EARTHDARE: Dare 14 People a Day to Take a Big Climate Action + Give Them a Cool Thing for a Promise


How to do 14 bold+fun+creative EarthDares every day with others or solo to save this sweet+wild+burning Earth ::

1] Dare or challenge 14 people every day to take one of the Big Climate Actions that you suggest. EarthDare face-to-face in businesses, in governments and in public spaces, and via phone, social media, email or mail. EarthDare the owners and others where you work if they are not helping stop the climate change monsters.

2] To make an EarthDare more fun, offer the person an award, a victory dance, some art, a future story, a song, or other cool things if they take or promise to take one of those Big Climate Actions. Plus, offer something for completing the Big Climate Action as well. Posting about the promise or completed action on your and their social media is good too. Invite others to join your EarthDare in person, or wherever they are. People can be challenged multiple times.

3A] For those who promise to take a Big Climate Action, thank them and give them the cool thing that you offered!!
+ Exchange contact and/or social media info so you can check in with them to celebrate their completed Big Climate Actions.
+ Thank them in a social media post if applicable.

3B] For those who do not promise to take a Big Climate Action, here are some options!!
+ Offer to give them some other cool thing too.
+ Offer to not do a negative social media post about how they are killing the Earth with their actions or inactions.
+ Start a sit-in, sing-in, dance-in, art-in, stand-in, blockade, boycott and/or take legal action if they do not promise to take a Big Climate Action. How far you go with the civil disobedience or direct actions will determine how much you risk being arrested.
+ Post a social media post about the specific actions or inactions they are taking that are killing the Earth.
+ When you EarthDare at work, inform an owner or your manager where you work that you will have to quit your job [aka EarthFire] if they will not take that big climate action, or will not promise to do so. [EarthFire]
+ Mention the climate monster heatwaves, floods, fires or storms that are getting worse by the day on our dying Earth and in their community, and other reasons it is crucial to take Big Climate Actions now.
+ Ask them again [and again] to promise to take a Big Climate Action.
+ EarthDare them again later that day, or on another day.


Notes ::

+ Call, text and/or start an event page on social media so friends and others know when and where you are going to do an EarthDare[s] so they can join you in person, or do EarthDare[s] where they are, or share a livestream if you do one.

+ EarthDares can be given to a business owner or manager, person on the street, a government office holder, or a friend, and in person, online or on the phone.

+ Video and share your Earth Dares when possible.

+ When you get a “yes” and the business, person or government promises to take a Big Climate Action, thank them, and present or give them the award, dance, art, story, song, or other cool things that you offered! Invite them to contact you via email or a social network to tell you how their Big Climate Action is going.

+ When a business, person or government says “no” they will not agree to take a Big Climate Action, here are some of the things you can say and do ::
Say, “To help keep our planet Earth alive, I am going to stay here until you agree to take a Big Climate Action.” Then you decide to how far to take this civil disobedience or direct action, such as whether or not to risk arrest if the business, person or government does not promise!
Or say, “We are in a climate emergency and our planet Earth is burning. What would you like from me in exchange for promising to take that action to help save our Earth?”
Or say, “I’m hoping you will change your mind, so please contact me via email or Facebook/Instagram/Twitter when you do so I can thank you for taking that Big Climate Actions.”

#S6x #MonthsToSaveEarth

45% of all life will [not] die in 5 years [thanks to you]!

EarthDare. Rebel. Strike. Every. Day.

EarthDares are creative or artsy, direct actions where one or more activists block, or approach, or call out to, and then speak with people in businesses, on the street or in government offices, while asking and challenging them to make a Big Climate Action Promise in return for a dance, song, art, award and/or some other honoring.

While doing an EarthDare, if you want to, mention that you don’t want to be arrested but that our exquisite planet Earth is dying. Even if the police do show up, you may be given the option to leave peacefully or be arrested. Read more about how to make that decision below.

