Give Humpback Whale XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these Humpback Whale XOEarth Awards that have been dedicated to the Humpback Whale and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society []. ~~~~…
Play >> Hearts And Hands .mp3 come hearts and hands in cooperation for life and planet harmonization for community and family crystalliz-ation for all creatures’ jubilation come hearts and .hands .in co-oper-ation d g a d to stop profit focused. abomin-ations em a to stop .ecological. evisceration d g bm to stop materialistic. retard-ation g…
Give Praying Mantis XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental…
Caw, Purr, Chirp, Hiss and Ribbit, Every threatened species on our planet deserves a rad song that calls on humans to live more sustainably so that these threatened species can keep having fun on this planet too. So help protect your favorite threatened species by co-writing or sponsoring an environmental song and video with XOEarth…
Play >>>>>>>> Pant Leg Up .mp3 your right calf, it was looking so fine that grease tat made me smile, it’s just like mine pant leg up, pedal pusher style pant leg up, wanna sike (bike/cycle) some miles? showing some love, your earthy wing showing some love, sooo eco sweet so let’s roll em up…
Here are some of’s direct action and volunteer opportunities for citizens and students who are looking for excellent ways to help our priceless planet. + Join our EarthDare direct actions in person with us or in your area on your own or with others. Sometimes we will have a scheduled livestream so we can…
Give World Climate Action Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these World Climate Action Awards that have been dedicated to our Biosphere, and This World’s Biosphere…
Eat, work, play, donate, travel and live ecologically to stop the monster floods that are jacked on climate change – purty please! Bigger and record floods keep happening around the world. Here is a little retrospect on the Boulder flood that took a few months out of my life. ~~~~ Via the Huffington Post [HuffPost]…
For this Everybody Wants To Rule Cool The World parody, multiple species will be substituted for everybody/froggy. If any species to survive, we must stop global warming and climate change.
XO Earth is kindly calling on all humans to give their love to the planet with their environmental choices and actions in order to experience the most magical love, passion, balance and happiness in their lives. Even though some people may feel they don’t have the time, resources or patience to give love to…
Give Mandrill XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government officials, friends, businesses, customers, volunteers and employees to thank them for their environmental actions…
To all you Earth Warrior Bikers out there, Thanks for helping extend the life of our planet by biking and therefore burning less gasoline. GASOLINE (1 gallon) = 10 kilograms CO2 = 8 meters squared of habitat = 24 kilograms of life. Check out for the science. For more biking songs and lyrics listen…
When I find my Earth in climate trouble, Mother Nature comes to me Plant the seeds of wisdom, lettuce seed And in this hour of hotness, she can cool the ground[soil] in front of me C G Am Fmaj7 F6 Plant the seeds of wisdom, lettuce seed C G F C/E Dm C Am C/G…
Give Polar Bear + NRDC XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their environmental actions – either previous or pledged. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these Polar Bear XOEarth Awards that have been dedicated to the Polar Bear and the NRDC.…
Play >> Wolverine Dreams .mp3 one wolverine dreams of slow voles, and dead things to savor tummy yummies drink waters so pristine with no lead or mercury that dirty coal is history my wild self is howling to help her dreams come true gonna conserve electricity at home and work too (optional: her wild love…
