This page has three fun+crucial+rad climate pledges to choose from. They are the XOEarth Honors Pledge, the XOEarth VOX Pledge and the XOEarth Citizens Accord. Take all three pledges to save our superb+wild+dying planet Earth!
The XOEarth Honors main page >>
Print and sign the XOEarth Honors Pledge card. Print extras for friends.
**This pledge used to be called EarthE Honors. We will make a proper XOEarth Honors Pledge card if you ask us to, so please contact us.**
pledge card – front – click to print
or request updated card
The pledge card has 3 print page flavors to choose from ::
#10 The XOEarth Honors card print-page #10 has 10 cards on each print page. In general, start by setting the top and bottom margins to zero. >>
#8The XOEarth Honors card print-page #8 has 8 cards on each print page. If you want to print a double sided card run the paper through your printer twice or use a printer that prints on both sides. >>
#4 The XOEarth Honors card print-page #4 has 4 cards on each print page. To make the cards, cut the printed page in quarters. Then fold each quarter in half to create four 2-sided cards.>>
pledge card – back – click to print
or request updated card
To fit the most cards on a page, set the printing margins to the smallest values possible. Use “Page Setup” and/or “Print Preview” to adjust the margin values.
Before printing, adjust the margins by entering “0” for all margins. The browser and printer will then re-apply the smallest default value available.
In most cases, the cards will be 3.5 inches wide when printed. If the cards are not this size when you print them, open the “Print Preview’ window and then adjust the scale/percentage to 100%.
If you are not printing in color, printing with black ink on colored paper is a good option. We give out cards printed with black ink on colored paper at schools and fairs — and they work great.
Printing the XOEarth Pledge cards on heavier paper is a nice — but optional.
Have fun flashing your XOEarth Honors Pledge cards to others to encourage them to join you in creating eco media, and to help empower a visible ecological society.
Feel free to print and give away a bunch of un-signed XOEarth Honors cards too. If you prefer to write out the pledge/ card that’s super fine.
The XOEarth Honors main page >>
**Here is a little secret. This pledge used to be called VOX Erth. We are happy to make a proper looking XOEarth VOX Pledge card if you want it, so please contact us.**
Print and sign the XOEarth VOX Pledge/ card here or write it out by hand if you prefer.
pledge card – front – click to print
or request updated card
The XOEarth VOX main page >>
The pledge card has 2 print pages to choose from ::
#10 The XOEarth Pledge/ card print-page #10 has 10 cards per print page. >>
#8 The XOEarth Pledge/ card print-page #8 has 8 cards per page. (8 cards up works better on some printers) >>
To fit the most cards on a page, set the printing margins to the smallest values possible. Use “Page Setup” and/or “Print Preview” to adjust the margin values.
Before printing, adjust the margins by entering “0” for all margins. The browser and printer will then re-apply the smallest default value available.
In most cases, the XOEarth cards will be 3.5 inches wide when printed. If the cards are not this size when you print them, open the “Print Preview’ window and then adjust the scale/percentage to 100%.
If you are not printing in color, printing with black ink on colored paper is a good option. We give out cards printed with black ink on colored paper at schools and fairs — and they work great.
Printing the XOEarth cards on heavier paper is a nice — but optional.
Have fun flashing your XOEarth card to others to encourage them to join you in creating eco media, and to help empower a visible ecological society.
Feel free to print and give away a bunch of un-signed XOEarth pledge cards too. If you prefer to write out the pledge/ card that’s super fine.
The XOEarth VOX main page >>
The XOEarth Citizens Accord is a call to 1 billion Earth citizens and businesses to score 4% for the planet each month via the dimensions of Team, Art, Logic and Love. By scoring 1% or more in each of these 4 dimensions, every signer will help manifest a global ecological movement to protect this awesome planet.
Print or save your XOECA as a PDF, JPG or HTML.
Add your check marks or scores on the JPG or the PDF versions. Use the JPG version as your computer or smart phone background. The HTML version has nice background choices.
The XOEarth Citizens Accord main page >>
The XOEarth Honors Pledge
~~~~ XOEarth Honors Pledge ~~~~
“As a lover and defender of this exquisite biosphere,
I pledge to honor someone every day
for taking an eco-logical action, or,
challenge someone every day to take an
eco logical action and then honor their success.”
signature / date
:: my daily XOEarth Honors goal ::
To use art, words, music, awards, kisses, Emoney or
other goodies that I create or find, to honor others
for their eco actions, or for completing an eco challenge.
