EarthBling > Tats + Tags + Style > Put It On Every Day

putting on the XO for the biosphere
Wear or put on your EarthBling Style [clothing], Tag [necklace sign], Tat [temp tattoo], Flag [Earth Flag sash or cloak] or Hat [sign, pins] with Climate Action Messages to cheer on other peeps to help stop the monster heatwaves, floods, wildfires, storms, and civil unrest.

#HowMany #MonthsToSaveEarth

Some EarthBling that you can wear to rep your fave Climate Actions

+ Put on a Climate Action Tag [necklace sign] by writing your fave Climate Actions Words and/or Symbols on a piece of paper or paper board, and then use one or two binder clips to attach it to a string necklace. Or, write your Tag on half of a piece of paper, then fold the Tag in half, and hang it on the necklace, lanyard or some other long necklace.
+ Make a Climate Action Earth Flag Sash by tieing two corners of Earth Flag together and pinning a 7″x7″ patch to the middle of the Earth. Wear it diagonally over one shoulder then under the other arm.
+ Wear some Climate Action Style by writing your fave Climate Actions Words on your Clothing, an Earth Flag, Bandana or Bracelet using ballpoint pens, markers, paint or embroidery.
+ Rep a Climate Action Patch by writing or block printing your fave Climate Actions Words on a piece of cloth and then pin or sew it on your clothing, bags and backpacks.
+ Make a Climate Action Hat by adding Climate Actions Words on the front or the sides with little binder clips, safety pins or buttons.
+ Make a Climate Action Tat [temporary tattoo] by writing your fave Climate Actions Words on your skin – with body paint, ballpoint pens, markers or eyeliner. Ballpoint pen ink is non-toxic by law.
+ Add your fave Climate Actions Words below your Signature or Name when you are writing a post or something online, or on paper.


Some Climate Action Words [CAWS].

+ Less Fossil Fuels = Less Extinction
+ Less Fossil Fuels = Less Monster Disasters
+ 44% Time & Money to Save Earth
+ Invest In Our Sweet+Wild+Dying Biosphere
+ Less Materialism = Less Climate Disasters = More Fun
+ Climate Change = Mass Murder
+ S6x Months To Save Earth
+ Dedicate 44% to Save Earth
+ Fight Like Hell for Earth or Get Hell on Earth

[More Climate Action Words for your EarthBling are on the EarthDare page.] Even more Climate Action Words ideas are at Extinction Rebellion [.org], Sierra Club [.org], Sunrise Movement [.org], and on our XOE Environmental Quotes page.



Make a Climate Action Tag [necklace sign] by writing your fave Climate Actions Words and/or Symbols [CAWS] on a piece of paper or paper board, and then use one or two binder clips to attach it to a string necklace. This is my [Stele] fave way to rep my Tags.

Another way to make a necklace Tag is by writing your fave Climate Action on 1/2 [or 1/4] of a letter sized piece of thick paper, and then fold the paper in half [or in quarters]. Then hang your climate action Tag over a 14 inch necklace that you make or already have, or attach it to a lanyard.

Your Tag can be worn as your ‘eco logical body sign’ all day in your community, at work, at play and at school.

*Less Gasoline = Less Climate Monsters*, or, *Less Meat = Less Wildfires*, or, *Less Plastic = Less Extinction* are examples of a climate change actions that can be written on your Tag. Other ideas for your Tags are on the FlashBlock Rebel Strike page.

A smallish quarter page Tag is a nice size for a wearable climate change action message sign. Plus, copies of that little tag can be used as a flyer that you can give out.

A small necklace Tag can be made with a 6.5 X 3 piece of paper, and a necklace. When it is folded it becomes a 3.25 X 3 Tag on the necklace.

Our 6.5 X 3 XOEarth Awards make nice small Tags. Then when peeps ask about your Tag, you can award the environmental award to them if they state a Climate Action they have taken, and/or state a Climate Action they promise to take. Send us a self-addressed envelope and we [probably Stele] will send you some 6.5 X 3 XOEarth Awards for free. Or, if you donate via XOEarth Paypal or Venmo along with your address, we will send you some XOEarth Awards that can be turned into your 3 X 2.5 Tags.

A big necklace Tag can be made the same way with a manila folder or a heavy piece of paper, and a necklace. Use one or two binder clips to hold it on the necklace. Again, this is one of Stele’s faves.

To make a big folded necklace Tag write your Climate Change Action message on 1/2 of the paper, fold it, and then hanging it over a longer string necklace that is about 14.5″ inches long. The folded paper can be flipped up to show the other 3 sides – so one Tag can have 4 Climate Actions on it! If you want to, put a paper clip, binder clip or clothespin on the bottom of the Tag to keep the folder flat.