Whether you are an Earth Warrior cheering on your friends to take environmental actions, or you are working on a communications project for an Environmental Organization, my quick pro bono XOEarth Public Relations [XOEPR] perspectives can help you refine key motivating elements — Passion, Wit, Intrigue, Ego and Survival — within your projects and messages.…
We saved paradise, tore out another parking lot, Planted pink potatoes, a fruit tree and a swing dance spot … Or maybe :: They paved paradise, put up 3 million parking lots 2 million hotels, 9 million boutiques and a million hot spots To go extinct or not to go I’m not buying from the…
*Sprocket Mom* by Stele via Elton John and Bernie Taupin Songwriters and musicians, co-write and record *Sprocket Mom* with XOEarth Stele pq. It is a parody of *Rocket Man*by Elton John and Bernie Taupin. There are one or more lyric line ideas under the chord sequences. Em7 A Asus4 [capo 3rd fret] He packed my…
Share Your Eco Story > Slow Climate Change > Win A Totally Rad XOEarth Cape And More
Play >> To Bee .mp3 To Bee / stele cX (thanks Angela)/ Allman Brothers honey conjured for their babies pollen fetched for the queen rousing flowers with their kisses buzzing tunes on crystal wings to bee or not to be, sings sweet Melissa ohhh pesticides (they do) sting far more than any bee to poison…
In recognition of the Jane Goodall Institute’s and founder Jane Goodall’s crucial work in the protection of our biosphere, we are honored to unveil the Jane Goodall commemorative XOEarth Awards. We invite all lovers of our Earth’s biosphere to copy and share, or print and give, the Jane Goodall commemorative XOEarth Awards to your government…
Play >> It’s Too Hot .mp3 2 million years we were in love earthly sweethearts homo sapiens was brand new we took your gifts but traveled light living simply, for the life i remember when we turned away pollution, poisons, drills and waste can’t imagine that this love is through feeling the pain, world…
Give Cougar XOEarth Awards to eco friends and others to thank them for their past or pledged environmental actions. Lovers of our Earth’s biosphere are invited to copy and share, or print and give, these Cougar XOEarth Awards that have been dedicated to the Cougar, 350 Colorado [] and ~~~~ With its vast range…
Play >> Passion Tree .mp3 From sapling, water, poo and pee, I will be your passion tree. I live to protect one you love from hurricane, drought and flood. ~~ touch my .bright green .leaves not .high /c dm7 em c although a sapling .tree, .but I /dm7 c dm7 live to .give to .one…
STELE ELY 3465 Stanford, Boulder, CO 80305 <> 720.340.8080 <> Greetings Hiring Manager, I would like to work for your fine company in these capacities :: 1] Sales, Marketing or PR Associate. 2] Sustainability Coordinator and Motivator. [Contract and tiny project work is fine.] Qualifications that I hope will be of benefit…
Solar cookers and ovens are a super crucial way to help save some kids and critters of the future. Make one for $20 with our DIY instructions. They get hot so the planet stays cool by burning less fossil fuels. Whether you use a simple cardboard box lined with aluminum foil tape, foil covered bubble…
We may have one year to save Earth’s exquisite biosphere. #1YearToSaveEarth Update:: 1 year to save Earth may not be accurate. Feel free to read the “Months To Save Earth” post. So that 45% of all life will NOT die by 2025, I hope you will, right now, join me, Stele Ely, and thousands…
Our VOX, Honors, ECOFX, ErthEros, XOEarthWorks, My Carbon Tax, Perks, Citizen Accord, Biosphera projects help stop the climate change monsters – mega floods, fires, hurricanes, heatwaves, and other killer climate disasters – so we can all have more fun.
