• EarthPatriot :: right-wing, Republican, left-wing, Democrat, progressive & all United States citizens

    EarthPatriot :: right-wing, Republican, left-wing, Democrat, progressive & all United States citizens

    ** The greatest risk to our country, our democracy, our economy and our Earth home are the ever bigger and more frequent monster heatwaves, floods, fires, storms, and droughts. ** Welcome right-wing citizens, Republicans, GOP, left-wing citizens, Democrats, progressives, moderates, and all United States patriots. It is crucial that we use our energy and resources…

  • ClimateMonsters Will [Not!] Mess Up Your Town Next Year [Thanks To You!]

    ClimateMonsters Will [Not!] Mess Up Your Town Next Year [Thanks To You!]

      To stop a ClimateMonster Business[s] from feeding the ClimateMonster disasters that could kill your town and kill this sweet+wild+fun planet, team up with others and support projects that are fighting to stop those businesses. [EarthLover88] A business is a ClimateMonster Business if it DOES NOT invest in projects and donate to organizations that will…

  • Environmental Songs :: Music for the Lovers of Planet Earth

    Environmental Songs :: Music for the Lovers of Planet Earth

    Listen to these rad and sweet environmental songs to power up your eco life, eco sexy, eco career and eco actions – while you laugh and dance and cry a bit too.

  • Squirrel ::  thank yur peeps for big enviro+climate actions they take

    Squirrel ::  thank yur peeps for big enviro+climate actions they take

      Give Squirrel XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental…

  • Until 2026, Volunteer+Donate, then +Vote in 2026/ Help life on Earth win the 2026 vote. Yes, 2026!

    Until 2026, Volunteer+Donate, then +Vote in 2026/ Help life on Earth win the 2026 vote. Yes, 2026!

    Earth Heros! Help get out the climate vote in 2026. Important elections are coming soon. Monster Heatwaves, Floods, Storms and Disasters: + Kill People, Animals and Nature + Hurt the Economy and Fuel Inflation + Destroy Homes, Biz, Farms and Towns + Trigger Crime, Cruelty and Wars + Speed Up Extinctions and Mass Death +…

  • EARTHSCREAM: Call out 14 times a day to get peeps, biz and gov to promise to take BIG climate actions

    EARTHSCREAM: Call out 14 times a day to get peeps, biz and gov to promise to take BIG climate actions

    EARTHSCREAM 14 times every day with others or solo to get peeps, businesses and government to take BIG climate actions so we can win this BIG game for our sweet+fun+dying Earth!!!! How to do 14 bold+scary+fun EARTHSCREAMs every day :: 1] Scream out loudly, sing out loudly, or speak out loudly to ask 14 people…

  • My Square Meters :: You decide if 75,000 square meters of habitat thrives or dies/ SAVE YOUR SQUARE

    My Square Meters :: You decide if 75,000 square meters of habitat thrives or dies/ SAVE YOUR SQUARE

    You get to decide if 75,000 square meters [18.5 acres/ 18.5 football fields/ 7.5 hectares] of habitat potential thrives or dies every year! [1] The career you choose, your consumer choices, the organizations that you volunteer with and donate to, and the climate actions that you take will decide the fate of your 75,000 square…

  • EarthWars :: Help Stop Climate Change to Slow Down Terrorism, Crime and War

    EarthWars :: Help Stop Climate Change to Slow Down Terrorism, Crime and War

    EarthWars :: Climate monster droughts, floods, fires and heatwaves increase the chance of nuclear war, terrorism, civil wars and violence. Some ways to help slow down or prevent the climate magnified hostilities :: + Invest 44%* of your time and net income in an organization or project that helps cool the Earth. [EarthLover] + Dare…

  • Buffalo Award – Honor Your Friends for Their Eco Logical Actions

    Buffalo Award – Honor Your Friends for Their Eco Logical Actions

    Give Buffalo XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental actions…

  • FUTURE LIVES :: Stories about the fun times your atoms and molecules will have for the next 24,000 years

    FUTURE LIVES :: Stories about the fun times your atoms and molecules will have for the next 24,000 years

    Your future lives for the next 24,000 years are hoping you will help save this sweet+fun+dying Earth so they can have more fun and more love. After your atoms and molecules move on from your human body, they will get to be part of all kinds of cool animals, beautiful lifeforms, and even other humans…

