Awards Mix


Copy and share, or print and give, these XOEarth Awards to your friends and others to thank them for their eco logical actions.


XOEarth Awards and the Species, People and Organizations that they have dedicated to

Polar Bear + NRDC
Jane Goodall
Gibbon +
Buffalo + Sierra Club
John Muir + Sierra Club
Eco Sexy Man & Woman + Grist + Leonardo DaVinci
Eye World + Climate Reality Project
Al Gore + Climate Reality Project [+ Global Warming Map]
World Climate Action +
Cougar + Colorado
Hawksbill Sea Turtle + Greenpeace
Humpback Whale + Paul Watson + Sea Shepherd
Elephant + League Of Conservation Voters

[See for complete list.]

XOEarth Award Printing Tips ::
To print these awards, first go to your browser’s file menu and then to print preview. Decide which page you want to print. Set the margins to zero. Increase the custom size to between 100% to 107% depending on your browser. Then print.

To copy and give one of these awards, right click on the image and then “copy” or “save”. Then paste the image into an email, on Facebook or elsewhere to honor a friend or others for an eco action they take.

There are two kinds of XOEarth Awards – Fast and Slow. Slow XOEarth Awards have a place to write the name of the person being honored, the eco action they have taken, and the name of the presenter. Fast XOEarth Awards don’t need to be filled out.

Copy and share, or print and give, these and our other XOEarth environmental awards to honor and encourage eco actions.

Fast XOEarth Awards Mix

Gibbon + Carbonfund XOEarth Award
Gibbon + Carbonfund XOEarth Award

Slow XOEarth Awards Mix

Gibbon + Carbonfund XOEarth Award
Gibbon + Carbonfund XOEarth Award