Play >> SuperReduce ReuseRepair RecycleLidocious .mp3 “super reduce reuse repair recycle li dociaous” it’s so rad the sound of it is something quite ecocious do and say it loud enough, our earth may not disown us super-reduce-reuse-repair-recycle-li-dociaous green giddle giddle giddle, green giddle ay. (2x) c g b) my .biosphere called me speak, when I…
Do the XOEarth Honors Jump, Dance, Kiss, EHand sign, Handshake, Hug, Cartwheel and Bellywave to honor friends and others for their eco actions. ::::::::::::::::::::The XOEarth Honors Dance is any dance in any style that is done for a friend or with a friend to honor an eco action they have taken, or promise to take,…
Play> *Set The Water People Free .mp3* Set The Water People Free honors all of those who are helping protect the whales, sharks, tuna, toothfish, dolphins and many other ocean species. This song is especially those who are on the open seas such as the Sea Shepherd crew. The Sea Shepherd pirates have put their…
Play >> It’s Too Darn Hot .mp3.. it’s too darn hot, it’s too darn hot I’d like to sup, with my baby tonight refill the cup, with my baby tonight one-hundred-twenty in fahrenheit it’s the year 2 thousand and 29 deep fried is my baby tonight cause it’s too darn hot it’s too darn…
Money is my gun in this war, but Can we still be friends? [Todd Rundgren /stele parody] I can’t stop, I buy more and more, but Can we still be friends? D C G D G 1,3 Em G Em D 2,4 D C Bm7 I see my fires kill and burn D Am7 D…
:: environmental impact of fruits/ vegetables (Compared to beef, chicken/ fish/ eggs and dairy products.) Estimated carbon footprint, loss of natural habitat potential for one year, loss of plant and animal life potential for one year, and extinction potential, from making, packaging, shipping and/or using these products or services. ———– + Except for CO2 emissions,…
To kill the fart factor in beans, add baking soda to the beans while cooking, after cooking or when soaking the beans once (or twice). Beans are friggen awesome for our bodies and our planet. However, a lot of folks won’t eat beans because poorly cooked beans can be hard to digest and make too…
Yee lovers of the Earth, Each time you take an environmental action, take an [invisible] blue butterfly or a little green tiger out of your pocket, and set it free. If it is a blue butterfly, envision it flying off to a specific ocean, lake or river somewhere in the world. Envision that butterfly showing…
I saw forests of green, clean oceans too I saw flowers bloom for me and you And I think to myself it was a wonderful world we bought cars that spew and rode jets that bite bought junk by day, burned [big] lights at night so the hot burning day, killed half the life (so…
We have put plain fleece blankets around our refrigerator and it really helps. We used magnets to make them stay a little closer. Refrigerator insulation on old and new fridges rock. For more life, Stele #1YearToSaveEarth Creatives, we need songs, art and words about putting blankets or other insulation around old and new fridges to…
Play >> Greenin Groovy .mp3 Slow down, you drive too fast. We’ve got to make the planet/climate last. Just pedaling down the cobble stones, wheelies for fun and bike’n groovy Hello sprockets bet ya knowin, you keep my juicy juices flowing and make the air sweet for me. no co2, bike’n groovy bike-a-logical, eco-logicool…
Songwriters and musicians, co-write and record *Garden Feelin Love* with XOEarth Stele pq. It is a parody of *Garden Feelin Love *by Paula Cole. Fans, sponsor us to record this eco song at G C G Eb F Eb G Love, love G Permaculture girl makes me feel my sticky pistils… You make me…
This page has three fun+crucial+rad climate pledges to choose from. They are the XOEarth Honors Pledge, the XOEarth VOX Pledge and the XOEarth Citizens Accord. Take all three pledges to save our superb+wild+dying planet Earth! The XOEarth Honors Pledge ~~~~ XOEarth Honors Pledge ~~~~ “As a lover and defender of this exquisite biosphere, I pledge…
Listen to our environmental parodies via our Environmental Songs page. You’ll find our fave environmental parodies mixed in with our originals and other songs on that page. Click here to do a “parodies” search to find even more of our environmental parodies. However, this search for “parody” includes our unrecorded, weird, unfinished or silly environmental…
Play >> BirthDay EarthDay .mp3 hey it’s your birthday so it kinda feels like earthday cuz you do those awesome things for our sweet earth and that brings us so much mirth so we wanna sing this planet tune for you because it’s cool you eco rule hey it’s your birthday so it kinda…
Play >> Rinse It Out .mp3 can you hear the turtles shout rinse it out, rinse it out can you help those little turtles out rinse it out, don’t throw it out you know all the energy that goes in those bottles and bags you can help out a turtle far away if you…
Here are some fun interviews from some eco beans [beings]. Doctor Joel talks about the power of nutritional yeast in a vegan diet and the thymus that helps manifest t-cells for the immune system. In our talk at Ozo Coffee we talk about the protein and nutrients in nutritional yeast, and how it benefits the…
Play >> Sweet Green Grass.mp3. I think somewhere is sweet green grass /bm e and fresh air I smell in my dreams /bm f#m7 though I have only known this stinking lot /bm e at this glooomy animal factory /bm f#m7 even if I am a daft little cow /em7 d I really wanna romp…