  • EarthLover, Dedicate 44%* of Your Time + 44%* of Your Money to Save Your Fun+Rad+Crying Earth

    EarthLover, Dedicate 44%* of Your Time + 44%* of Your Money to Save Your Fun+Rad+Crying Earth

    Earth Lover, Dedicate 44%* of your Time [19.4 hours/week] + 44%* of your Money [net income or apropos assets] to any teams+projects that are working hard to cool down the climate change monsters that are hurting me, your charming+wild+burning planet Earth. Yes, 44% may be more than your fair share. However, if humans are to…

  • EARTHDARE: Dare 14 People a Day to Take a Big Climate Action + Give Them a Cool Thing for a Promise

    EARTHDARE: Dare 14 People a Day to Take a Big Climate Action + Give Them a Cool Thing for a Promise

    How to do 14 bold+fun+creative EarthDares every day with others or solo to save this sweet+wild+burning Earth :: 1] Dare or challenge 14 people every day to take one of the Big Climate Actions that you suggest. EarthDare face-to-face in businesses, in governments and in public spaces, and via phone, social media, email or mail.…

  • XOEarth VOX : For Eco Musicians, Artists, Writers & Creators

    XOEarth VOX : For Eco Musicians, Artists, Writers & Creators

    Pledge to use your music, arts, film and words to help save our sweet but dying biosphere. Then XOEarth VOX will assist, share and promote your eco logical creative work via social media and beyond.

  • Fracking Gasholes & Clean Energy Zones

    Fracking Gasholes & Clean Energy Zones

    Join A *Phase Out Fracking* Team “Support and volunteer with the Safe & Healthy Colorado Ballot Initiative, or a similar initiative in your area, to stop the fracking that is polluting our land, air, water, and killing our biosphere. Fight to live in a Clean Energy Zone.” Stele Ely | XOEarth.org Director Here are some…

  • Hawksbill Sea Turtle + Greenpeace > Honor Eco Peeps With These Awards

    Hawksbill Sea Turtle + Greenpeace > Honor Eco Peeps With These Awards

    Give Turtle XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, [more]

  • EarthMoney44: Invest 44%* of Your Net Income to Stop those Climate Monsters

    EarthMoney44: Invest 44%* of Your Net Income to Stop those Climate Monsters

    Please invest 44%* of your net income and/or your business’s net income in not-for-profit climate change fighting teams and projects to help stop the climate monster disasters that are killing us, our planet, and its life. Your EarthMoney 44%* investment will slow down the growing number and crazy big climate monster heatwaves, wildfires, floods and…

  • Art, Song, Word :: Use your talent [or ours] to get peeps, bizs & gov to take climate action

    Art, Song, Word :: Use your talent [or ours] to get peeps, bizs & gov to take climate action

    Use your [or our] Art, Song and Word to honor your peeps, bizs and gov for taking big climate actions to help save our exquisite but dying biosphere :: + Use your talent to create Art, Song, Word to cheer on and honor peeps, bizs and gov for taking big eco logical actions, or promising…

  • 45% of All Life Will [Not] Die by 2028/ Guesstimate

    45% of All Life Will [Not] Die by 2028/ Guesstimate

    Earth Lovers, So that 20% to 45% of all life will NOT die by 2028, I hope you will join me [and other climate activists] in a promise to take big climate actions every day to help stop the mega wildfires, heatwaves, floods and other climate change monsters that are killing our sweet biosphere. We…

  • EarthJIVE :: Do a Climate Dare and Dance Every Day, Solo or Team

    EarthJIVE :: Do a Climate Dare and Dance Every Day, Solo or Team

      Play >> People’s Climate March – Every φ⇑♥;}≈ϑ Day .mp3 Do an EarthJIVE climate action every day by daring and then dancing for people who promise to take big climate actions. The EarthJIVE can be done on the street, around and in businesses, in parks, in neighborhoods, in front of your home, or in…

  • EarthTime44: Dedicate 44% Of Your Time To Save Our Biosphere’s Climate [19.4 hours per week]

    EarthTime44: Dedicate 44% Of Your Time To Save Our Biosphere’s Climate [19.4 hours per week]

