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  • EarthMoney44: Invest 44%* of Your Net Income to Stop those Climate Monsters

    Please invest 44%* of your net income and/or your business’s net income in not-for-profit climate change fighting teams and projects to help stop the climate monster disasters that are killing us, our planet, and its life. Your EarthMoney 44%* investment will slow down the growing number and crazy big climate monster heatwaves, wildfires, floods and…

  • EARTHSCREAM: Call out 14 times a day to get peeps, bizzes and gov to promise to take BIG climate actions

    EARTHSCREAM 14 times every day with others or solo to get peeps, businesses and government to take BIG climate actions so we can win this BIG game for our sweet+fun+dying Earth!!!! How to do 14 bold+scary+fun EARTHSCREAMs every day :: 1] Scream out loudly, sing out loudly, or speak out loudly to ask 14 people…

  • Environmental Songs :: Music for the Lovers of Planet Earth

    Listen to these rad and sweet environmental songs to power up your eco life, eco sexy, eco career and eco actions – while you laugh and dance and cry a bit too.

  • 45% of All Life Will [Not] Die by 2028/ Guesstimate

    Earth Lovers, So that 20% to 45% of all life will NOT die by 2028, I hope you will join me [and other climate activists] in a promise to take big climate actions every day to help stop the mega wildfires, heatwaves, floods and other climate change monsters that are killing our sweet biosphere. We…

  • EarthJIVE :: Do a Climate Dare and Dance Every Day, Solo or Team

      Play >> People’s Climate March – Every φ⇑♥;}≈ϑ Day .mp3 Do an EarthJIVE climate action every day by daring and then dancing for people who promise to take big climate actions. The EarthJIVE can be done on the street, around and in businesses, in parks, in neighborhoods, in front of your home, or in…

  • S6x Months to Save Earth :: Fight for [Your] Love. Fight for [Your] Life.

      We may have six months to save our lovely+wild+fun+dying Earth. #S6x #MonthsToSaveEarth Millions of Earth lovers are taking big climate actions every day to help slow down and stop the climate monster heatwaves, floods, wildfires, extinction, wars and other mega disasters that hurt our Earth home. Some rad ways to join those Earth lovers…

  • FUTURE LIVES :: Stories about the fun times your atoms and molecules will have for the next 24,000 years

    Your future lives for the next 24,000 years are hoping you will help save this sweet+fun+dying Earth so they can have more fun and more love. After your atoms and molecules move on from your human body, they will get to be part of all kinds of amazing animals, beautiful lifeforms, and even other humans…

  • EarthTime44: Dedicate 44% Of Your Time To Save Our Burning Biosphere [19.4 hours per week]

    Dedicate 44% of your time [19.4 hours per week] with an environmental team, community project, and/or climate activists who are fighting to save our sweet+fun+dying Earth. [EarthTime44] Every week that you meet your EarthTime44 goal you are standing with millions of other amazing and bold Earth hero activists who are also giving at least 19.4…

  • Sustainability Coach + Manager = Save Your Town + Save Your Earth

    Every business needs a Sustainability Coach + Manager to help it take environmental+climate actions that will help make our Earth cool and livable [past 2035]. TO BUSINESSES: We Can Help Your Business Thrive and Save Your Biosphere Too [read below]. TO JOB SEEKERS: Get A Good Job That Helps Stop the Climate Change Monsters [read…

  • Art, Song, Word :: Use your talent [or ours] to get peeps, bizs & gov to take climate action

    Use your [or our] Art, Song and Word to honor your peeps, bizs and gov for taking big climate actions to help save our exquisite but dying biosphere :: + Use your talent to create Art, Song, Word to cheer on and honor peeps, bizs and gov for taking big eco logical actions, or promising…

  • Carbon Offset :: Six Super Duper Ways To Cool Our Planet’s Fever

    Here are six fast ways to Carbon Offset the gasoline, electricity, jetfuel and other fossil fuel products that you use to help slow down the Climate Change Monsters that are killing our biosphere – mega wildfires, floods, hurricanes and heatwaves. Show businesses how to Carbon Offset with these tools too. 1] Invest + Carbon Offset…

  • EarthFire :: Fire the owner or managers at work if they won’t help you save Earth

      It is crucial that we quit our jobs [EarthFire our employers] if the businesses where we work are not helping save our dying Earth, or not willing to start doing so. Therefore, EarthDare the owners, managers, staff and employees where you work if they are not already working hard to help stop the climate…



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