Play> WalkTheTalk.mp3 by stele c10 walk the talk /a bm c#m on my journey from here to there /e d guided by heart(love) and ecology /e a for all the life on land, in sea and air / e d I go mindfully / c d a, cda
*XOEarth Environmental Awards Show, Eco Music And Videos* with XOEarth Man and Friends XOEarth Shows are live performances or live videos with upbeat environmental songs, XOEarth Environmental Awards and ecological super heros. This XOEarth Eco Awards show is mc’d by Stele Ely, aka XOEarth Man, and is available for performances at schools, businesses and special…
BAR SOAP ROPE I use a Bar Soap Rope to dry out my bar soap between showers or baths, and to slow down the crazy flood of single-use plastic junk. The Bar Soap Rope also makes the bar soap easier to hold on to while bathing. Plus, the ‘rope’ around the soap can also be…
Here are some of our improv street songs by XOEarth Man and friends. Share em with peeps and musicians. [If you don’t find an environmental song that you recorded with XOEarth Man, post a comment below or ask for your song on XOEarth Facebook.] Play >> Love You Again .mp3 Our atoms and molecules…
belly waves for the planet if you can do it do it darn it belly waves for the planet to thank everybody for their eco actions right now [writers and musicians : help write or record this song] you know I got a friend who loves me so everytime a person does something that helps…
Play >> We Will Love Again .mp3. When we die our atoms and molecules will be recycled and bioaccumulate in various amazing lifeforms around the planet again and again. Surely some amazing and exciting experiences await us as parts of these future lifeforms and even future humans – if we save our biosphere. Might…
Play >> The Earth Is Our Mother .mp3 her forests send her love to me, with every breath i take the earth is our mother, i (ride my bike)(live simply)(volunteer) for her her rivers share her love with me, with every drink i take the earth is our mother i volunteer for her her…
The FEST BIG CLIMATE ACTION mission will be to honor Festians who are taking or who pledge to take Big Climate Actions to reduce the chance of a 50% collapse of our exquisite biosphere by 2025. [more]
Play >> Reject And Protect .mp3 Keep us the fight to keep this from killing our biosphere and us!!! reject the Keystone XL, toxins, ruin, stupidity protect our farms, food, jokes, sanity reject the destruction, gluttony, greed protect lovers, giggles, games, family reject waste, consumerism, disposables protect our planet, climate, water, soils reject and…
Play >> 5 Cigarettes .mp3 I will smoke 5 cigarettes today rather than eating 1 chicken egg harvard nurses health and other studies say its about as bad for my body either way so if I must choose hurting me, or hurting me and a chickie /f(6) g(8) I will smoke 5 cigarettes .today…
Play >> Homie Water .mp3 soggy clouds please squeeze up there come into our water faucets if you care share your droplets pure and free homie waters for my sweet baby our passion drinks your crystal gift then rush through our hearts to be turned into ten thousand kisses local rain for my sweet baby…
Play these XOEarth Environmental Games to save our sweet+rad+dying planet home. ecofxIn the ecofx game, a player does a victory dance when another player [or a friend] takes an environmental action that helps save our biosphere. The victory dance can be done around the approximate area on the ground that represents the area of…
Play >> Mama Sweet Mama .mp3 happy mothers day mothers mama sweet mama am my hearts just got to say mama sweet mama you made this journey possible from your body you gave me mine from your hands a home so fine from your love a world sublime life lessons to .learn .nighty nights…
Play >> Under The Rainbow .mp3 right here under the rainbow way down lowhere’s a land we can make as sweet as a wild rose. /lovers glow. right here under the rainbow smogfree and blueeco dreams that we dare to scheme really can come true each day we kiss and give green stars /Gwhen…
Play >> Speculator Tax .mp3 an itsy bitsy, you banker cats it’s less than point 1 percent, the speculator tax to help the people and our planet we ask please pay the speculator tax stock and currency exchange markets a c(fret 5+EBe) e trade trillions every day a c(fret 5+EBe) e untaxed transactions to wit…
Play >> Hexed With Hals Neurosis .mp3 In 1987 a lone astronomist discovered a planet with high concentrations of gold buried just under its surface in various locations. This information was kept secret from the public by the Gureid Corp. So the HAL computer had been programmed to replicate bionic life from a mathematical…
Play >> Home Om .mp3 home, around the sun she fly-ah om magic waters, rocks and skyah home, 2 million species love the ride-ah /ome archaea protista, bryophytes bacteria tracheophytes parazoa, fungi eumetazoa home, 4 trillion .tons of biota ly-fi D G om magic plants, animals, .crobes-mi A D home, 2 million ways to…
by Susan Werner (song and video) skies of blue and fields of green water full of atrazine hundred acres to explore acres full of alaclore hey hey ho ho mom and dad how could they know ho ho hey hey herbicides done made me gay when I was a tiny tot 2. 4. D and…
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Dedicate 44%* of your Time [19.4 hours/week] + 44%* of your Money [net income or apropos assets] to any teams+projects that are working hard to cool down the climate change monsters that are hurting me, your charming+wild+burning planet Earth.