    Dedicate 44% of your time [19.4 hours per week] with an environmental team, community project, climate activists and/or government representatives who are fighting to save our sweet+fun+dying Earth. [EarthTime44] Every week that you meet your EarthTime44 goal you are standing with millions of other amazing and bold Earth hero activists who are also giving at…

  • Sustainability Coach + Manager = Save Your Town + Save Your Earth

    Sustainability Coach + Manager = Save Your Town + Save Your Earth

    Every business needs a Sustainability Coach + Manager to help it take environmental+climate actions that will help make our Earth cool and livable [past 2035]. TO BUSINESSES: We Can Help Your Business Thrive and Save Your Biosphere Too [read below]. TO JOB SEEKERS: Get A Good Job That Helps Stop the Climate Change Monsters [read…

  • Carbon Offset :: Six Super Duper Ways To Cool Our Planet’s Fever

    Carbon Offset :: Six Super Duper Ways To Cool Our Planet’s Fever

    Here are six fast ways to Carbon Offset the gasoline, electricity, jetfuel and other fossil fuel products that you use to help slow down the Climate Change Monsters that are killing our biosphere – mega wildfires, floods, hurricanes and heatwaves. Show businesses how to Carbon Offset with these tools too. 1] Invest + Carbon Offset…

  • EarthPassion: to love, to play, to thrive, not to die

    EarthPassion: to love, to play, to thrive, not to die

    Use your passions to cool down our burning Earth to keep the life, the love and the fun going. If that’s not possible, pick another passion. ~se #HowMany #MonthsToSaveDyingEarth XOEarth.org Lovers of the Earth, Passions can help us thrive, or they can kill us. I hope my Earth passion and my Love passion do the…

  • EarthFire :: Fire the manager or owner at work if they won’t help you save Earth

    EarthFire :: Fire the manager or owner at work if they won’t help you save Earth

      It is crucial that we quit our jobs [EarthFire our employers] if the businesses where we work are not helping save our dying Earth, or not willing to start doing so. Therefore, EarthDare the owners, managers, staff and employees where you work if they are not already working hard to help stop the climate…

  • Go Vegan Please = Stop Animal Misery + Empower Your Body + Keep Nature Happy

    Go Vegan Please = Stop Animal Misery + Empower Your Body + Keep Nature Happy

    “I pump up my vegan brain with 750mg of algae derived omega-3 EPA and DHA every day. I also add ground flax seeds and nutritional yeast to up any meal at home or elsewhere that might need more omega-3-fatty-acid ALA, B vitamins and protein. Rocking the greens, beans, nuts, fruit, veggies, onions and mushrooms too.…

  • S6x Months to Save Earth :: Fight for [Your] Love. Fight for [Your] Life.

    S6x Months to Save Earth :: Fight for [Your] Love. Fight for [Your] Life.

      We may have six months to save our lovely+wild+fun+dying Earth. #S6x #MonthsToSaveEarth Millions of Earth lovers are taking big climate actions every day to help slow down and stop the climate monster heatwaves, floods, wildfires, extinction, wars and other mega disasters that hurt our Earth home. Some rad ways to join those Earth lovers…

  • John Muir XOEarth Award : Give Em to Your Eco Peeps : dedicated to the Sierra Club

    John Muir XOEarth Award : Give Em to Your Eco Peeps : dedicated to the Sierra Club

        In recognition of the Sierra Club’s priceless work in the protection of our biosphere, we are honored to unveil the Sierra Club commemorative XOEarth Awards – with John Muir and a Buffalo on them. We invite all lovers of our Earth’s biosphere to copy and share, or print and give, these Sierra Club…

  • Killing Me

    Killing Me

    Your abuse of fossil fuels is killing me. Please stop. I don’t want to die so soon. I am a human being that you know. #YourFossilFuelsAbuse is #KillingMe #S6x #MonthsToSaveEarth xoearth.org Please don’t kill me. Continuing to burn so many fossil fuels and buy so many unnecessary single use products are making the climate monsters…

  • ecofx : Estimate How Much Habitat in Square Meters is Saved by Not Buying a Product

    ecofx : Estimate How Much Habitat in Square Meters is Saved by Not Buying a Product

    Use ecofx to quickly estimate how much habitat potential in square meters is saved by not buying a specific product. Then when friends promise to not buy an Earth killing product you can honor them by doing the ecofx dance around an area equal to the habitat saved.

