Hearts And Hands :: Stop Materialistic Retardation


Play >> Hearts And Hands .mp3

come hearts and hands in cooperation
for life and planet harmonization
for community and family crystalliz-ation
for all creatures’ jubilation

come hearts and .hands .in co-oper-ation d g a d
to stop profit focused. abomin-ations em a
to stop .ecological. evisceration d g bm
to stop materialistic. retard-ation g a d

like the hive and the bee, g d / or moon and earth mother g a
like the raindrops and the tree, g d / or lovers for each other g a

come hearts and .hands .in co-oper-ation d g a d
for permaculture and .conser-vation em a
for sustainable. business initiation d g bm
for citizen activist propagation g a d

like the feather and the quail, or song and melody g d / g a
like the ocean and the whale, or molecule and gravity, g d / g a

come hearts and .hands .in co-oper-ation d g a d
to stop .mega media. regurgi-tations em a
to stop innocent specie brutalization d g bm
to stop. political corporate. copul-ation d a d

d g a d / em a / d g bm / g a d

like the hive and the bee, or moon and earth mother g d / g a
like the raindrops and the tree, or lovers for each other g d / g a

come hearts and .hands .in co-oper-ation d g a d
for life and .planet harmoni-zation em a
for community and family.crystalliz-ation d g bm
for .all peoples for .all the rivers g/d
for .all the forests for .all the oceans g/a
for .all life forms for .all future lovers g/d
come hearts and .hands .in co-oper-ation

[first verse cords] come hearts and .hands .in co-oper-ation d g a d
for life and .planet harmoni-zation em a
for community and family.crystalliz-ation d g bm
for all creatures’. jubi-lation g a d
d g a d / em a / d g bm / g a d

Hearts And Hands /stele c02
Singers /Jacqueline F. and stle

Musicians :: Record this song and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Artists :: Do a video, art, dance or media for this song and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Fans :: Donate $1 or more to sponsor a better version or recording of this song. Donate $44 or more to get a shared copyright certificate for this song or your choice of one of our other environmental songs.

Turnip Head and Farmer Jared

at Oxford Gardens
and Boulder Farmers Market

Fresh Tomatoes, Awesome Veggies
and Yummy Squash
at Boulder Farmers Market

Boulders Farmers Market offering
locally grown fresh vegetables,
fruits, flowers, and plants
directly from the growers



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