When doing your Earth Dare, you might also want to say that we may have six months to prevent our biosphere from hitting a tipping point that will make climate change unstoppable, and mass extinctions, and mass death, and world wars inevitable. You might want to say that you don’t want 45% of all multicellular to die in 5 or 6 years. [Guesstimate]

At any point, you might also decide to negotiate some other Big Climate Action Promise that you think the person might be willing to agree to. The goal is to get another Big Climate Action that will help save our gasping biosphere.

Share the video of your EarthDare action to inspire others to take Big Climate Actions, and to encourage others to do EarthDares.

One fun way to do a block is to draw or make an Earth or a line on the ground with a rope, chalk, Earth flag, sticks or art that people are asked to not step on or cross over unless they make a Big Climate Action Promise. [Earth Circle, Earth Line, Earth Flag, Tags, Props]

In other words, a EarthDare are a fun way to do a REBEL action or climate STRIKE every day as you challenge people to take specific Big Climate Actions, and to offer people something cool if they Promise to do so. Read how to do COVID-19 safe EarthDares below. [EarthDare + ClimateDare Notes]

Crucial Every Day Direct Actions

+ Challenge 14 or more people every day to make a specific Big Climate Action Promise when you EarthDare, Rebel, or Strike on the street, in businesses and in government offices, or via phone calls, social media and live video.

+ Honor people for their Promises with your talent, some art and/or an award. Some ways to Honor include a poem, story, song, art, victory dance, blessing, cartwheel, a cheer and an XOEarth Award.

+ Connect with, learn from and support other people that are doing solo or group non-violent direct actions for the climate. Check out the list of superb and fun Climate Action Organizations list below.

+ Use props to support your direct actions. Some of our faves are the Earth Circle, XOEarth Line and the Earth flag placed on the ground to create a boundary for people to step on or cross over only if they Promise to take a big climate action. Climate action messages can be written along the circle or line.

+ Wear messages that support your direct actions. One of our faves is repping a sign or cloth tag with climate action words or symbol that is pinned on your clothing, hats, bags, or on a stylish binder clip necklace.

+ Join us so we can get 4 Million Big Climate Action Promises Every Day that will help keep our magnificent biosphere livable and fun.

+ Rebel and Strike every day to save our planet so it will not lose 45% of all life by 2025.

EarthDare Notes

EarthDares are creative, quick or slow, solo or group, direct climate actions where one or more people are approached, contacted, spoken with, called out to, and/or blocked, and asked to make a big climate action Promise in return for a dance, song, art, award and/or other honoring.

Use an EarthDare every day to ask 14 business managers, government officials, friends, associates, customers, pedestrians, employees, friends, family and others to make Big Climate Action Promises.

A block can be done by standing in the way and/or by using objects and props to create a boundary circle or straight line. For example, an Earth Circle or Earth Line boundary can made with a rope, chalk, Earth flag, sticks or art. Then people are asked to not step on the Earth or cross over the Earth Line unless they make a Big Climate Action Promise. The XOEarth circle or Earth line or whatever you would like to call it can be made with chalk, an Earth flag, rope, sticks, leaves, plants, soil, or anything that will make as a nice boundary or threshold on the ground where you are doing an EarthDare. Then people can be asked to make a Big Climate Action Promise before they step on the Earth Circle or over the Earth Line. [XOEarth Circle, XOEarth Line, Earth Flag, Tags, Props]

There may be a small or the big risk of being arrested depending on how an EarthDare is done. It is possible that many of us must be willing to risk being arrested or be arrested if we are to save this failing Earth.

Thanks to thousands of climate activists that have been arrested in the last two years, and are probably risking arrest somewhere right now in the world have been crucial in getting governments, businesses and citizens to take measurable climate investments actions. Some of those activists are members of Extinction Rebellion,, Sunrise Movement, Greenpeace USA, Sierra Club, Fridays For Future and other climate groups These arrests As well as doing your solo Earth Dares / ClimateDares, join them in their direct actions too.

