Give Mandrill XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions.
Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental actions – either past or pledged.
These Mandrill XOEarth Awards have been dedicated to:
+ The Mandrill
+ LCV.org – League of Conservation Voters
+ Climate Reality Project
+ Katharine Hayhoe – climate change filmmaker, journalist, environmental activist and climate science speaker
+ Gernot Wagner – Climate Shock author, climate change analyst, economist and speaker
+ James Cameron – film director of Game Changers vegan athletes and Avatar film
+ Tammy Baldwin Senator (D) – 100% pro-environment and public health voting score of 100% for 2017 according to LCV.org
+ Naomi Klein – social, environmental and climate change activist, filmmaker, critic of corporate globalization and capitalism
Mandrills live in tropical rainforests and are the world’s largest monkeys.
The mandrill is found in Nigeria, southern Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and Congo. Its distribution is bounded by the Sanaga River to the north and the Ogooué and White Rivers to the east. They also live in gallery forests adjacent to savannas, as well as rocky forests, riparian forests, cultivated areas and flooded forests and stream beds.
The mandrill is an omnivore. It usually consumes plants, of which it eats over a hundred species. It prefers to eat fruits, but will also eat leaves, lianas, bark, stems, and fibers. It also consumes mushrooms and soil. Carnivorously, mandrills mostly eat invertebrates, particularly ants, beetles, termites, crickets, spiders, snails, and scorpions. It will also eat eggs, and even vertebrates such as birds, tortoises, frogs, porcupines, rats, and shrews. Mandrills likely will eat larger vertebrates when they have the opportunity, such as juvenile bay duikers and other small antelope. Large prey are likely killed with a bite to the nape with the mandrill’s long canines.
Mandrills are preyed on mainly by leopards. Additional predators known to attack both adult and young mandrills include crowned eagles and African rock pythons. They may be bitten and killed by Gaboon vipers when they accidentally rouse the venomous snake.
Mandrills have been observed using tools.
Mandrills seem to live in very large, stable groups named ‘hordes’. A horde can number in the hundreds of mandrills, possibly averaging around 615 individuals and reaching as many as 1,300.
These hordes are made of adult females and their dependent offspring. Males live a solitary lifestyle, and only enter hordes when females are receptive to mating, which lasts three months each year. All-male bachelor groups are not known to exist.
The females do most of the raising of the young. Males leave their natal groups when they are six years old and stay along the boundary of the social group.
Mandrills will make a “silent, bared-teeth face”, in which the teeth are bared, the head crest is erect and the head shakes. This may serve as a peaceful form of communication. A mandrill submits by presenting its rump. With aggression, mandrills will stare, bob their heads, and slap the ground. Vocalizations like roars, crowings, and “two-phase grunts” are made for long distances, while “yaks”, grunts, “k-alarms”, “k-sounds”, screams, girneys, and grinds are made at short distances.
Excerpts via en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandrill
League of Conservation Voters (LCV)
In recognition of the League of Conservation Voters (LCV)‘s crucial congressional Senators and Representatives environmental vote analysis that helps voters decide who to vote for at election times, we are honored to dedicate these Mandrill XOEarth Awards to the LCV.org.
The League of Conservation Voters is an American environmental advocacy group. LCV says that it “advocates for sound environmental laws and policies, holds elected officials accountable for their votes and actions, and elects pro-environment candidates.” The organization pursues its goals through voter education, voter mobilization, and direct contributions to political candidates. LCV includes 29 state affiliates. LCV was founded in 1969 by environmentalist David Brower. The group’s current president is Gene Karpinski. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and has over two million members. Paragraph via Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Conservation_Voters .
Support League of Conservation Voters (LCV) at LCV.org
Climate Reality Project
In recognition of their important climate change awareness and actions to slow it down, we are honored to dedicate these Mandrill XOEarth Awards to the Climate Reality Project.org (CRP).
At Climate Reality, they are saying urgent climate change action a necessity. In politics. In business. In every aspect of our lives. Everywhere.
Urgent action to cut greenhouse gas emissions and speed the global shift to renewables. Urgent action to halt the oil industry’s and the Trump-ers’ radical fossil fuel agenda. Urgent action to make world leaders strengthen and honor their Paris Agreement commitments.
Support Climate Reality Project.org (CRP) at ClimateRealityProject.org.
For all the life, Stele Ely
XOEarth Award Printing Tips
To print these awards, first go to your browser’s file menu and then to print preview. Decide which page you want to print. Set the margins to zero. Increase the custom size to between 100% to 107% depending on your browser. Then print.
For more printing tips see XOEarth.org/printing-tips.
There are two kinds of XOEarth Awards – Fast and Slow. Slow XOEarth Awards have a place to write the name of the person being honored, the eco action they have taken, and the name of the presenter. Fast XOEarth Awards don’t need to be filled out.
To see more XOEarth environmental awards that you can copy and share, or print and give to others for their eco actions, go to XOEarth.org/Awards.

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