One way to make the necklace is to take a 54″ 3mm cord, yarn or string, and then tie the ends together with one sliding knot. This length necklace goes around the neck twice – so it is a double 14 inch stranded necklace. The single knot makes it easier to pull off the necklace if gets pulled on or caught on something while it is being worn. So, using only one sliding knot to attach the ends makes the necklace safer.

Stele’s fave sliding knot is the “nail knot” because it lies down so nicely – see /nailknot/index.php. This sliding knot is easier to tie though /jewellery-making-tips /beading-and-threading-techniques-and-advice/how-to-make-a-sliding-knot. See pic on right.

A lanyard, shoelace, string, yarn, ribbon or cord can be used to make the necklace.

Other ways to attach a Tag to the necklace is with a safety pin, a clothespin or a binder clip. [Oh yeah, I mentioned the binder clip way but I love the binder clip way.] Of course, a hole in the middle top of the Tag [sign] to run the necklace through works too.

A ball-cap hat can represent a Tag too. One way is to make a little 6 X 2.5 hat Tag is to attach it to the underside of the hat’s bill with a binder clip[s] or clothespin. Then flip the hat’s bill up to show your Tag. Other hat styles can rep Tags too. See pic right.

Share pics of your Tags via Facebook or Twitter and add #XOEarth. Email or message us at XOEarth Facebook to make sure we see your Tag so we can share it too.


Body paint, ballpoint pens and eyeliner are good for Climate Change Action tattoos on the skin as they are non-toxic by law.

Put on your Climate Action Tat to inspire others to join us in actions for planet and peace and to be become a hero for millions of life-forms.

Blue and green eyeliner make great temporary tattoos for the face – according to XOEarth Man.

Non-toxic water-based pastels can make temporary tattoos too.

Although permanent markers can be used to make Climate Action tattoos, they are toxic to varying degrees.

Every day each of us has either a positive or negative effect on the environmental actions of others. By showing our environmental commitments in public known, we are also taking a stand against the parts of our society, business and government that are killing the environment and our home.

More Tat ideas are at XOEarth FlashBlock Rebel Strike and Environmental Quotes.


Wear your Climate Action Style [Clothing, Flags, Bandanas or Bracelets] every day to show you are taking action to save our sweet biosphere and to invite others to join you.

Putting on your Climate Action Style also pushes back against the flood of materialistic ads and logos that are brainwashing our society and selling junk that is killing our home.

Permanent markers or acrylic paints are usually the best for making your Climate Action Style.

If you want to hand-make a bandana or flag, write some eco art, a message or a design onto a piece of non-stretchy, light-colored cotton fabric from an old shirt, sheet, or other clothing, with permanent markers. Some permanent markers run or fade. Tacking the fabric to a piece of cardboard can make writing the message easier.

Make Climate Action Style ::
+ To wear on your head or clothing.
+ For your backpack or t-shirt.
+ For your work, party and formal clothes.
+ To fly in your yard and beyond.
+ For your front home window or a car.

Take a picture of your Climate Action Style and share it with others on our XOEarth Facebook page.

Check out these websites that include some great pictures for other flags and signs. Greenpeace, Sierra Club, NRDC, and Environmental Defense.

Getting your friends and family together to make Climate Action Style can be a great way to inform, motivate and have fun.

We welcome anyone who creates an enviro-media Climate Action Style to post it on XOEarth Facebook page to help inspire others to make one too.

Wear your Climate Action Style at home, at work, on your gear, and on other belongings. Join us and other citizens that are taking a visible stand in public for the protection of our planet and for a sustainable peace.

When washing clothes with a Climate Change Action message on them, avoid overloading the washer so the clothes can move around freely. This keeps the color from transferring from one part of the clothing to another.

More Style ideas are at XOEarth FlashBlock Rebel Strike and Environmental Quotes.


An Earth Flag with a message Patch in the middle can be used in hundreds of ways to encourage others to help save our radiant+crazy+dying Earth.

The Flag on an Earth flag can be worn as a sash, cloak, skirt or toga, held up like a sign, hung on a railing, line, or dowel.

An Earth Flag with a Patch is easy to carry in a pocket or a bag. That’s why the Earth Flag + a message Patch is one of Stele’s favorite ways to “fly” climate action messages.

on a full sized an 8 inch square tool way to make a take help save a stand for is activist tool can be an excellent protest and. Here’s how to make and fly an Earth Flag + Patch:
1] Buy or make a 3 foot by 5 foot Earth Flag.
2] Make a Patch by writing one of your fave climate actions on a piece of non-stretchy fabric or canvas that’s about 7″ x 7″.
3] Then pin or sew that Patch in the middle on the Earth Flag.
4] Wear and fly your Earth Flag + Patch every day.

