Shirt Bag : Forget bag at store? Pull out shirt. Use shirt bag to save planet!


  Play >> Shirt Bag .mp3
pull out your shirt
let your belly button brag
eco warriors you can flirt
when you have your shirt bag
when you shop for things and food
and you forget your reusable bag
pull your shirt out in front of you
then you have a shirt bag
future life asks you to care
throw away plastic and paper are a drag
show the (orcas, future, babies, kids, lovers, zebras) that you dare
when you use your shirt bag
we don’t have to be a dirt bag
because we have our shirt bag
hold your shirt hem out with one hand
drop things in and let it sag
then you can go back home again
and our future earth will not gag
pull out your shirt
let your belly button brag
eco warrior you can flirt
when you have your shirt bag
for oceans, air, land it’s practical
stop pollution, floods, fire, cancer, drought
shirt bags are quite tactical
to stop the earth from getting hot
what, no bag, no shirt
but you have a long skirt
just pull out your skirt in front of you
then you have a skirt bag
pull out your skirt
let your nimble knees brag
eco warriors you can flirt
when you have your skirt bag
we don’t have to be dirt bag
because we have our skirt bag
pull out you’re a shirt
let your belly button brag
eco warriors you can flirt
when you have your ultra awesome shirt bag
Shirt Bag /stele c13


  Play >> Shirt Bag w Hopper .mp3
don’t get bummed if you forget your reusable bag
when you go shopping my friend
just pull out your shirt in front of you
then put that stuff right in
use the shirt you wear
throw away bags are a drag
show the orcas that you care
because you have a shirt bag
shirt bag style
let your belly button smile
eco warriors get to flirt
when you have your shirt bag
it might seem impractical
but really it’s not
shirt bags are quite tactical
this earth’s getting hot
plastic is tempting
paper not but better
use your shirt bag
and be a trend setter
what, no bag, no shirt
but you have a long skirt
skirt bag style
let your nimble knees smile
eco warriors get to flirt
when you have your skirt bag
never have to be a dirt bag
when you have your shirt bag
when you have your skirt bag
Shirt Bag /stele c13 chris hopper

Musicians :: Record this song and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Artists :: Do aXOEarth VOX and we’ll add it here, and maybe on our home page or environmental songs page.
Fans :: Donate $1 or more to sponsor a better version or recording of this song. Donate $44 or more to get a shared copyright certificate for this song or your choice of one of our other environmental songs.

Shirt Up. Make Bag. Eco Button. Save Planet.

Orca XOEarth Award Fast – Environmental Awards And Currency



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