Here are some words you might want to call out in your EarthDares. Various options are in brackets. “Beautiful people! We have one year to save our sweet Earth. Before you leave [pass by], will you please Promise to [dedicate 140 minutes a day][invest 24% of your (personal)(company’s)net income][stop selling these Earth killing products][eat {or sell} only plant-based foods][(some other sustainable action] to help save our exquisite but dying Earth? To thank you for your Promise, I will do a victory dance for you and give you this [art][award][song]. Fight for life. Fight for love. OK? Yes? [You will? Thanks so much!] Great!!”

A simple EarthDare can last for a few seconds, minutes or hours, and can be done with or without a sign. A sign as small as a postcard can be used.

In an EarthDare, one or more people being blocked, approached or called out to, and then asked to Promise to take a big [or least a medium] climate action in return for some honoring action and/or a gift.

EarthDares can be slightly to very disruptive, are creative, social, fun or scary, quick or slow, peaceful, and can be done in the street, on walkways, in businesses, in government offices, in front of unethical products in stores, and beyond.

Stopping traffic or stopping a vehicle to ask driver[s] to make a Big Climate Action Promise is one of the more exciting EarthDares. Holding a big or little sign can be helpful when doing a street EarthDare. Car and truck drivers may become annoyed and even dangerous so be very careful when doing this street EarthDare action.

EarthDares can help slow down the specific business practices, government operations and consumer purchases that are feeding climate monster wildfires, floods, heatwaves, hurricanes and other climate related disasters and injustices.

An EarthDare can be an inconspicuous action if wanted. This makes them a good direct action for places where authorities or managers are nearby, or where protest actions are unauthorized or illegal.

Some authorities or managers will be thrilled that you are taking your action even when they don’t say so. Some authorities or managers will be happy to let you complete an action. Of course, some authorities or managers will not like or will even hate what you are doing. But when you start an EarthDare or ClimateDare, remind yourself that an authority or manager may be in full support of your action, unless they state otherwise. In fact, some authorities or managers may wish they were bold enough to do an EarthDare too. Your EarthDares will help inspire and push authorities or managers to start taking big climate actions too.

If the person or group rejects a request to make a climate action promise, as they leave you can say, “I hope you change your mind”, or “Please take big climate actions to help save our planet Earth so we can all have more fun”.

EarthDares can help us get the billions of people that we need to take big climate citizen and climate consumer actions.

Use EarthDares [or whatever you want to call your solo blocks] to power up your direct climate actions to help save this planet and to stand in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of people who are already taking direct actions for the climate every day.

XOEarth is hoping we can get 500,000 million lovers of the Earth to join us this year in doing an EarthDare every day. Imagine how much good we can do for this biosphere when we get a million or more of us doing artsy, fun and honoring solo direct climate actions every day.

Video your EarthDares so you can share them to leverage your actions even more.

Here is another EarthDare dialog with other options in brackets, “Before you pass [leave][go], would you [be willing to] Promise to [dedicate 140 minutes a day][sponsor legislation][invest 24% of your company’s net][stop selling products that are killing our biosphere][sell only (more) plant-based foods][etc] to help save our fun [sweet][exquisite][amazing] but [dying][imperiled] Earth [biosphere]? To thank you for your Promise, I [we] will do a victory dance [song][poem][cartwheel][etc] and give you an award [this art][picture][XOEarth Award][etc].”

An EarthDare may involve some legal and physical risk even when it is a brief *blockade* in public space. XOEarth hopes you will be careful. However, taking a little or a lot of risk may be worth it in order to help slow down our wasteful fossil fuel and resource addicted society, in order to spur governments to take major climate action now, in order to help build the climate movement so our Earth does not die. We may have one year to save our sweet Earth.

An EarthDare can be done as a COVID-19 friendly Rebel action with social distancing.