You can wear and fly your Earth Flag + Patch everywhere, including in public, at work, in your front yard, your window, on a bike, on a car, and anywhere else to help inform and call on your community to take climate action.

Check out the pics of the Earth Flag on this page.

Flying several Flags with different messages on a line in a row is a good way to invite friends and neighbors to take Climate Actions for our planet.

Flags that call for specific action may be the best motivators. But flags with general messages such as “One Planet, One Future”, “We All Live Downstream”, “Earth Patriot”, “Good Planets Are Hard To Find”, and “Live Simply That Millions May Simply Live” are good too.

You can attach a Flag to a cord or string and then tie it between two poles or trees (prayer-flag style) or attached to a diagonal flagpole. “Middle of the string” loop knots that can be tied to the corners of the flags include the clove hitch, the better rolling hitch, and the strong, tightest constrictor hitch. To create an adjustable knot that you can to tie the two ends to a pole check out the midshipman’s hitch/ tautline.

So fly your eco flags today and team up with other planet defenders.

If you make a good looking Flag, take a picture and share it with others on our XOEarth Facebook page.


Pin or sew a Climate Change Action Patch on your clothing and things. To make a Patch write or blockprint one of your fave Climate Actions on a piece of non-stretchy fabric or canvas. Add eco art too if you would like.

You can also fly your Patch on your backpack, bag or briefcase, on an Earth flag, in your front yard, in your front window, on your bike, on a car, at work, and anywhere else to motivate others to take Climate Actions now.

Hanging several Patches on a line is a good way to remind us all to take climate actions actions.

Patches that state specific actions are probably the best. But Patches with general messages such as “Go Team Earth”, “Fight The Climate Monsters”, “Embrace Your Inner Earth Hero”, “Consumerism Is Killing It”, and “Buy Very Little = Buy More Time” work too.

Rep your Climate Action Patches every day with other peeps who are helping protect our planet.

A postcard sized Patch can be mounted like a little flag on a chopstick, straw or a fork by using a small binder clip, tape or paper clip. Or by making 2 small holes in the patch and threading the chopstick through the holes.

As mentioned in the Flag section, pin a Patch on a full sized Earth Flag for a multi-purpose protest and activist tool. The Earth Flag + Patch can be worn like a sash or cloak, held up during actions, hung on railings and other objects. Easy to carry around too.

Take a pic of your Patch and share it with others on your social media and tag @XOEarth so we can thank you.


Simple. Be brave for the planet Earth. Write and draw your fave Climate Change Actions and CAWS on your fave clothes.

Regular oil-based ballpoint pens, permanent markers and acrylic paint all work on clothing. Water-based rollerballs and gel pens often do not work so well because they may fade and wash out of clothing.

More ideas are on the Environmental Quotes page and the FlashBlock Rebel Strike page.
putting on the XO for the biosphere


Bracelets and anklets can be made from various fabrics. Draw a Climate Actions on the floppy ends.

A good way to make Bracelets is to spin a green and a blue piece of yarn together and then tie the ends. To determine the yarn lengths, stretch the yarn from the heart to the hand of the person for which the bracelet is being made for, while saying, “this bracelet helps connect your heart knowledge to your hands actions”.

Another way to make Bracelets and necklaces is to cut old blue or green t-shirt or other fabric or material into strips about 1/2 meter long and 50 millimeters wide. Spin the material a few times so it is rope like. Then tie the ends together with a square knot. The bracelet will go around the wrist two to four times.

A way to use shorter stretchy strips of material is to use a single overhand slip-knot to tie the ends together. Then pull on the unknotted end of the material to tighten it around a wrist.

Another way to make a nice, soft Bracelet is to wrap and tie a blue, green or multicolored knitting ribbon around the wrist. Soft, flexible ribbon can be found at knitting stores, and sometimes at fabric and crafts stores.

To make T.I.E. Bracelets to show when you are totally committed to choosing the most environmental options available. Check out the T.I.E. [Totally Eco On] page.

Bracelets that go around the wrist or neck 4 times can represent the 4 basic ways to help the Earth — Team, Art, Logic and Love — from the XOEarth Accord.


When writing blogs, emails, text messages and other wordsy things, add a climate change action, quote, eco org, XOE or XOXOE to your signature [sig] to show that you take an eco action every day.

Signature flavors can show that you like to take specific eco actions. For example, the XOecofx sig shows that you estimate the ecofx of products to see if the personal benefit outweighs the environmental impact. See XOEarth ecofx for more.

Add your name inside the O to make a rad XO signature or autograph. Put your XO signature on letters or things. Also, give people your XO signature for doing nice things for the planet.

Other sig flavors might be XOEBike, XOE, XOEarth and XOXOEarth.