“As a lover and defender of this exquisite biosphere,
I pledge to honor someone every day
for taking an eco-logical action, or,
challenge someone every day to take an
eco logical action and then honor their success.”
signature / date
:: my daily XOEarth Honors goal ::
To use art, words, music, awards, kisses, Emoney or
other goodies that I create or find, to honor others
for their eco actions, or for completing an eco challenge.
pledge card – front
request this as an updated card
request this as an updated card
green challenges. blue rewards.
Asking others to take specific eco-logical actions
and rewarding their successes helps manifest a
world that honors people that help the planet,
and stops supporting those that hurt it.
Explore to create or get art, music, words,
Emoney and Eawards to thank your green friends.
There are thousands of ultra fun ways to honor your friends and
others for helping protect our exquisite biosphere. You decide
whether it’s a song you sing, a cool thing that you create, a witty
thank you note, an XOEarth Award that you print out, a party, a picnic,
a dance, something from a junk drawer or even an XOEarth kiss.
Share your ideas on XOEarth Facebook and beyond.
Asking others to take specific eco-logical actions
and rewarding their successes helps manifest a
world that honors people that help the planet,
and stops supporting those that hurt it.
Explore to create or get art, music, words,
Emoney and Eawards to thank your green friends.
There are thousands of ultra fun ways to honor your friends and
others for helping protect our exquisite biosphere. You decide
whether it’s a song you sing, a cool thing that you create, a witty
thank you note, an XOEarth Award that you print out, a party, a picnic,
a dance, something from a junk drawer or even an XOEarth kiss.
Share your ideas on XOEarth Facebook and beyond.
pledge card – back
request this as an updated card
request this as an updated card
Print and sign the XOEarth Honors Pledge card. Print extras for friends.
**This pledge used to be called EarthE Honors. We will make a proper XOEarth Honors Pledge card if you ask us to, so please contact us.**
or request updated card
#10 The XOEarth Honors card print-page #10 has 10 cards on each print page. In general, start by setting the top and bottom margins to zero. >>
#8The XOEarth Honors card print-page #8 has 8 cards on each print page. If you want to print a double sided card run the paper through your printer twice or use a printer that prints on both sides. >>
#4 The XOEarth Honors card print-page #4 has 4 cards on each print page. To make the cards, cut the printed page in quarters. Then fold each quarter in half to create four 2-sided cards.>>
or request updated card
To fit the most cards on a page, set the printing margins to the smallest values possible. Use “Page Setup” and/or “Print Preview” to adjust the margin values.
Before printing, adjust the margins by entering “0” for all margins. The browser and printer will then re-apply the smallest default value available.
In most cases, the cards will be 3.5 inches wide when printed. If the cards are not this size when you print them, open the “Print Preview’ window and then adjust the scale/percentage to 100%.
If you are not printing in color, printing with black ink on colored paper is a good option. We give out cards printed with black ink on colored paper at schools and fairs — and they work great.
Printing the XOEarth Pledge cards on heavier paper is a nice — but optional.
Have fun flashing your XOEarth Honors Pledge cards to others to encourage them to join you in creating eco media, and to help empower a visible ecological society.
Feel free to print and give away a bunch of un-signed XOEarth Honors cards too. If you prefer to write out the pledge/ card that’s super fine.
The XOEarth Honors main page >>
The XOEarth VOX Pledge
~~~~ XOEarth VOX Pledge ~~~~
“As a lover and a voice for this exquisite biosphere,
I pledge to team up with others to create
and sponsor music, words, art or media that
inspires people to take eco-logical actions.
signature / date
:: my weekly XOEarth VOX goal ::
Dedicate one or more hours every week to work with others
and/or on my own to manifest or support art, words, music
and media that honors a person(s) for an eco action,
and/or asks a person(s) to take an eco action.
“As a lover and a voice for this exquisite biosphere,
I pledge to team up with others to create
and sponsor music, words, art or media that
inspires people to take eco-logical actions.
signature / date
:: my weekly XOEarth VOX goal ::
Dedicate one or more hours every week to work with others
and/or on my own to manifest or support art, words, music
and media that honors a person(s) for an eco action,
and/or asks a person(s) to take an eco action.
pledge card – front
request this as an updated card
request this as an updated card
green voices. blue rewards.
XOEarth is an urgent call to all musicians, writers, artists and fans to pledge one hour per week to create media that is a VOX (voice) for our exquisite biosphere.