All Earth Dares and Climate Dares must be peaceful, non-violent, and respectful. People who want to do an EarthDare are encouraged to study non-violent communication [NVC] principles and techniques.

Hello XOEarth Friends,

Stele here,’s founder. I have been using the EarthDare form for years to help keep Earth cooler. I love the deep ecological talks, the major climate action commitments and the co-creative art that can come out of an EarthDare. I hope my EarthDare thing helps power up some direct climate actions that you do every day. A FlashBlock or ClimateMob might be another fun name for when several peeps do an EarthDare together.

For all the life, Stele Ely

Big Climate Action Promises

Here are a few Big Climate Action Promises that you can invite people to take:

+ Volunteer 140 minutes a day with your favorite climate change fighting organizations or projects. /HERO

+ Invest and donate 24% of your net income or your business’s net profit to your favorite climate change fighting organizations or projects. /INVEST

+ Eat a plant-based vegan diet, and help others go vegan as well. /VEGAN

+ Carbon offset the fossil fuels that you burn and your other greenhouse emissions at $800 a ton. /INVEST

+ Rebel or Climate Strike with an environmental group or solo every day. /REBEL

+ More Big Climate Action ideas are on the HERO page. /HERO

Asking for Big Climate Action Promises and then honoring those Promises can result in more accountability. Plus, adding Promise and Honor to your Rebel and Strike actions can make them more fun, especially on our solo days.

When people promise less than a specific Big Climate Action Promise suggested, it’s fine to Honor that smaller Promises that make a difference too. Nonetheless, it’s ok to remind others that if everyone only takes small climate actions it will not be enough to save our sweet biosphere.

Have fun using Promise and Honor to power up your daily Rebel or Strike actions to get peeps in businesses, in our governments and on the streets to Promise us face-to-face to take major ecological actions so there will be fewer Climate Change Monsters to mess up our towns tomorrow.

Share your favorite Big Climate Actions that you take and dare other people to take on our XOEarth facebook page.

XOEarth Line, Earth Flag, Tags, Props

One of our fave EarthDare tools are the Earth Circle, XOEarth Line or Earth Flag that are placed on the ground to create a boundary or threshold for people to step on or over or around only if they promise to take a big climate action.

An Earth Circle or XOEarth Line can be made with a rope, webbing, chalk, string, wood, rocks, flowers, sticks, soil, ocean objects, or other objects that create a boundary line.

Draw or lay down the Earth Circle, XOEarth Line or an Earth Flag on the ground where you are doing an EarthDare.

Then ask people to make a Big Climate Action Promise before they step on, over or pass by the Earth Circle, XOEarth Line or Earth Flag.

Climate action messages can be written along the Earth circle or Earth line if you would like. Stele usually writes Six Months To Save Earth and on the his circles or

An Earth Flag can be made from a 3 foot by 5 foot piece of cloth and acrylic paint to paint an Earth that is green, blue, red and/or other colors. Earth Flags can be purchased online too.

By the way, a sign or cloth tag that is pinned on your clothing, hats, bags, or on a stylish binder clip necklace is another fave prop.

Non-Violent Direct Actions

+ A direct action can be as safe and easy as holding a postcard sized sign or tag in a public place.

+ A direct action that is more effective may include more risk and be more fun, such as a EarthDare Rebel action. [An EarthDare is when a person or group slowly or quickly moves in and out of the way of customers, vehicles or pedestrians to call on businesses, our government and citizens to join us in making our society sustainable. XOEarth is calling on 500 million lovers of the Earth to join us in doing an EarthDare every day. Read the EarthDare section for more.]

+ A direct action can be as short as a few minutes, or as long as hours and days.

+ A direct action can be a simple stand-in, sit-in, low in stress, inspiring and quite fun.

+ A direct action that blocks a sidewalk, a store entryway, or traffic on a road is an act of civil disobedience that shows you are concerned enough about this climate emergency that you are willing to put yourself at risk.

