About XOEarth

Our XOEarth team is working big time to extend the life of our exquisite biosphere via our environmental education, music, arts, media and business projects.

Our ultimate mission is to keep this fragile planet livable so more life can have more fun – including we humans, the critters and other species too.

Some Earth shaking ways we are doing this include:

XOEarth EarthDare :: EarthDare 14 people every day to promise to take a Big Climate Action that you suggest. Offer to give them an award, dance, song, art, story or some cool thing if they promise to take that Big Climate Action.

XOEarth EarthLover 88 :: A real life climate change game and eco action game for Earth lovers. See how to dedicate 44%* time + 44%* net income to our sweet+zany+dying planet. *see sliding scale

XOEarth Environmental Songs :: Sweet and rad environmental songs to power up your eco life, eco sexy, eco career and eco actions.

XOEarth Honors :: Free environmental rewards, eco money and other tools that everyone can use to thank others for taking eco actions.

XOEarth VOX :: We help creatives make, promote and fund their environmental songs, art and videos that encourage peeps to take big climate actions.

XOEarth EarthTime 44 :: Asking everyone to dedicate 44% of their time [19.4 hours per week] to their fave environmental organization, community project and/or eco action to help save our dying Earth, save our peeps and save 44 species. *see sliding scale

XOEarth EarthMoney 44 :: Businesses and individuals are asked to donate or invest 24%* to 44%* of their income in environmental organizations, projects and/or candidates that help cool our imperiled Earth. *see sliding scale

XOEarth Eros :: Eco sexy rewards and a romantic pledge to make every day Valentines day for lovers of the Earth.

XOEarth ecofx :: Cool tool for folks to find out how much habitat is saved by not buying a product or material.

XOEarth Future Lives :: Get a custom story from us about one of your possible Future Lives to thank you for your big climate actions.

XOEarth Sustainability Coach :: An environmental service business idea for those who want to help businesses and homeowners be more sustainable.

XOEarth Works :: Another environmental service business idea for those who want to own their own sustainability business.

XOEarth Biosphera :: Visionary, pagan or shamanic eco dances and vision quests.

XOEarth Perks :: Our free ecological lottery that any Earth defender can enter to win up to $444.

XOEarth Environmental Games :: An eco game idea collection.

More about the peeps on the XOEarth Team page.

Contact us if you have questions or comments.

For all the magnificent lifeforms, Stele Ely

PS: A bigger overview of these and other projects is at XOEarth Projects



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