Give these Turtle XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions.
Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental actions – either past or pledged.
If you send us a self addressed stamped envelope and we will send a few XOEarth Awards to you for free. [More]
These Hawksbill Sea Turtle XOEarth Awards have been dedicated to ::
+ Hawksbill Sea Turtle
+ Greenpeace [greenpeace.org]
+ Environmental Defense Fund [www.edf.org]
+ Vicki Patton
+ Mic the Vegan
+ Jennifer Morgan
+ Jamie Rappaport Clark
Hawksbill Sea Turtle
The Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is a critically endangered sea turtle belonging to the family Cheloniidae. It is the only extant species in the genus Eretmochelys. These turtle guys and gals have a worldwide distribution.The hawksbill’s appearance is similar to that of other marine turtles. It has a flattened body shape, a protective carapace, and flipper-like limbs, adapted for swimming in the open ocean. Eretmochelys imbricata is easily distinguished from other sea turtles by its sharp, curving beak with prominent tomium, and the saw-like appearance of its shell margins. One pretty cool trick is that the already beautiful Hawksbill shells can change colors slightly, depending on water temperature. While this turtle lives part of its life in the open ocean, it spends more time in shallow lagoons and coral reefs.
The World Conservation Union, primarily as a result of Human fishing practices, classifies E. imbricata as critically endangered. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species outlaws – yeah!! – the capture and trade of hawksbill sea turtles and products derived from them.
Adult hawksbill sea turtles typically grow to 1 m (3 ft) in length, weighing around 80 kg (180 lb) on average. The heaviest hawksbill ever captured weighed 127 kg (280 lb). The turtle’s shell, or carapace, has an amber background patterned with an irregular combination of light and dark streaks, with predominantly black and mottled-brown colors radiating to the sides.
Hawksbill sea turtle’s elongated, tapered head ends in a beak-like mouth (from which its common name is derived), and its beak is more sharply pronounced and hooked. The hawksbill’s fore limbs have two visible claws on each flipper.
Due to its consumption of venomous cnidarians, hawksbill sea turtle flesh can become toxic. Yessss. Now that’s a good hawksbill “turtle soup sucks” tactic.
The hawksbill sea turtle has been shown to be biofluorescent and is the first reptile recorded with this characteristic. It is unknown if this is derived from the turtle’s diet, which includes biofluorescent organisms like the hard coral Physogyra lichtensteini. Glowing turtles are cool, yepperz!!
Adult hawksbill sea turtles are primarily found in tropical coral reefs. They are usually seen resting in caves and ledges in and around these reefs throughout the day. As a highly migratory species, they inhabit a wide range of habitats, from the open ocean to lagoons and even mangrove swamps in estuaries. Like other young sea turtles, the young ones are assumed to be pelagic, remaining at sea until they mature.
Hawksbills mate biannually in secluded lagoons off their nesting beaches in remote islands throughout their range. The most significant nesting beaches are in Mexico, the Seychelles, Indonesia, and Australia.
After mating, females drag their heavy bodies high onto the beach during the night. They clear an area of debris and dig a nesting hole using their rear flippers, then lay clutches of eggs and cover them with sand. Caribbean and Florida nests of E. imbricata normally contain around 140 eggs. After the hours-long process, the female returns to the sea. Their nests can be found throughout beaches in about 60 countries.
The baby turtles, usually weighing less than 24 g (0.85 oz) hatch at night after around two months. These newly emergent hatchlings are dark-colored, with heart-shaped carapaces measuring around 2.5 cm (0.98 in) long. They instinctively crawl into the sea, attracted by the reflection of the moon on the water (possibly disrupted by light sources such as street lamps and lights). While they emerge under the cover of darkness, baby turtles that do not reach the water by daybreak are preyed upon by shorebirds, shore crabs, and other predators.
Hawksbills evidently reach maturity after 20 years. Their lifespan is unknown. Like other sea turtles, hawksbills are solitary for most of their lives, and they meet only to mate. They are highly migratory. Because of their tough carapaces, adults’ only predators are sharks, estuarine crocodiles, octopuses, and some species of pelagic fish.