+ A direct action that includes some risk can encourage others to take this climate emergency seriously and to join us in taking risks to save our biosphere as well.

+ A direct action can be done with small or big signs or wearable tags. Variations include necklace signs made with a heavy paper and a string necklace, or tiny signs held on forks or chopsticks. [Sign and Tag Tips].

+ A direct action can be designed to have a low chance or high chance of being arrested.

+ A direct action must be non-violent. The importance of non-violence is detailed by Extinction Rebellion.

+ A direct action can include an offering to people for not buying or selling Earth killing, un-ethical products.

+ A direct action can be a good video, picture and media and then social networking sharing opportunity.

+ A direct action can be a business block, product block or roadblock.

+ A direct action can be challenging, daring, confronting and scary, or not at all.

+ A direct action can be a request to a customer to make a promise to not buy an environmentally destructive or inhumane product.

+ A direct action can be a request to a business owner or manager to promise to not sell an environmentally destructive or inhumane product.

+ Include a request that the person sign their signature on an award to acknowledge their promise. The person – such as a business owner – gets to keep the award.

+ A direct action can be a lot of fun.

+ Let’s have peacefully and boldly going into businesses and governments to ask people to make Big Climate Action Promises. Let’s have a good time demanding Big Climate Action Promises on sidewalks and streets when we block or protest. Let’s lovingly go in and ask for big climate action commitments from people sitting in restaurants, shopping in stores, sitting in their offices and outside doing their work. Let’s bravely and non-violently stand in the doorways of businesses and governments to call on big climate action.

+ Imagine millions of us standing and sitting every day in the way to slow down the river of destruction by governments, businesses and consumers while asking for big climate action in return for our honorings.


Climate Action Organizations

Promise and Honor can be used to help you meet your goals when you are taking actions with your fave climate change fighting organizations that do non-violent protests and actions.

Of course, in return for taking the big climate change action that a business, official or citizen takes, they will also get a less violent, more alive and more fun planet.

Here are some climate action organizations that we recommend ::

+ Extinction Rebellion


+ Sunrise Movement

+ Greenpeace USA

+ Sierra Club

+ Fridays For Future

+ Extinction Rebellion International

+ Global Climate Strike

+ XOEarth on facebook [yes that’s us].

4 Million Big Climate Action Promises for our sweet Earth or Bust!

Sign and Tag making tips

Whether it is a big sign that you hold or a small tag that you wear around your neck, these are important tools to get your climate action messages out there, and help build the global climate action movement.

Even a small quarter page necklace tag can work well if you want to do a subtle Rebel or Strike. Plus, that little sign can duplicated to be used as a quarter page flyer that you can give out to passersby and others.

Our Tats + Tags + Style page has a lot of fun ideas about how to make small and big wearable necklace Tags [signs].

These necklace Tags can be made with heavy paper or stiff fabric and a string necklace. To make one, get a 6″ x 9″ a piece of heavy paper, fold it in half, make your climate action tag, then hang it over a long string or yarn necklace that is about 14.5″ inches long. This tag can be worn while a person is doing errands, work, play and school. Because this necklace tag can be flipped up, it can be used like 4 signs. If needed, put a paper clip, clothespin or binder clip on the bottom of the sign to keep the tag flat. The necklace tag is one of Stele’s faves.

A small postcard sized sign can be mounted like a flag on a chopstick or a straw by using a small binder clip, tape or paper clip. Or by making 2 small holes in the sign and threading the chopstick through the holes.

A little sign can also be mounted like a flag on a fork, by weaving the card in and out of the tines. See pic right.

A ball-cap hat with a sign can be made with little binder clips. Just flip the bill up and attach the sign to the front with the binder clip. See pic right.

Share pics of your Rebel or Strike signs, tags and props to our XOEarth Facebook, and your Facebook, social networks and beyond.