1/ If you are a songwriter, artist or writer, boldly tell others about your eco media projects — via your blog, email and XOEarth Facebook — inviting others to collaborate on and/or fund the project.
2/ If you are a fan, seek out an eco media concept that you like, and then offer support to a musician, artist or writer to complete, promote or fund the eco media.
3/ All musicians, writers, artists and fans are asked to pledge one hour per week to create, promote or fund their chosen eco media project.
4/ Print and sign the XOEarth pledge/ member card, and print cards to give to friends.
XOEarth is an urgent call to all musicians, writers, artists and fans to pledge one hour per week to create media that is a VOX (voice) for our exquisite biosphere.
1/ If you are a songwriter, artist or writer, boldly tell others about your eco media projects — via your blog, email and XOEarth Facebook — inviting others to collaborate on and/or fund the project.
2/ If you are a fan, seek out an eco media concept that you like, and then offer support to a musician, artist or writer to complete, promote or fund the eco media.
3/ All musicians, writers, artists and fans are asked to pledge one hour per week to create, promote or fund their chosen eco media project.
4/ Print and sign the XOEarth pledge/ member card, and print cards to give to friends.
pledge card – back
request this as an updated card
request this as an updated card
Print and sign the XOEarth VOX Pledge/ card here or write it out by hand if you prefer.
or request updated card
The pledge card has 2 print pages to choose from ::
#10 The XOEarth Pledge/ card print-page #10 has 10 cards per print page. >>
#8 The XOEarth Pledge/ card print-page #8 has 8 cards per page. (8 cards up works better on some printers) >>
To fit the most cards on a page, set the printing margins to the smallest values possible. Use “Page Setup” and/or “Print Preview” to adjust the margin values.
Before printing, adjust the margins by entering “0” for all margins. The browser and printer will then re-apply the smallest default value available.
In most cases, the XOEarth cards will be 3.5 inches wide when printed. If the cards are not this size when you print them, open the “Print Preview’ window and then adjust the scale/percentage to 100%.
If you are not printing in color, printing with black ink on colored paper is a good option. We give out cards printed with black ink on colored paper at schools and fairs — and they work great.
Printing the XOEarth cards on heavier paper is a nice — but optional.
Have fun flashing your XOEarth card to others to encourage them to join you in creating eco media, and to help empower a visible ecological society.
Feel free to print and give away a bunch of un-signed XOEarth pledge cards too. If you prefer to write out the pledge/ card that’s super fine.
The XOEarth VOX main page >>
The XOEarth Citizens Accord
Score for the Planet, for Life, for Peace
a global ecological pledge + seeking 1 billion signers
citizen’s name
As a citizen of this exquisite and endangered biosphere, it is an honor to help defend it. Therefore — to extend the life of our dying planet so that humans and other species can have more fun — I hereby affirm these four goals.
My goal is to support environmental organizations, non-profit teams or projects that cool the Earth — with 140 minutes a day and/or invest 24%* of my net income.Environmental orgs, Teams and projects are ultra important defenders of the Earth in the courts, media, government and community. See Invest 24%* sliding scale.
team notes
My goal is to share media, represent, speak, write or create eco art to inform, inspire or reward actions that help the Earth every day.Every Earth lover can be a powerful grassroots force for the planet by sharing eco media, using their own words and talents in a passionate or Artful way.
art notes
My goal is to use logic and science to make the most Earth friendly lifestyle, consumer and work decisions every day.Eco Logic and science is an exciting journey into the future personal and global benefits of our eco actions and lifestyle choices.
logic notes
My goal is to explore and embrace the love, beauty, wisdom and wit of the Earth’s species and ecosystems every day.Time in nature, spiritual and science studies, and eco arts are ways to connect with the web-of-life’s essential wisdoms and Love.
love notes
Print the XOECA or save your XOECA here. Sign and enter your monthly relevant percentages or check marks in the LOG cells of each month. Post your XOEarth Citizens Accord at home, work and play. Join XOEarth Facebook to connect with others and build the movement. Invite others to join too. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |

The XOEarth Citizens Accord is a call to 1 billion Earth citizens and businesses to score 4% for the planet each month via the dimensions of Team, Art, Logic and Love. By scoring 1% or more in each of these 4 dimensions, every signer will help manifest a global ecological movement to protect this awesome planet.
Print or save your XOECA as a PDF, JPG or HTML.
Add your check marks or scores on the JPG or the PDF versions. Use the JPG version as your computer or smart phone background. The HTML version has nice background choices.
The XOEarth Citizens Accord main page >>
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