Looks like hawksbill sea turtles have a pretty good life — when they survive ocean and human dangers. Give to organizations that help save em! Wink, wink!
In recognition of the Greenpeace‘s crucial ocean, air, soils and climate protection work that is helping save our biosphere’s climate – and therefore humankind, the turtles and other species – we are honored to dedicate these Hawksbill Sea Turtle XOEarth Awards to Greenpeace.We love the Greenpeace‘s motto, “Greenpeace will never stop fighting for a greener, healthier world for our oceans, forests, food, climate, and democracy — no matter what forces stand in our way.”
Every one of Campaigns are dear to our heart!! Here is the Greenpeace rundown of those crucial Campaigns along. [They are arranged in my order, ending with my comment in brackets] ::
Fighting Global Warming :: If climate denial is going to be the default position of the Trump White House, then relentless resistance will be the default position of the American people. Our world is warmer than ever before, and people and wildlife are already suffering the consequences. But that’s nothing compared to what we’re leaving future generations if these trends continue. It’s time to stop the destruction and build the clean energy future we deserve. [Mama be cool if we be cool. Join Greenpeace in this life or death mission to save our blue orb.]
Saving the Arctic :: The Arctic is one of the most unique places on Earth. It spans eight countries, is home to more than 13 million people and provides a habitat for some of the most incredible wildlife on Earth. And now, it’s become a major battleground in the fight to stop climate change and keep fossil fuels where they belong — in the ground. [What happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic. Right on Greenpeace!]
Protecting Forests :: Forests are crucial for the health and well-being of people, wildlife and our planet. They’re home to roughly two-thirds of all land-dwelling plant and animal species, critical lifelines for communities big and small, and one of the last lines of defense against catastrophic climate change. [Hug a tree + join Greenpeace + save you and me!]
Protecting Our Oceans :: Healthy oceans are the life support system for our planet, providing 97 percent of the Earth’s livable habitat and a home to more than 700,000 species. The oceans are vital to human health as well, providing jobs, enjoyment and food to billions of people. Half of the oxygen we breathe is generated by our oceans. [Fight for the phytoplankton, if you like to breath!]
Promoting Sustainable Agriculture :: Agriculture should work with our natural environment, not against it. We all deserve food that’s nutritious, delicious, and healthy — both for people and the planet. That’s not the reality we live in today, but it can be. [Soil holds carbon. Grow a garden. Support permaculture farmers. Eat plants, not animals.]
Living Toxic-Free :: We all deserve to live our lives free of the harmful impacts of toxic chemicals. Whether by pushing for safer chemical plants or detoxing the clothing we wear every day, we’re working towards a toxic-free future for all. [How are crazy chemicals making people crazy? Go toxic free.]
Defending Democracy :: The most powerful force on the planet is people power. It’s stronger than any government and any climate-denying, white supremacist, xenophobic president — but only if we act. Now more than ever, we must unite to as a movement against Trump presidency that will mean more fossil fuel corruption and less protection for people and the planet. [Resist. Insist. Persist.]
Here are the three steps that guide Greenpeace, in their words ::
Investigate :: We believe in the public’s right to know about what’s happening to our planet. Our investigations expose environmental crimes and the people, companies and governments that need to be held responsible.
Connect :: Each one of us can make small changes in our lives, but together we can change the world. Greenpeace connects people from all over the globe. We bring together diverse perspectives, and help communities and individuals to come together.
Act :: We have the courage to take action and stand up for our beliefs. We work together to stop the destruction of the environment using peaceful direct action and creative communication. We don’t just identify problems, we create solutions.
And we totally appreciate that the USA Greenpeace website proclaims ::
“We defend the natural world and promote peace by investigating, exposing, and confronting environmental abuse, championing environmentally responsible solutions, and advocating for the rights and well-being of all people.
With the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, the road to a green and peaceful future became a lot steeper — but we’re not backing down.
The threat Trump poses is nearly as enormous as climate change itself. He’s trying to move this country backwards while the rest of the world is moving forward. When a force vows to undo all the progress the people in this country have made, the only way to stop it is to unite in peaceful resistance. That’s why we’re so glad to have you on our side.