Check out these styling ways to wear a sign or tag so you can have your hands free to get and honor promises at a Rebel or Strike action, in public every day, or at work. [Tats Tags Style]

Sign and Tag wording ideas

+ LESS GASOLINE = LESS EXTINCTION (sign or tag) “Stand with me [us] if you promise to use very little gasoline and jet fuel, or carbon offset .” (call or chant)

+ LESS MEAT = LESS CLIMATE MONSTERS “Please eat organic and plant based as much as possible to help slow down climate change.”

+ SINGLE USE PLASTIC IS MURDER. REUSABLE SERVICEWARE IS LIFE. “Sit with me us if you avoid plastic bag use, avoid over-packaged products and bring reusable drink containers and service ware.”

+ ECO LOGICAL CAREERS = MORE LIVABLE EARTH “Please make your job as ecological as possible, or quit and get an eco-logical job.”

+ INVEST24%* IN EARTH = LESS DEATH = MORE FUN “Invest 24%* of net inc in organizations or projects that fight climate change. [*sliding scale]

+ LESS FOSSIL FUELS = MORE FUN TIMES “Take a stand with us if you carpool, bus, walk, live close to work and use alternative transportation.”

+ ECO VOLUNTEER + ECO DONATE + ECO VOTE = ECO LOGICAL “Stand with us if you volunteer or donate to environmental organizations and candidates.”

+ More sign and tag ideas are on our XOEarth Facebook, Twitter and below.

Script, dialog, chant intros

Note: After calling out the following intro lines, offer to honor the person or people for their promise with an award, song, dance, or some other neat thing. …

+ Will you [you guys] promise [each other] to dedicate 140 minutes a day with an organization or projects to help save our sweet+fun+dying Earth. …

+ Stand with me if promise to INVEST 24%* of your net income this month to save our sweet+fun+dying Earth. …

+ One year to save planet Earth. The BBC, Forbes Magazine and the Guardian have reported we may have one year to save planet Earth. …

+ Rebel for life. Fight for love. …

+ Stand with me to show that you will take direct actions every day to oppose oil drilling in the arctic, in the oceans and in the forests. …

+ Will you please promise to burn very little gasoline and fossil fuels to help our biosphere live longer so we can have more fun. …

+ Fight hard to slow down the climate change monster wildfires, floods and heatwaves that are killing our planet home. …

+ Please promise to not buy [a specific product name here] that is killing our biosphere. …

+ Stand with us if you promise to burn very little fossil fuels this year to slow down climate change. …

+ Stand with me to show that promise to burn very little gas, and use very little plastic and electricity so we don’t die. …

+ Stand with us if you promise to eat less meat this year to help stop the climate change, hurricanes, fires and floods. …

+ Please promise to not sell [a specific product] that is killing our biosphere. …

+ Please help or encourage your business to [state an specific action that is sustainable, humane and equitable]. …


4 Million Big Climate Action Promises Every Day

We are going to have to go BIG or we will go EXTINCT. So let’s get 4 Million Big Climate Action Promises every day to stop the BIG climate change monsters that are trying to kill our Mother Earth.

In fact, if our sweet Earth’s biosphere could talk, it would probably agree and even say, “Do you really love me? You DO?! Then please DO ask at get your peeps in businesses and governments to make a new or reaffirmed big climate promise every day. Because, yesss, I think that if you humans can get 4 Million Big Climate Action Promises Every Day for me, the eco logical actions that those people take will keep me cool enough that this nasty fever won’t get a lot worse. Help me and I’ll help you keep your Earth-life-party-thing going.”

Earth Dare promises in businesses and governments

Before doing an Earth Dare [or some other Rebel protest action or Climate Dare] at or in a business or government, consider asking the business owners or managers or government officials to promise to start taking a specific Earth saving action, or to stop taking a specific Earth killing action. Ask them to sign a promise to do so. The promise agreement does not have to be typed or fancy. An agreement that is handwritten is fine.