  • Give Stronger. Live Longer.

    Give Stronger. Live Longer.

    Make a single or a recurring donation via credit card or PayPal to keep our XOEarth projects, songwriters and media makers going. To make your contribution via Venmo, search for XOEarth in your Venmo app. You will see a picture of Stele with one of his XOEarth hats on. It will also say Stele Ely…

  • BlingBIKE :: Reflective Helmet and Bike :: Flag and Sticker Kits

    BlingBIKE :: Reflective Helmet and Bike :: Flag and Sticker Kits

    BlingBike :: Reflective Helmet Flags / Reflective Bike and Helmet Stickers / Head Light For Handlebars / Rack Extender / Other Things Check out these BlingBike reflective tips, and our other BlingBike products. More fun biking safe!! Reflective Helmet Flags [ziptie + r-tape] Make your own, or buy a BlingBike Reflective Helmet Flag kit from…

  • Environmental Awards + Environmental Money

    Environmental Awards + Environmental Money

    Give XOEarth Awards to honor friends, businesses, customers, employees and others for taking environmental actions to slow down the Climate Change Monsters – Hurricanes, Wildfires, Floods and Heatwaves. Feel free to copy and share, or print these XOEarth Awards, or, send us a self addressed stamped envelope and we will send 6 XOEarth Awards to…

  • XOEarth Honors : 140 Ways to Challenge and Cheer on People to Take Eco Logical Actions

    XOEarth Honors : 140 Ways to Challenge and Cheer on People to Take Eco Logical Actions

    Explore XOEarth Honors for some superb ways to thank your eco friends for helping save our exquisite planet – with art, songs, dance and bling that you make or find here at XOEarth.

  • NooPoo Paper and Bottle Bidet : Used Office Paper, Newspaper & A Water Squirter Vs Toilet Paper

    NooPoo Paper and Bottle Bidet : Used Office Paper, Newspaper & A Water Squirter Vs Toilet Paper

      Play >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NooPoo Paper .mp3 Here are four fine ways to stop using killer toilet paper and help save the forests, help save the forest animals, and help stop the climate change monsters that are killing our biosphere. Have fun cleaning your poopy bottom with these: 1] Various waste papers – called NooPoo Paper.…



    VegChees     Plant-Based Vegan Cheese Healthy :: Compassionate :: Ecological Just add a little water and/or your favorite oil to our Plant-Based Vegan Cheese mixes to get some of the yummiest vegan cheese ever for all of your cheesy needs. Turmeric Fire $34 / 3 cups Curry Ice $34 / 3 cups Jalapeno Wind…

  • EarthTrade

    Two ways to EarthTrade: Sell + Carbon OffsetWhen you sell something on Craigslist or by some other means, offer to give the buyer an eco discount if they write a Post on their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or some other social network about an eco action that they take that helps slow down climate change. This…

  • Kiss Your Gas Goodbye – cushy tushies need a cool climate

    Kiss Your Gas Goodbye – cushy tushies need a cool climate

    Play >> Kiss Your Gas Goodbye .mp3 kiss your gas goodbye to keep our buns having fun and save our behinds for a groovy grind to save a friend’s cute rear end burn less gasoline begs the rooty booty on you and me bubbly bottoms like nice weather but butts can’t strut in floods and…

  • Earth Not Guns : Kill Climate Change, Not People

    Earth Not Guns : Kill Climate Change, Not People

    : : Earth Not Guns : : Show young men how to kill climate change. Stop showing young men how to kill people. XOEarth.org/EarthWars #HowMany #MonthsToSaveEarth

  • Fish Award +Sierra Club +350.org =Honor Ur Peeps W This Cute Critter

    Fish Award +Sierra Club +350.org =Honor Ur Peeps W This Cute Critter

      Give Fish XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental…

  • Extinction or Rebellion : help us get the funner one

    Extinction or Rebellion : help us get the funner one

    We are facing an unprecedented global emergency. Life on Earth is in crisis: scientists agree we have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown, and we are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making. THE EMERGENCY The science is clear: It is understood that we are facing an unprecedented global emergency.…

