plus employee’s wages and admin’s compensation. www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2011/06/28/gdp-for-a-country-is-not-the-same-thing-as-turnover-for-a-business/
+ Labor costs vary greatly by industry – but in general it may run from 10% to 30% of gross income, and roughly 100% to 400% of net income.
+ If one were to assume that businesses are responsible for ‘collecting’ and paying the Carbon Tax on the labor [because labor cost are a segment of GDP / investopedia.com/terms/g/gdp.asp], that would increase the Carbon Tax paid by the business. For example, if the labor cost for a company is 200% of net income, the Carbon Tax rate for businesses would be double the base Carbon Tax rate here on the EarthMoney page – therefore 24% X 2 = 48%.
+ When we say “labor costs” we are including all payments to labor for work done, employee wages, contract labor wages, administrative salaries, and officer salaries.
+ Because My Carbon Tax is calculated before taxes, that means that the company or individual is also paying for their government’s share of the carbon offset on that GDP associated money.

Basis for the EarthMoney and My Carbon Tax % – Formulas
This initial carbon tax rate is calculated for the $60,000 net income level. Rate adjustments for levels above and below this $60,000 is described further below.
US$800 carbon tax per 1000 kg (1 tonne), so
US$800 per 1000 kg = US$.80 carbon tax per 1 kg, so
US$.80 carbon tax per kg X .3 kg CO2 emissions per US$1 GDP = 0.24 per US$1 of GDP, so
0.24 per US$1 of GDP is the 24% tax.
However, 44% has been set as the EarthMoney baseline because if we are to survive we are going to cover the carbon emissions for some of those who do not offset their emissions. So the higher EarthMoney percentage will cover most of the carbon emissions for another person, or the carbon emissions for the employees.
So, if businesses are asked to collect and invest the labor part of their GDP,
Net income before taxes (of a company) X 2 (if we were to assume labor costs at 200% of businesses net income) = carbon tax is business net income X 2, so
[Business My Carbon Tax rate on net income] 2 X 0.24 = 0.48 [48%]
However, for the individual, their individual EarthMoney 24 investment or Carbon Tax percentage is 24% because it is assumed here that most businesses are not paying a voluntary EarthMoney or Carbon Tax of 48% as calculated above. If a business does pay for the employee’s EarthMoney or Carbon Tax – as well as their own – then the individual would NOT be obliged to pay any of the individual EarthMoney 24 or Carbon Tax. Also here, we are not asking the individual to pay the business’s share of the carbon tax. So,
[Individual EarthMoney or Carbon Tax rate on net income] 1 X 0.24 = 0.24 [24%]
Further, if a business were to require an individual to pay their EarthMoney carbon offset tax, the business would not have to pay the individual’s share.
Also, to prevent the tax from being regressive, the tax rate increases as income level increases above $60,000, and, the tax rate decreases as income level decreases below $60,000.
Therefore, add 1% to those rates for each additional $100,000 of net profit up to $3,000,000. Plus, deduct 2% from individual rate for each $5,000 of net profit that is less than $60,000. [Please prorate the rate increments.]
Another justification for the rate increments is that the IPCC says that if we do not act now, the price on carbon may need to jump above $1,000 a tonne sometime before 2030 and perhaps reach as much as $27,000 a tonne by the end of the century if we do not act now. [How High Does Carbon Need to Be? Somewhere From $20-$27,000 / Bloomberg.com] [The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change SR15 / IPCC.ch]

Bonus Points:: Convert 24%* of Your Assets into EarthMoney assets or operations
Every year, convert 24%* of your business and your personal net assets/net worth into assets or operations that are raising funds for environmental organizations or into emission reduction projects that are helping stop the climate monster heatwaves, wildfires and floods that are killing our Earth.
+ If financially necessary, deduct up to 1% from the 24% for each $2,000,000 of net wealth that is less than $52,000,000.
+ Please, add 1% to the 24% up to 48% for each additional $2,000,000 of net wealth over to $52,000,000.
+ If financially necessary, you do not have to convert 24%* of your net assets if your net assets are less than $4,000,000.
+ For non U.S.A. residents, PPE [purchasing power equity] can be used to adjust these values in a fair way.

Earth Sattva:: Why to Invest Your EarthMoney for Others Too
20% of your 44% is to cover 83% of the carbon emissions for another person or your employees. 24% of the 44% is for your carbon emissions and for your business’s carbon emissions.
The additional 20% is because the physics of climate change survival means that for now some of us will have to offset others emissions if we are to keep this party going.
For fun, we might also ask what if $20 per tonne of carbon really were the right price on carbon? At that $20, your 44% would be carbon offsetting for an additional 21 people on the planet in your income bracket.
Whether or not you think that is fair, remember that the physics of our survival in this climate crisis means that for now some of us Earth lovers need to offset others’ emissions who are not offsetting. In fact, many other people in the world may never carbon offset and they could kill us if we don’t help them stop burning fossil fuels.
So until we change the parts of the system that are killing us, consider your additional EarthMoney points for others as a crucial part of the price you are willing to pay to keep having a good time here.
EarthMoney 44 to keep this planet party going!!
Reminder: If you play our fun+real+life EarthLover Game, add your 44% [or apropos %] to your weekly EarthLover number or score. ::

+ CarbonTax.org
+ CNN.com / Sutter : There’s a cheap, proven fix to the world’s biggest problem
+ TheGuardian.com / Phillip Inman : Sky-high carbon tax needed to avoid climate catastrophe, say experts : Economists, including Joseph Stiglitz and Nicholas Stern, say taxes of $100 per metric tonne could be needed by 2030
+ NYTimes.com / Tina Rosenberg : Guess Who’s for a Carbon Tax Now
+ taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book / What is a carbon tax?
+ TheGuardian.com / environment/carbon-tax
+ TheNatureConservancy.org / greenliving/carboncalculator FYI
+ Society, Ethics, and Technology, Update Edition 4th Edition / by Morton Winston and Ralph Edelbach 2011. “We recommend increasing this carbon tax by $20 per ton over the next 10 years for a total of $200…” “… High though this is, it does not come close to covering all the indirect costs of burning fossil fuels.” pg 414
+ Cars, carbon taxes and CO2 emissions / by Julius Andersson 2017 Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy [Sweden’s carbon tax per ton of CO2 is US$132 in 2017]
+ PHYS.org / 2017 $100 carbon tax by 2030 could save climate, say economists.
+ TheGuardian.com / 2017 : To achieve Paris climate agreement’s limit of 2C rise, pricing will have to increase to more than $100 a tonne, claims Schroders.
+ The IPCC says that if we do not act now, the price on carbon may need to jump above $1,000 a tonne sometime before 2030 and perhaps reach as much as $27,000 a tonne by the end of the century if we do not act now. [How High Does Carbon Need to Be? Somewhere From $20-$27,000 / Bloomberg.com] [The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change SR15 / IPCC.ch]
+ US$51 was the U.S. White House Biden administration’s interim cost per tonne of carbon in February 2021. But President Biden has been weighing whether to raise it to as high as $125 per ton. Under former president Donald Trump, that figure had fallen as low as $1 per ton. [The Supreme Court just okayed Biden’s “social cost of carbon.” It’s still way too low.] [Court ruling on social cost of carbon upends Biden’s climate plans]

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