Your abuse of fossil fuels
is killing me. Please stop.
I don’t want to die so soon.
I am a human being that you know.
#YourFossilFuelsAbuse is #KillingMe
#S6x #MonthsToSaveEarth xoearth.org
Please don’t kill me.
Continuing to burn so many fossil fuels and buy so many unnecessary single use products are making the climate monsters grow bigger and more deadly every week on this planet.
And as luck would have it, the fossil fuels and the unnecessary single use products that you buy in the near future will result in me dying way too soon. That is, if you do not stop buying that stuff.
Your wasteful and unnecessary purchases will not kill every body that die from the climate monsters.
But if you keep buying that bad stuff you will kill some people. And I happen to be one of them.
As luck would have it, the fossil fuels and the unnecessary single use products that you buy in the near future will result in me dying too soon. That is, if you do not stop buying that stuff.
I will die way too soon if you do not help slow down or even stop those climate monster heatwaves, floods, droughts and mega storms.
So please help slow them down or stop them so I can live.
I want to keep having fun on this amazing wacky blue ball.
So please kick your fossil fuels and consumeristic addiction.
And please dedicate some major time every day to take activist actions with others and on your own, and on projects [to save me].
There are some great teams and organizations that are fighting the climate monsters. Check out those teams on the HERO page.
But if saving me in this life is not big enough, how about my future lives.
I wish I could tell you about all the fun times my atoms and molecules will have for the next 24,000 years if you help us save this biosphere.
My future lives for the next 24,000 years are hoping you will help save this sweet+fun+dying Earth so they can have more fun and more love.
And for you too. After your atoms and molecules move on from your human body, they will get to be part of all kinds of amazing animals, beautiful lifeforms, and even other humans if we save this biosphere.
As our little molecules and atoms travel around when we die, we all get to live again and have fun again. But that is only if enough of us take big climate actions to save this biosphere, or at least help it live longer.
If you would like, to thank you for saving me in this life and future lives, I will write a creative story about one of your possible Future Lives to thank you for your big climate actions.
To get a Future Lives story just post a big climate action [or big eco choice] that you are taking to save our Earth on your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and tag XOEarth, or contact Stele directly through the contact page.
Thanks again for taking big climate action so you won’t kill me in this life, and for not killing some of my future lives.
For more love and life, Stele
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