If the government official, business owner or manager promises to take the requested action, ask them to sign two copies of the pledge. One copy for them and one for you to share via social networks and the press.

Then offer something the person for agreeing to take the specific eco action such as an XOEarth Award. Other ways to honor them for their promise include singing them a song, doing a victory dance, giving them some art or reciting a poem. or In some way, celebrate with them for a moment, or offer them some. Here are some other ways to honor them.

If apropos, if it is a business that has pledged, buy something from that business.

Ask people via social media, press and in person to thank the government official or business owner/manager.

If the government official or business owner/manager does not agree to the requests, but say they will consider the request, then say, “OK, will you please sign that you are going to seriously evaluate this request and contact us within 14 days?” If they say yes, then write these words on the bottom of the statement. “Big Climate Promise to Consider. The (government official or business owner) of this business agrees that that they will consider this request to take [specific big climate action here] and contact us within 14 days.”

If apropos, share a picture of the signed agreement with social networks and the press.

If a government official or business owner/manager says they will NOT stop taking the action that hurts our planet and the people, and will NOT sign an agreement to consider the request, THEN (while in front of the owner/ manager) on the bottom of the pledge write the date and a statement that the owner (or manager) has declined to sign this pledge. Sign your name. Then ask the business owner or manager sign.

When a Rebel action is a protest against a business or government, block an area or a representative fraction thereof on the sidewalk in front of the organization that represents the loss of habitat potential [or some multiple of that loss of habitat] due to the Earth harming action that the business takes in one week [or day, month, or a year]. Use XOEarth EcoFX to calculate or estimate that the area of that loss of habitat potential. Walk around, stand on the border or sit in that area.

Rebel actions must be done peacefully when inside or outside of any business or government office.

It is crucial that we ask businesses and governments every day face-to-face to promise to NOT buy, sell or support unsustainable products or programs, and honor them FOR selling or supporting sustainable and ethical products and programs.

It is important that we ask people eye-to-eye in businesses and governments every day to promise to take actions to operate sustainably.

It is important that we ask people eye-to-eye in businesses to donate 24% of their profits to projects or environmental organizations that are protecting and restoring our damaged biosphere.

It is vital that we remind people in power every day that they have the power to help extend the life of this exquisite planet so we can all have more fun.

Even if you don’t know if the person that you are talking to or who is passing by is taking a specific action, you may want to say or call out, “Thanks for [specific big climate action].” Hopefully they will consider taking that action because you have thanked them in advance for that action.

Use to show people in a business or government office how many square meters or square yards of habitat is being lost due to their unsustainable actions or due to them selling an unsustainable product.

XOEarth Honors has a bunch of fun ways to use your talents to honor businesses and others once they have promised to take or have taken the ecological action that you have asked them to take.

EarthDare owners and managers at work + quit job if they say no/ EarthFire

It is important that we quit our jobs [EarthFire our employers] if the businesses where we work are not helping save our dying Earth, or not willing to start doing so.

So please EarthDare the owners, managers, staff and employees where you work if they are not already working hard to help stop the climate change monsters.

It is ok to give businesses some time or a deadline to complete [or nearly complete] the big climate action that you are requesting them to take. If they don’t honor your proposed [and reasonable] timeline, then inform the business that you have to quit your job [EarthFire the employer].

If necessary, inform an owner or manager where you work that you will have to quit your job [EarthFire them] within 2 months if they say they will not stop taking the action that hurts our planet and the people, and will not sign an agreement to consider the request. A shorter or longer timeframe may be more apropos for you.

Read more about how to do an EarthFire.