Every day, put on your climate action Tags [necklace signs/lanyard tags], Tattoo [temp], Earth Flag [sash/ cloak], Hat and other Earth Bling that calls on others to help stop the Climate Change Monsters – Wildfires, Floods, Heatwaves and Hurricanes. Hug Blue. Kiss Green. [more]
Dare or challenge 14 people every day to take one of the Big Climate Actions that you suggest. EarthDare face-to-face in businesses, in governments and in public spaces, and via phone, social media, email or mail. EarthDare the owners and others where you work if they are not helping stop the climate change monsters.
animals bikes biosphere body brain cars climate co2 death ecology energy environmental ethics farming food fun ice lifestyles magic money ocean organic parody passion permaculture psych sustainability talks toxins trees vegan water weird whales wildfires
Find out how much habitat [in meters or feet] and biomass [kg or lbs] is saved by not buying a product. For example, saving 1 gallon of gasoline saves 8 square meters of habitat somewhere in the world for 1 year. [more]
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Check out our short list of big ways that you Climate Warriors can stop the Climate Change Monsters that want to hurt the people, critters and places that you love. One of those ways is stopping people from the feeding the gasoline, electricity, jetfuel or other fossil fuel products to those monsters – because, duh – that stuff is making them meaner every month. We also have links to some of our fave Climate Warriors there that you can team up with, including those at,,,,, Extinction Rebellion, Climate Reality Project and [See you there.]
+ S. G. Fernandez :
sponsor / networking
+ Chip Bodo :
sponsor / concept / SDG
+ Sandy Altland :
+ Mike Wells :
+ Brian H. :
+ Jerry Coopre :
sponsor / ideas
+ NSP Code :
software / Advanced Post Types Order
+ E. Katsiyiannis Family :
sponsor / networking
+ Isabel Melvon :
sponsor / friend
+ J Wiercinski :
+ Paul Siegler :
sponsor / editor
+ Luke Comer :
investor / concept dev
+ L. Kaptein :
+ Reg Saner :
sponsor / ideas / bicycle parts
+ Kelvin Velo :
sponsor / consult
+ Your Name Here :
Sponsor us to be here now. ;^D
+ Stele Ely :
founder / writer
+ Drew Pelton :
+ Dave Weil :
sponsor / consult
Post on Facebook about a climate action you take to save our biosphere, a person, or a species. It can be a story, poem, video, song, story or art. Tag your post with @XOEarth. Everybody gets a chance to win $4 to $444 to $4,444 and cool stuff. Guaranteed to win a better planet. [more]
An exciting real life and fun eco game that you can play to help save planet Earth. Track and log your EarthLover number or score every week, day or hour. Play the EarthLover Game solo or team up with others. Dedicate your time+money to increase your numbers+scores. [more]
Stele Ely and the XOEarth Team promise to make your dollars work hard to slow down climate change and protect our biosphere’s air, water and soil – so that you, your friends and other lifeforms can have more fun. [more]