It’s going to take a huge effort, made possible by people all over the world. That’s where you come in. Our movement is inclusive, people-powered, and collective, with people like you at the center.
Empowerment goes both ways. The weight and resources that we’re able to devote to pushing for a greener and more peaceful world is only made possible because of the courage, heart, and the collective power of people like you.”
Greenpeace also says, “We’ve been campaigning for a green and peaceful future for 40 years — and we’re not stopping now. It’s time to rise up like never before and fight for our climate and communities.”
So XOEarth says, please read more and join them at greenpeace.org and greenpeace.org/usa.
Environmental Defense Fund [EDF]
In recognition of the Environmental Defense Fund‘s crucial ocean, air, soils and climate protection work that is helping save our biosphere’s climate – and therefore humankind, the turtles and other species – we are honored to dedicate these Hawksbill Sea Turtle XOEarth Awards to Environmental Defense Fund [EDF].We love the Environmental Defense Fund‘s mission that is, “to preserve the natural systems on which all life depends.”
They say they are guided by science and economics, to find practical and lasting solutions to the most serious environmental problems.
They also say “We work to solve the most critical environmental problems facing the planet. This has drawn us to areas that span the biosphere: climate, oceans, ecosystems and health. Since these topics are intertwined, our solutions take a multidisciplinary approach. We work in concert with other organizations — as well as with business, government and communities — and avoid duplicating work already being done effectively by others.”
Climate and energy – EDF aims to reduce the pollution and slow global warming, with strategies including overhauling U.S. energy systems, protecting the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s limits on pollution, training new climate/energy leaders, and slowing Deforestation in Brazil and the Amazon rainforest.
Oceans – The organization works to protect marine ecosystems by creating sustainable fisheries, promoting the use of catch shares, and preserving fragile habitats like coral reefs. Geographical focus of Oceans programs include Belize, Cuba, the Chesapeake Bay, the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of California, and the South Atlantic.
Health programs focus on cutting air pollution from utilities and transportation systems, reforming U.S. toxic chemicals policy, and working with corporations like Walmart to make safer products.
Ecosystems – EDF works to promote ecosystem-friendly policy, helping landowners benefit from healthier land, water and wildlife. They work to restore river flows and native river bank habitat, broker agreements with landowners to protect endangered species, and partner with farmers and ranchers to improve habitat and water quality.
Corporate partnerships – EDF has a long history of partnerships with corporations, fund managers, landowners, farmers, fishermen, and other groups. The organization receives no funding directly from its corporate partners, however it does receive millions in funding from organizations with strong corporate ties, such as the Walton Family Foundation.
Environmental economics – The organization promotes the use of markets and incentives to help solve environmental problems.[34] Examples of this approach at work include catch shares the cap-and-trade plan written into the Clean Air Act (United States).
So XOEarth says, please read more and join them at Environmental Defense Fund and EDF.org.
For all the life, Stele Ely
Vicki Patton
Vicki Patton serves as Environmental Defense Fund’s General Counsel and manages the organization’s national and regional clean air programs.For two decades, she has worked to protect human health and the environment from air pollution. She has been involved in numerous rulemakings under the Clean Air Act and associated cases (including several successful cases before the U.S. Supreme Court), testified before congressional and state legislative committees, and authored several articles on air quality protection and environmental policy.
She is the recipient of the Air & Waste Management Association’s 2011 Richard Beatty Mellon Environmental Stewardship Award, the 2011 Wirth Chair Award for Creative Collaborations in Sustainability, and the 2008 Healthy Community Award received from her local health department. Vickie serves as a member of EPA’s national Clean Air Act Advisory Committee.
Mic the Vegan
Mic the Vegan is a vegan science writer that covers a bunch of topics from the physiological effects of a vegan diet and the ecological impact of eating animal derived products to the sociological phenomenon of casual animal exploitation. Based in the U.S., he regularly tackles debunking the myths that perpetuate harmful dietary and lifestyle behaviors – all with a drop of humor that at least Stele and Mic the Vegan thinks is funny.His goal is busting myths ’bout veganism and making vegan easier via lots of tips in his videos. Yep, he does it for the critters, your body, and the survival of the planet.