  • Elephant Awards + LCV + NRDC = A Cool Tool To Honor Your Eco Peeps

    Elephant Awards + LCV + NRDC = A Cool Tool To Honor Your Eco Peeps

      Give Elephant XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental…

  • EarthBling > Tats + Tags + Style > Put It On Every Day

    EarthBling > Tats + Tags + Style > Put It On Every Day

      Wear or put on your EarthBling Style [clothing], Tag [necklace sign], Tat [temp tattoo], Flag [Earth Flag sash or cloak] or Hat [sign, pins] with Climate Action Messages to cheer on other peeps to help stop the monster heatwaves, floods, wildfires, storms, and civil unrest. #HowMany #MonthsToSaveEarth Some EarthBling that you can wear to…

  • XOEarth Man Ecological Music Show :: Science, Singalongs & Awards

    XOEarth Man Ecological Music Show :: Science, Singalongs & Awards

      XOEarth Man’s shows are all about eco logical songs, cool science, environmental awards, sing-alongs, and empowerment. Invite XOEarth Man to your party for more fun and to honor your friends, company, team, students, or kids for helping keep this exquisite planet alive. Send a message to XOEarth Man via the Contact page. PS: XOEarth…

  • Sustainability Cheerleader + Manager = 2 Cool Eco Jobs In 1

    Sustainability Cheerleader + Manager = 2 Cool Eco Jobs In 1

      Every business should have a Sustainability Cheerleader + Manager to help it take environmental actions that will help our Earth stay cool and livable [past 2035?]. If you would like a job that pays you to help slow down the Climate Change Monsters that are killing our biosphere, then a Sustainability Cheerleader + Manager…

  • Climate Killer + Psycho Killer / Talking Heads & David Byrne & XOES

    Climate Killer + Psycho Killer / Talking Heads & David Byrne & XOES

    XOEarth Radio by XOEarth Play >> Climate Killer + Psycho Killer .mp3 *Climate Killer* by XOEarth Stele is a parody of *Psycho Killer* by Talking Heads, David Byrne, Chris Frantz and Tina Weymouth. Our ailing planet could suffer a deadly ecological system[s] failure within three years – say some climate scientists. Help our planet stay…

  • Green Minute Rule : Give 13,308 Peeps Another Year To Live.

    Green Minute Rule : Give 13,308 Peeps Another Year To Live.

    Green Minute Rule: Delaying the demise of biosphere by 1 minute is like giving 13,308 people another year to live. Take action with me to postpone the possible die off of 90% of all life by 2035 on planet Earth

  • Erth Eros = Honor Your Eco Lover > Sweet Sex + Sweet Biosphere

    Erth Eros = Honor Your Eco Lover > Sweet Sex + Sweet Biosphere

    Romantic and sweet ways to honor a lover and yourself for saving the planet:: 1 > Take an eco action for the planet before you make love with your lover or with yourself.

  • WorldFace Awards + Greenpeace + PETA : Honor your eco peeps now

    WorldFace Awards + Greenpeace + PETA : Honor your eco peeps now

    Give WorldFace XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental actions…

  • Cars Make Baby Sneeze

    Cars Make Baby Sneeze

    Play >> Cars Make Baby Sneeze .mp3   put to sleep my car, a cup of sand set it free cuz baby likes sweet air, cars make baby sneeze so I walk and dance, bus and bike around cuz baby likes blue sky, no hurricanes spinning round it’s not just the traffic jams, insurance, license,…

  • Gibbon Award : Copy and Give to Your Earth Warriors

    Gibbon Award : Copy and Give to Your Earth Warriors

    Give Gibbon XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these Gibbon XOEarth Awards that have been dedicated to: + The Gibbon – all species endangered or threatened with extinction +…

  • Bird Award + Earth Justice + PETA : Give These To Kind Peeps And Kind Businesses

    Bird Award + Earth Justice + PETA : Give These To Kind Peeps And Kind Businesses

    Give Bird XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental actions…

  • XOEarth Citizens Accord

    XOEarth Citizens Accord

    The XOEarth Citizens Accord is a call to 1 billion EarthLovers and businesses to score for the planet each month in the dimensions of Team, Art, Logic and Love. Print or Save Your XOECA HERE. XOEarth Citizens Accord EarthLovers for the Planet, for Life, for Peace a global eco+climate pledge + seeking 1 billion signers…