So represent all of your eco sig flavors so people that see the eco actions that you are recommending every day.

Help your friends draw, paint or sew their Climate Action messages or a blue or green XO (with the human as the X, and the Earth as the O) on their clothing, tags, skin (temporary tattoo) and flags.


Imagine hundreds of people putting on their Climate Action EarthBling affirm their love for this exquisite planet, and to show their commitment to protect it every day.

Imagine thousands of people who see those Climate Change Action messages deciding to show their love for this superb planet to, and because they want to start doing their share to protect it too.

Imagine millions of people putting on Climate Change Action messages to show they have started taking actions every day to help protect this magical planet, and to help build a truly “ecological society”.

Countless consumers and fans put on the logos of their favorite corporate and sports “teams” that they support. To help manifest the momentum needed to protect our planet’s future, we need millions of ecological citizens to put on Climate Action EarthBling.

So get a blue or green ink pen, marker, or needle and thread, and draw or sew your fave Climate Actions on your tag necklace, clothes, personal belongings, skin (temporary tattoo), bracelet, or headband to show others that you are proud to be a human (X) loving the Earth (O) with your eco actions.

Yesssss. Let’s make it fashionable to take eco actions every day for our sweet and rare, blue and green home.


Word up your Climate Action EarthBling with friends by saying, “we are looking for a billion people to put on their Climate Actions – to show that they are taking 1 or more actions for the planet every day. Because we need a bolder Team Earth. We need a more visible ecological society.”

Then say, “If you take one or more Climate Actions for planet every day, it would be great to show others that you do so by representing that Climate Action on your body, clothing, skin (as a temporary tattoo) or belongings. I can help you put on your fave Climate Action – if you want.”

Next, “Or, if you would like to pledge to take 1 or more Climate Actions for planet every day, I can help you put it on.”

Then, “It’s crucial that we are repping Climate Action messages and symbols to show that we are on Team Earth to get others to join Team Earth too. Especially when so many corporations and sports teams are getting people to put on logos that call for materialism or elitism.”

Finally say, “So would you like put on your fave Climate Actions to help empower this movement to defend our exquisite biosphere?”

XO Earth love letters to the planet is another way to word up XO. Write and post the love letters that say how you love the Earth on bulletin boards, blogs, refrigerators, in emails and beyond. Just another great way help can help inspire a more peaceful and loving world.


For some ways to score 2+ Climate Actions [an X and an O] for the biosphere every day, check out these environmental organizations.

Then represent the names of your favorite eco orgs with your EarthBling ::
+ XOEarth [our own]
+ Extinction Rebellion
+ Sierra Club
+ Sunrise Movement .org
+ Wilderness Society
+ Sea Shepherd
+ World Wildlife Fund
+ Union of Concerned Scientists
+ Environmental Defense
+ The Nature Conservancy
+ Greenpeace
+ Earth Island

The *Big XOEarth Accord and Pledge* is an optional pledge that members can use to track their XO eco actions. Feel free to print it, sign it, post it at home, work and beyond. 


When you post pics of your EarthBling on your Facebook page, mention @XOEarth in the post to get a chance to win some cool XOEarth stuff. Join our XOEarth Facebook page too.

Include your Climate Change Action messages in any music, art, videos, articles, stories, social media posts and other media that you make and we will help promote it for you.


XOEarth EarthBling is a good way for adults, students, teachers and kids to work together for planet Earth, to promote school spirit, and raise money for environmental clubs.

Art, photography and media students are invited to design and post new Climate Action messages or designs, stories and video links on our XOEarth Facebook page.

Contact us for club and school materials, or if you would like one of us to come speak to your group.

Plus, XOEarth Honors is our environmental awards project that students, teachers and others in environmental education can use for Clubs and Opps.
up to top


For those who like to represent the XO, check out this version of the XO Earth member card. Print it, sign it and show it to others, and give away a bunch that are un-signed too.

front of card – click to print
Here are the print page choices ::

#4 The XO Earth member card print-page #4 has 4 cards on each print page. To make the cards, cut the printed page in quarters. Then fold each quarter in half to create four 2-sided cards. Pick out 1 of the cards for yourself and give the rest to others. >>

#8 The XO Earth member card print-page #8 has 8 cards on each print page. However, you will have to run the paper through your printer twice — or use a printer that prints on both sides. This page can also be used to print only the front or the back of the card. >>

#10 The XO Earth member card print-page #10 has 10 cards on each print page. However, your printer and browser combo must be capable to do it, and the top and bottom margins need to be set to zero. Internet Explorer does 10-up pretty well. >>

front of card – click to print

Here is a page with tips for printing these cards.

Have fun flashing your XOEarth card to show others that you take Climate Actions and other eco actions every day.


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