+ Sunrise Movement .org

+ Greenpeace USA

+ Extinction Rebellion International





+ XOEarth Facebook

+ XOEarth Twitter

+ XOEarth Honors

+ XOEarth Award

+ XOEarth ecofx

Rebel Strike Promise Honor

Rebel for all beings of the future
Strike for all life that loves to live
Promise for all children not yet born
Honor for all lovers yet to kiss
For humankind, forest-kind, swimming-kind, flying-kind, tree kind, ocean-kind
I honor you for dedicating 140 minutes a day to stop the climate change monsters,
I honor you for investing 24% in environmental organizations and projects that help keep us cool,
I honor you for only accepting a job that heals the planet,
I honor you for eating vegan and helping others eat vegan too
Rebel for all the life that loves to live,
Strike for all the fish that love to swim,
Pledge for all the kids that want to play
Honor for all the moose that want to bugle
Rebel for all the owls that like to fly
Strike for all bees yet to buzz
Promise for all trees yet to bloom
Honor for all lovers yet to kiss
I honor you for not using single use plastic, burning very little gasoline, not accepting a job that kills our earth
Rebel for all beings of the future
Strike for all life that loves to live
Pledge for all children not yet born
Honor for all lovers yet to kiss
~ s

Musicians, Artists and Creatives

Record or create a song, video, art, dance or media for an Earth Dare, Rebel, Strike, ClimateDare, FlashBlock, Promise or Honor Action and we’ll put it here or on the environmental songs page.
And to fans, please donate big time to sponsor our or others EarthDare, Rebel and Strike work.

June 24, 2019 - New York, New York, United States - Member of 350Brooklyn on the steps of NY City Hall. -On June 24, 2019, climate activists and NYC Council members held a rally on the steps of City Hall, New York,  in support of Resolution 0864-2019 which, if passed, would declare a climate emergency and call for an immediate emergency mobilization to restore a safe climate.  New York City would join over 657 other countries, cities, and towns worldwide that have already declared a climate emergency. (Credit Image: © Gabriele Holtermann-Gorden/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire)
Mississauga Grade 12 student Stephanie Vienneau says Canada "can afford to put our resources to stop the rise in global temperature."


4 responses to “EARTHDARE: Dare 14 People a Day to Take a Big Climate Action + Give Them a Cool Thing for a Promise”

  1. Stele Avatar
    Stele : This week, join the Climate Strike on Friday, September 20. Three days before the UN Climate Summit in NYC, young people and adults will strike all across the US and world to demand transformative action be taken to address the climate crisis. Millions of us will take the streets to demand a right to a future, and we’re inviting you to #strikewithus.

  2. Stele Avatar

    Environmental protesters block access to Parliament Square :: Demonstration organised by Extinction Rebellion aims to highlight government failure on the environment
    About 50 activists from Extinction Rebellion, a direct action group that has been coordinating a campaign of civil disobedience which has brought areas of the capital to a standstill in recent weeks, risked arrest by standing defiantly in roads in front of queueing traffic.
    An estimated 1,000 more demonstrators, many clad in black clothing, massed on the green in Parliament Square for what organisers labelled a “memorial service” to mourn the loss of life on the planet.
    Many waved banners emblazoned with slogans including “System change, not climate change” and “Rebel for life” as they listened to speeches.

  3. Stele Avatar

    Financial fraud and corporate crime are carried out with impunity. The decay is exacerbated by the state’s indiscriminate use of violence abroad and at home, where rogue law enforcement agencies harass and arrest citizens and the undocumented and often kill the unarmed. A depressed and enraged population, trapped by chronic unemployment and underemployment, is overdosing on opioids and beset by rising suicide rates. It engages in acts of nihilistic violence, including mass shootings. Hate groups proliferate. ~ Chris Hedges

  4. Stele Ely Avatar
    Stele Ely

    Chris Hedges:
    Our “corporate coup d’état in slow motion,” as the writer John Ralston Saul calls it, has opened a Pandora’s box of evils that is transforming America into a failed state. The “unholy trinity of corruption, impunity and violence,” he said, can no longer be checked. The ruling elites abjectly serve corporate power to exploit and impoverish the citizenry. Democratic institutions, including the courts, are mechanisms of corporate repression.

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