Category: environmental songs
Garden Feelin Love + Feelin Love by Paula Cole
Songwriters and musicians, co-write and record *Garden Feelin Love* with XOEarth Stele pq. It is a parody of *Garden Feelin Love *by Paula Cole. Fans, sponsor us to record this eco song at G C G Eb F Eb G Love, love G Permaculture girl makes me feel my sticky pistils… You make me…
Dont Buy A Lie: More Oil Drilling > More Oil Spills > More Climate Tears
i don’t buy poison, i don’t buy waste, i don’t buy greed, i don’t buy pain, they’re gonna be super duper safe (from now on the’re gonna be safe) next time they drill for oil someplace they say the chance of another killer slick will be a million to one so just forget, relax and…
My World : Otis Redding and the Temptations [enviro parody]
Play >> My World .mp3 I love sunshine, I love a cloudy day love the snow outside, I love the rain in may I guess you say, what can make, me feel this way? my world… talkin’ ’bout my world earth has sooo much honey, aliens envy me c f earth has the sweetest…
Alligator Dick and City of Jenin : Interview with and music by David Rovics
Play >> David Rovics, Alligator and Jenin .mp3 David Rovics sings his *City of Jenin* and *Alligator Dick* songs in this interview I did with him in Boulder. Yessss, I was thrilled that my biggest political eco songwriting hero had time to sit a spell with me. I talked to him about how musicians…
Environmental Songs :: Music for the Lovers of Planet Earth
Listen to these rad and sweet environmental songs to power up your eco life, eco sexy, eco career and eco actions – while you laugh and dance and cry a bit too.
Get A Pretty Good Song + Save A Pretty Good Planet
1] Invest in XOEarth to get a custom XOEarth Song, or to own part of your favorite XOEarth Song! 2] Your donation will help save our biosphere by powering up your XOEarth Song and! 3] You will own part of the copyright of that song, and be shown as a co-producer on your XOEarth…
Solar Ovens and Solar Cookers: Cook Your food with the Sun for Twenty Dollars
Solar cookers and ovens are a super crucial way to help save some kids and critters of the future. Make one for $20 with our DIY instructions. They get hot so the planet stays cool by burning less fossil fuels. Whether you use a simple cardboard box lined with aluminum foil tape, foil covered bubble…
SexEco Healing x Stel [parody Sexual Healing]
SexEco Healing / Sexual Healing parody lyrics x Stel: [Multiple lines under a chord line are different ideas for that parody line.] cool off, cool off, cool off, cool off GAm let’s make ice tonight FC chill out, chill out, chill out, chill out GAm ‘Cause you green it right FC ‘Cause you do it…
Every Froggy Wants To Cool The World / pq Tears For Fears
For this Everybody Wants To Rule Cool The World parody, multiple species will be substituted for everybody/froggy. If any species to survive, we must stop global warming and climate change.
Lettuce Seed / Let It Be ~ Paul McCartney & Beatles [parody]
When I find my Earth in climate trouble, Mother Nature comes to me Plant the seeds of wisdom, lettuce seed And in this hour of hotness, she can cool the ground[soil] in front of me C G Am Fmaj7 F6 Plant the seeds of wisdom, lettuce seed C G F C/E Dm C Am C/G…
Can We Still Be Friends : Todd Rundgren /stele parody
Money is my gun in this war, but Can we still be friends? [Todd Rundgren /stele parody] I can’t stop, I buy more and more, but Can we still be friends? D C G D G 1,3 Em G Em D 2,4 D C Bm7 I see my fires kill and burn D Am7 D…
Big Yellow Bike / Big Yellow Taxi : Joni Mitchell
We saved paradise, tore out another parking lot, Planted pink potatoes, a fruit tree and a swing dance spot … Or maybe :: They paved paradise, put up 3 million parking lots 2 million hotels, 9 million boutiques and a million hot spots To go extinct or not to go I’m not buying from the…
Better Riding Together : Jack Johnson / Better Together parody
These are the lyric ideas for the **Better Riding Together** by Jack Johnson parody. Each line has one or more working lyric idea lines. The last line in each group of lines is from the original song. Help me write this eco logical parody. Peas, love and flaxseed butter, XOEarth Stele C Em There’s no…
Earth Warrior Bikers Are Saving Habitat
To all you Earth Warrior Bikers out there, Thanks for helping extend the life of our planet by biking and therefore burning less gasoline. GASOLINE (1 gallon) = 10 kilograms CO2 = 8 meters squared of habitat = 24 kilograms of life. Check out for the science. For more biking songs and lyrics listen…
I Want To Know What Love Is /Foreigner + Stele
I Want To Know What Love Is /Foreigner + SteleEm”D G”’ C’ Em”D Em”’ Em D/F# G Gotta stop this dying time C Em Stop burning oil or it’s all over Em D/F# G So many species on the line C Em DSee them bleed, as forests smolder Em D/F# G Rebel now, [its] do…
PlastTax :: 2 fantastic ways to keep Mother Nature from going spastic
Stele here. I am a PlastTax fan. PlastTax is a volunteer tax or government tax paid on plastic products. The self-imposed tax or government-collected money is used to save our sweet+rad+dying Earth. When you must buy something packaged in plastic, or made of plastic, please collect a PlastTax from yourself. Then invest that money in…