Jennifer Morgan
Jennifer Morgan is the Executive Director of Greenpeace International. A climate activist, and constant innovator that has worked previously worked for the Climate Program at the World Resources Institute, Worldwide Fund for Nature, Climate Action Network, and E3G.She remembers the day she found Fighting for Hope, by Petra Kelly, founder of the German Green Party.
“I didn’t move for the next several hours. I read the entire thing in one sitting. Kelly linked systemic problems and the need for new ways of thinking, she talked about the role of violence in society and the importance of reconnecting with nature as if someone had written down everything in my heart and mind that I hadn’t been able to express. I found her incredibly courageous, and she became a role model for me in a way that changed my life.”
“I know this sounds corny, but coming to Greenpeace feels like coming home. I’ve been out in the world, I’ve walked among government leaders and the halls of the corporate world. Greenpeace is much closer to my roots, and has this incredible advantage in its independence: the policy of refusing government or corporate donations means there’s no need pull punches for fear of offending anyone.”
Jamie Rappaport Clark
Jamie Rappaport Clark has been with Defenders of Wildlife since February 2004 as executive vice president. In October 2011, she took the reins as president and CEO.Jamie’s lifelong commitment to wildlife and conservation led her to choose a career in wildlife biology. In her early college years, she released peregrine falcons into the wild as part of a successful recovery effort—so successful, in fact, that 20 years later, she had the honor of removing them from the list of endangered species as the Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
Jamie came to Defenders after a 20-year career in conservation with the federal government, mostly with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In recognition of her accomplishments and national leadership in this field, President Bill Clinton nominated her as Director of the Service in 1997 and the U.S. Senate confirmed her that year. She remained the Director until 2001. During her tenure as director, Jamie oversaw the establishment of 27 new refuges and the addition of over two million acres to the National Wildlife Refuge System and presided over the recovery of key endangered species such as the bald eagle, gray wolf and the Aleutian Canada goose.
Jamie’s tenure as director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was also marked by the adoption of a number of innovative policies to encourage landowners to voluntarily conserve wildlife, including the establishment of the Safe Harbor Program and an expanded Candidate Conservation Program. Also under her leadership, the Fish and Wildlife Service secured the passage of the landmark National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, the most sweeping reform legislation for refuges in 30 years, which established wildlife conservation as the primary purpose of all wildlife refuges.
Jamie is recognized as a leading national expert on the Endangered Species Act and imperiled wildlife. She has testified before Congress on numerous occasions in support of strong fish and wildlife conservation laws. Her leadership and expertise have helped defeat numerous efforts to destroy the Endangered Species Act. Her passion for wildlife is shared by her family. Jim Clark, her husband of 28 years, was a national wildlife refuge manager on Matagorda Island, Texas and Yukon Flats, Alaska and is presently an award-winning nature photographer and author. Her 16-year-old son Carson, named after renowned environmentalist Rachel Carson, is also an award-winning nature photographer and author of a series of children’s books featuring “Buddy the Beaver.”
XOEarth Award Printing Tips
To print these awards or the other designs, first go to your browser’s file menu and then to print preview. Decide which page you want to print. Set the margins to zero. Increase the custom size to between 100% to 107% depending on your browser. Then print.In the print preview window, there should be 4 designs per page – on two or more pages. If you don’t see 4 designs per page, un-maximize the browser window and then adjust the width of the browser window so that it is about 1/3 the width of your full screen. The webpage should look narrow. Open the print preview window again. Then print.
If you send us a self addressed stamped envelope and we will send a few XOEarth Awards to you for free. Details at xoearth.org/awards.
For more printing tips see XOEarth.org/printing-tips.
There are two kinds of XOEarth Awards – Fast and Slow. Slow XOEarth Awards have a place to write the name of the person being honored, the eco action they have taken, and the name of the presenter. Fast XOEarth Awards don’t need to be filled out.
Copy and share, or print and give, these and our other XOEarth environmental awards to honor and encourage eco actions.


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