  • Team : Staff, Sponsors and Contributors

    Team : Staff, Sponsors and Contributors

    To join our team by participating, tell us what you would like to do via our Contact us page or check out the Opps page for some of the positions we have. To join our team financially, go to the our Donate page. Stele Ely :: founder / songwriter / climate change educator :: His…

  • Dolphin Award +Peta +Greenpeace : Cheer On Your Peeps & Biz For Lov’n The  Climate

    Dolphin Award +Peta +Greenpeace : Cheer On Your Peeps & Biz For Lov’n The Climate

    Give Dolphin XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental actions…

  • Orangutan


    Give Orangutan XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental actions…

  • School of Song and Arts [with tons of Science]

    School of Song and Arts [with tons of Science]

    The XOEarth School of Song and Arts is a place – both in person and via live video – for youngsters, grownups, musicians and non-musicians to explore, create and record music, make art and produce videos that will help save our biosphere, humankind and other lifeforms. Attending a tutoring session or class may be done…

  • Awards Mix

    Awards Mix

    Copy and share, or print and give, these XOEarth Awards to your friends and others to thank them for their eco logical actions. ~~~~ XOEarth Awards and the Species, People and Organizations that they have dedicated to • Polar Bear + NRDC • Jane Goodall • Gibbon + Carbonfund.org • Buffalo + Sierra Club •…

  • XOEArt :: Rep Eco Art for a Different Friend or Wild Animal Everyday

    XOEArt :: Rep Eco Art for a Different Friend or Wild Animal Everyday

    Every day, Dedicate your XOEArt and your Environmental Actions to a different Friend, Animal, Species or Place. Every day, Celebrate that You are helping keep the Climate Change Hurricanes, Wildfires, Floods, Heatwaves and Droughts away from the Friend that you are dedicating your Environmental Actions to. Realize, that Every environmental action that you take helps…

  • EarthFast : Gonna do an Earth Fast, yes I am!! [Goal BMI 20]

    EarthFast : Gonna do an Earth Fast, yes I am!! [Goal BMI 20]

    Hello Earth Peeps, Gonna do an EarthFast, yes I am!! I have decided to try and do a food fast for part of every day to help this awesome Earth get cooler again. I want to help slow down those pesky Climate Monster wildfires, heatwaves, floods and hurricanes that are killing our sweet+rad+failing biosphere. Eating…

  • Love On The ClothesLine [and Clothes Rack] : Passionate Eco Laundry Drying All Year Long

    Love On The ClothesLine [and Clothes Rack] : Passionate Eco Laundry Drying All Year Long

      Play >> Love On The Clothesline .mp3     baby likes fresh air and periwinkle skies so I dry them knickers and skirts on a clothesline baby smiles on laundry day, mighty fine so I put my love on the line it takes several power plants to dry America’s clothes, polluting air, land, water…

  • Eco Sexy Award : A Girl & A Guy : Sweet Somethings For Your Eco Peeps

    Eco Sexy Award : A Girl & A Guy : Sweet Somethings For Your Eco Peeps

    Give Eco Sexy Man and Woman XOEarth Awards to peeps, biz and others to honor their environmental actions and completed eco challenges.

  • XOEList : Your List of Fave People & Animals That Have More Fun Because You Fight The Climate Change Monsters

    An XOEList is your list + calendar of favorite people and animals that you promise to help save by taking environmental actions to fight the Climate Change Monsters – Hurricanes, Wildfires, Floods, Heatwaves and Droughts. Once you have made your XOEList + calendar, check it every day to see who is next on the list.…

  • *We Have To Stop The Fire* pq Billy Joel by Stele

    *We Have To Stop The Fire* pq Billy Joel by Stele

      Play >> We Have To Stop The Fire .mp3 bicycles, clotheslines, compost, gardens.. run through the sprinkler, shower with a friend renewable energy, solar panels, piezoelectric, wind turbines riff yellow let it mellow, low-flow showerheads eco hug, eco kiss, eco friends drip irrigation, xeriscape native plants, gray water irrigate c: we have to stop…

  • PEACE :: Manifest Global Peace and Climate Peace with Your Team

    PEACE :: Manifest Global Peace and Climate Peace with Your Team

    The most enduring peace and love will only be achieved when we are willing to be warriors in the fight to save our dying Earth. By connecting people to a shared vision to protect our planet we can all help prevent conflict and unite citizens at local and global levels. So please kindly call on…

You decide if 75,000 square meters [18.5 acres/ 18.5 football fields/ 7.5 hectares] of habitat thrives or dies every year

Your career choice, your consumer choices, the organizations that you volunteer with and donate to, and the climate actions that you take. Will your 75,000 square meters of habitat potential thrive or die this year.


+ Facebook
+ Twitter
+ Contact
+ Newsletter
+ Volunteer
+ Team
+ About

EarthLover, Dedicate 44%* of Your Time + 44%* of Your Money to Save Your Fun+Rad+Crying Earth

Dedicate 44%* of your Time [19.4 hours/week] + 44%* of your Money [net income or apropos assets] to any teams+projects that are working hard to cool down the climate change monsters that are hurting me, your charming+wild+burning planet Earth.


Every day, put on your climate action Tags [necklace signs/lanyard tags], Tattoo [temp], Earth Flag [sash/ cloak], Hat and other Earth Bling that calls on others to help stop the Climate Change Monsters – Wildfires, Floods, Heatwaves and Hurricanes. Hug Blue. Kiss Green. [more]

EARTHDARE: Dare 14 People a Day to Take a Big Climate Action + Give Them a Cool Thing for a Promise

Dare or challenge 14 people every day to take one of the Big Climate Actions that you suggest. EarthDare face-to-face in businesses, in governments and in public spaces, and via phone, social media, email or mail. EarthDare the owners and others where you work if they are not helping stop the climate change monsters.

animals bikes biosphere body brain cars climate co2 death ecology energy environmental ethics farming food fun ice lifestyles magic money ocean organic parody passion permaculture psych sustainability talks toxins trees vegan water weird whales wildfires

** ecofx **

Find out how much habitat [in meters or feet] and biomass [kg or lbs] is saved by not buying a product. For example, saving 1 gallon of gasoline saves 8 square meters of habitat somewhere in the world for 1 year. [more]


+ Carbon Offset
+ Ecofx
+ Our Projects
+ School of Song and Arts
+ Shows : Live and Live Video
+ Sitemap
+ Street Songs
+ Win $444 & Stuff
+ XOEarth Man
+ XOEarth Songs

Climate Warriors.

Check out our short list of big ways that you Climate Warriors can stop the Climate Change Monsters that want to hurt the people, critters and places that you love. One of those ways is stopping people from the feeding the gasoline, electricity, jetfuel or other fossil fuel products to those monsters – because, duh – that stuff is making them meaner every month. We also have links to some of our fave Climate Warriors there that you can team up with, including those at SierraClub.org, 350.org, NRDC.org, EDF.org, Greenpeace.org, Extinction Rebellion, Climate Reality Project and CarbonFund.org. [See you there.]


+ S. G. Fernandez :
sponsor / networking
+ Chip Bodo :
sponsor / concept / SDG
+ Sandy Altland :
+ Mike Wells :
+ Brian H. :
+ Jerry Coopre :
sponsor / ideas
+ NSP Code :
software / Advanced Post Types Order
+ E. Katsiyiannis Family :
sponsor / networking
+ Isabel Melvon :
sponsor / friend
+ J Wiercinski :
+ Paul Siegler :
sponsor / editor
+ Luke Comer :
investor / concept dev
+ L. Kaptein :
+ Reg Saner :
sponsor / ideas / bicycle parts
+ Kelvin Velo :
sponsor / consult
+ Your Name Here :
Sponsor us to be here now. ;^D
+ Stele Ely :
founder / writer
+ Drew Pelton :
+ Dave Weil :
sponsor / consult

Perks : Write, sing, make art or vids to win stuff+$

Post on Facebook about a climate action you take to save our biosphere, a person, or a species. It can be a story, poem, video, song, story or art. Tag your post with @XOEarth. Everybody gets a chance to win $4 to $444 to $4,444 and cool stuff. Guaranteed to win a better planet. [more]

EarthLover Game.

An exciting real life and fun eco game that you can play to help save planet Earth. Track and log your EarthLover number or score every week, day or hour. Play the EarthLover Game solo or team up with others. Dedicate your time+money to increase your numbers+scores. [more]


Stele Ely and the XOEarth Team promise to make your dollars work hard to slow down climate change and protect our biosphere’s air, water and soil – so that you, your friends and other lifeforms can have more fun. [more]